Biosketch Anna Pedrola

Anna Pedrola
Current position
Academic Qualifications
  • 2019 – Master’s in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain.
  • 2017 – Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain.
Research Areas
  • Standardization of clinical data under the OMOP (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership) model.
  • Advanced visualization of clinical, genomic, and other ‘omics’ data through platforms such as cBioPortal.
  • Integration of databases and platforms to ensure efficient and centralized information management.
  • Development of customized electronic case report forms (eCRF) in REDCap for research data capture and management.
  • Implementation of ETL processes for automating data transfer between diverse sources in research environments.
  • Research in Artificial Intelligence for automated structuring of unstructured data.
  • Development of customized applications for patient and sample tracking in clinical trials, as well as tailored solutions for research projects.
  • SYNTHIA: Synthetic Data Generation Framework for Integrated Validation of Use Cases and AI Healthcare Applications. Funded by the European Commission. 01/09/2024-31/08/2029. PI: Rodrigo Dienstmann.
  • CCE_DART: Building Data Rich Clinical Trials. CCE_DART is an innovative EU- funded project dedicated to deliver novel methods for the design and implementation of newer, more efficient and effective clinical trials in oncology.
  • Cancer Core Europe: Seven Leading Cancer Centres Improve Cancer Health in Europe.
  • Historia clínica Inteligente: Transformando Notas Clínicas en Datos Estructurado.
  • AI4Lungs: AI-Based Personalised Care for Respiratory Disease using Multi-Modal Data in Patient Stratification
  • EUCANCan: a federated network of aligned and interoperable infrastructures for the homogeneous analysis, management and sharing of genomic oncology data for Personalized Medicine.
  • UpSMART Accelerator Management Team – SMART Experimental Cancer Medicine Trials eNABLED.
  • American Association for Cancer Research’s (AACR) Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange (GENIE) project.
Scientific Publications
  • Pedrola A, Franch-Expósito S, Lahoz S, Esteban-Fabró R, Dienstmann R, Bassaganyas L, et al. PCIG: a web-based application to explore immune-genomics interactions across cancer types. Bioinformatics. 2022 Apr 15;38(8):2374–2376.
  • Matos I, Villacampa G, Hierro C, Martin-Liberal J, Berché R, Pedrola A, et al. Phase I prognostic online (PIPO): A web tool to improve patient selection for oncology early phase clinical trials. Eur J Cancer. 2021 Sep;155:168–78.
  • Cedres, S., Assaf, J. D., Iranzo, P., Callejo, A., Pardo, N., Navarro, A., Martinez-Marti, A., Marmolejo, D., Rezqallah, A., Carbonell, C., Frigola, J., Amat, R., Pedrola, A., Dienstmann, R., & Felip, E. (2021). Efficacy of chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma according to histology in a real-world cohort. Scientific reports, 11(1), 21357.
  • Mirallas, O., Martin-Cullell, B., Navarro, V., Vega, K.S., Recuero-Borau, J., Gómez- Puerto, D., López-Valbuena, D., de Torres, C.S., Andurell, L., Pedrola, A. and Berché, R., 2024. Development of a prognostic model to predict 90-day mortality in hospitalised cancer patients (PROMISE tool): a prospective observational study. The Lancet Regional Health–Europe.
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