VHIO PhD Council

The VHIO PhD Council was established by predoctoral researchers with the goal of transforming VHIO into a hub of cooperation, comprehensive training, scientific knowledge exchange, and solidarity within the PhD community.

The Council strives to foster a sense of community and connection among all predoctoral researchers at VHIO, ensuring that everyone feels integrated and supported in their academic journey. By promoting a supportive, inclusive, and proactive participatory environment, the Council seeks to cultivate an atmosphere that values diversity and vibrancy, where all predoctoral researchers can thrive and contribute meaningfully.

Additionally, the Council serves as a vital channel for representing the concerns and needs of predoctoral researchers, ensuring that their voices are heard and considered in the decision-making processes of VHIO. Through these efforts, the VHIO PhD Council aims to enhance the overall experience of predoctoral researchers, making VHIO a place where scientific and personal growth go hand in hand.

VHIO PhD Council is formed by five unique working groups:

  • Social: To organize and promote the participation of predoctoral researchers in cultural, sporting, and other social activities such as monthly happy hours, bimonthly Pizza Talks and scientific seminars.
  • PhD Events: To organize and promote the participation of predoctoral researchers in major social and scientific activities/events such as the PhD Day and the PhD Retreat. 
  • Wellbeing and Mentoring: To assess and address the mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing of VHIO’s PhD community, and to coordinate the Buddy Program, ensuring first-year PhDs feel welcomed to VHIO’s PhD community.
  • Communications: To enhance the visibility, outreach, and internal communication of the PhD Council’s activities, fostering a well-informed and engaged PhD community.
  • International Affairs: To provide comprehensive support and resources for international PhD candidates, facilitating their successful integration and engagement within the VHIO community. 
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