
Josep Tabernero
VHIO’s Director

Enriqueta Felip
Codirector of Clinical Research program and Group Leader of Thoracic Tumors & Head and Neck Cancer Group

Elena Garralda
Codirector of Clinical Research Program and Director of Research Unit for Molecular Therapy of Cancer (UITM)- CaixaResearch

Paolo G. Nuciforo
Group Leader of Molecular Oncology Group

Joan Seoane
Codirector of Preclinical and Traslational Research and and Group Leader of Gene Expression and Cancer Group

Laura Soucek
Codirector of Preclinical and Traslational Research and Group Leader of Models of Cancer Therapies Group

Marcos Malumbres
Group Leader of Cancer Cell Cycle Group
Non-voting members

Carles Constante
Managing Director

Alejandro Piris
Chief Scientific Officer

Javier Carmona
Scientific Strategy Officer
In general terms the Internal Scientific Committee is responsible for coordination and strategic planning of research and knowledge transfer of the institute, driving the research programs, monitoring and coordination of the execution of scientific activity, the center’s strategic plan and the annual plan of activities, promotion and development of the scientific community and its constituent members, and discussion and preparation of the proposals to be approved by other governing bodies.