Research is the best medicine for cancer

At the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), we work to transform, in the shortest possible time, the latest discoveries made in the laboratory into early clinical trials, ultimately resulting in better treatments for patients. We need your help to keep moving forward and ensure that all cancer patients have access to the most innovative molecular therapies and immunotherapies.


You can make a donation to:

Which project do you want to donate to?

Breast cancer

Lung cancer

Colorectal cancer

Gastric cancer

Gynecological cancer

Pancreatic cancer

Càncer de pròstata

Hematological cancer

Skin cancer (melanoma)


Thoracic Tumors

Head and Neck Cancer

Neuroendocrine cancers

Genitourinary cancers

Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors

Hereditary cancer

Renal cancer

Brain Cancer

Which project do you want to donate to?

How much do you want to contribute to research?*

Other Quantities

What kind of donation do you want to make?

Single donation
Periodic donation


What is the reward for your solidarity?

You will be able to deduct 80% of the first € 250 you contribute and, based on this figure, 40%. In addition, if you have been contributing for a Cancer-free future for more than 3 years through your donations to the VHIO, the reduction in this last tranche will increase to 45% if you are natural person, and 50% if you are legal person.


VHIO is a benchmark center in personalized medicine in the field of oncology. Thanks to its pioneering model of multidisciplinary, translational research and its participation in consortiums and projects with other prestigious centers around the world, it has positioned itself as one of the most important comprehensive cancer research centers in Europe.

Your donation, whatever the amount, will help us to continue developing different research projects to find more effective treatments for cancer patients, either through hours of research, research staff or the equipment and materials needed.

We will send you a certificate that you can submit along with the income tax return for the year in which you made the donation.

If you are a natural person, you can deduct 80% of your contributions and full donations of up to €250 per year. For contributions of more than €250 per year, the deduction will be 40%, or 45% if you have been collaborating with VHIO for at least 3 years in a row.

If you are a legal person, you will be able to deduct 40% of your contributions or full donations from your corporation tax. If you have been collaborating with the VHIO for at least 3 years in a row, the deduction will be 50%.

“Thanks to the donations we have been able to develop animal models in the laboratory to test new drugs that have been successfully administered to patients with sarcoma, a very rare type of cancer”
Dr. César Serrano

Head of the Sarcoma Translational Research Group