VHIO presents the 2nd edition of the Computational Oncology Master Thesis Awards

Computational Oncology Master Thesis Awards

On February 26, the second edition of the Computational Oncology Master Thesis Awards took place, organized by VHIO with the aim of recognizing the best master’s thesis in Computational Oncology in Spain among the submitted applications.

The event provides an opportunity to introduce the different VHIO groups working in Computational Oncology and to discover new projects in this ever-growing field, driven by the vast amount of data generated in oncology care and research.

During the event, the selected candidates presented their work in a poster spotlight presentation and poster session before a jury composed of:

The winners of the second edition of the award and their respective projects were:

  • Best VHIO Master Thesis Award: This award includes a €500 prize, granted to the best master’s thesis from VHIO.

Maria Balaguer-Montero, VHIO Radiomics Group

TitleDeep Learning Tool for the Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Liver Tumors


  • Best External Master Thesis Award: In addition to the €500 prize, this award offers the opportunity to complete a laboratory rotation, granted to the best master’s thesis from an external institution.

Gerard Deuner Cos, Master’s in Genetics & Genomics (UB), National Center for Genomic Analysis (CNAG). Supervisors: Dr. Holger Heyn & Paula Nieto

TitleSingle-cell Characterization of the pMMR/MSS CRC & EC Liver Metastatic TME upon Dual ICI Therapy




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