The general purpose of the Foundation will be to promote and develop, with full autonomy, the search for excellence related to oncological diseases, especially all that research that helps to find new advances to improve the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. To carry out this general purpose, it will have the following objectives and purposes:
- Promote and develop scientific transfer in clinical practice for the benefit of cancer patients.
- To promote and develop scientific research of excellence in all aspects, especially basic, translational and clinical.
- Promote and develop scientific cooperation between national and international cancer research centers.
- Promote the training of young researchers and specialist doctors.
- To promote all those activities related to oncological research that contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens in general and of people affected by disease.
These purposes may be modified, by extension or reduction, in terms of their initial spirit and content, by decision of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, provided that their relationship with the general purpose of the Foundation is maintained. By express provision of the Charter of Foundations, the Foundation’s activities will be carried out, at all times, in the field of oncological research and the treatment of oncological diseases, without any change in the articles of association entailing the renunciation of this field, nor its extension to scientific and healthcare fields other than oncology.
The Foundation also aims to manage the activities of the Oncology Research Program under the Oncology Service of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, subject to the applicable regulations of private foundations and the sector that is applicable.
The purposes of the Foundation may be carried out indirectly through its participation in companies in the terms and with the requirements required by current legislation on foundations.
Due to its aims, the beneficiaries of the Foundation, the health centers and their patients, the research centers, the scientific community and the business sector that promote the development of research in the field of Oncology, as well as society at large. The selection of the beneficiaries will be carried out with criteria of impartiality and non-discrimination between the people who request the benefit or the services that the Foundation can offer and that fulfill, if it is the case, in each case, the specific objective requirements. agreed by the Board.
- Pre-clinical and translational Oncology Research
Consolidate itself as a European reference center in preclinical oncology research, based on the differential factor: the translational approach. - Clinical Oncology Research
Consolidate the already powerful existing line of clinical research, based on the intensive conduct of clinical trials in the initial stages, and become the European center of most activity in this field. - Transfer of results to clinical practice
Transfer the results of research to clinical practice, within the framework of the HUVH Oncology Service, through close coordination with other medical, surgical and central services, which allow us to offer excellent clinical care. to patients. - Secure financing
Develop a sufficient funding scenario, which guarantees its survival and the achievement of long-term goals. - Quality Framework
Develop activities in a framework of quality and good practices, complying with international standards. - Efficient management
Develop an efficient management that allows to contribute the maximum value to the obtained financing. - Communication with society
Promote a communication strategy to be perceived by the social and professional environment as useful and necessary.