This year’s Scientific Report is themed Advancing cancer care through transformative team science. It celebrates VHIO’s model of multidisciplinary and translational research, our participation in consortia and projects with other prestigious cancer centers around the world, and belief that advancing cancer care as rapidly as possible is only achievable through teamwork, spurred by our various groups who work in close connectivity as well as through partnerships of excellence across borders.
Scientific Report 2022: a handful of highlights
We kindly invite you to browse our various programs and group pages, as well as other features and sections including:
- Opening triple page spread.
The AT A GLANCE 2022 fold-out section in print includes key facts and quick stats to provide a snapshot of our activities, programs and achievements in 2022.
- Our Director’s Foreword (pages 4-15).
Highlighted throughout, VHIO’s Director Josep Tabernero has hand-picked a few of the many VHIO studies and developments that made headlines in 2022. In partnership with many other leading research centers and groups, both nationally and internationally, our teams and talents published 412 scientific articles in leading journals as corresponding, senior or co-authors.
For a full listing of these contributions please see pages 156-181.
- INTRODUCING VHIO > Who we are and what we do > A little more on how we did it in 2022.
To discover much more about us, our activities, and many more highlights this year we invite you to browse these front half sub-sections, pages 16-47.
- VHIO’s Institutional Programs (pages 126-129).
Supported by three of VHIO’s Institutional Supporters and Patrons, our trio of Institutional Programs, the Fundación FERO Institutional Advanced Molecular Diagnostics Program (DIAMAV), CaixaResearch Advanced Oncology Research Program, and Fundación BBVA Comprehensive Program of Cancer Immunotherapy and Immunology (CAIMI), further enable us to make important progress in advancing precision medicine in oncology.
As advanced in last year’s report, VHIO received Excelencia Severo Ochoa accreditation in 2021, and is now recognized as a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (2022- 2026). This fourth Institutional Program at VHIO further strengthens our various research programs and teams in driving important advances against cancer.
In addition to these programs, as well as the tremendous support we receive from our other two Institutional Supporters and Patrons, Generalitat de Catalunya and Fundació Privada CELLEX (pages 17, 18), VHIO was awarded by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer – AECC, another longstanding supporter of several of our groups and investigators
Announced at the end of December 2022, and set to launch as our fifth Institutional Program, our Institute has been awarded by AECC’s Excellence Program – Advanced Therapies Accelerator Program. We aim to establish VHIO as an international reference in the rapidly emerging field of gene and cellular therapies.
In addition to all of these programs, 2022 celebrated the creation of a new platform: UNIQUE – UNderstanding cancer through sIngle cell sequencing. Supported by the ”la Caixa” Foundation this platform represents a valuable tool that will help our investigators to generate insights into complex biological processes (including intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity), through state-of-the-art single cell sequencing technologies.
As also highlighted by Josep Tabernero in his Foreword, the untimely passing of José Baselga, VHIO’s first and Founding Director and Founder and late Honorary President of the Fundación FERO, who died at the age of 61 on March 21, 2021, continues to represent an unfillable void in cancer research treatment and care.
We continue to honor José’s incredible legacy, and in 2022 announced the launch of the VHIO – AstraZeneca José Baselga Innovative Disruption (J-BID) Program, in collaboration with his family. Initiated this year, the main objectives of this program are to spur the development of pioneering preclinical and translational research projects, attract and retain research talents, and support young investigators in Spain.
VHIO can and will only continue to deliver on its goal of accelerating the pace in advancing personalized and targeted therapies against cancer thanks to the public funding it receives as well as the generous support from our Institutional Supporters and Patrons (pages 17-21), private institutions, companies, associations, societies, and individual donors. As a direct reflection of VHIO’s research of excellence, we also continue to secure essential funding through several International and National Competitive Grants.
We express our immense gratitude to all VHIO supporters, funding entities and agencies. For a listing of our current supporters and funding sources please turn to pages 182-184. For new funding and projects in 2022, please refer to pages 201-210.
Our 2022 Scientific Report is now available in the following formats:
The ‘light’ version in print as a downloadable PDF file, and an extended microsite and mobile friendly version online at: https://vhio.net/annual-scientific-report/