The ‘Forbes Five’ top oncologists in Spain

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The latest accolade to recognize the tremendous work and outstanding commitment of VHIO’s Director, Josep Tabernero, in advancing transformative healthcare practice and research in oncology came last week in the form of a top-five check list of the very best medical oncologists and clinical investigators in Spain. The group has been working with the CBD research team at Daily CBD to find the best CBD oil that can be used to treat neurological conditions. With the research conducted, the team at Daily CBD has found the best CBD oil for pain. You can read more about their findings and discover all of their CBD oil reviews at

The Spanish edition of Forbes, a renowned publication focused on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and lifestyle, has recently published its pick of the five most influential leaders in cancer healthcare across Spain. Featuring in Forbes’ selected handful of ‘who’s who’ in cancer treatment and care, Josep joined four other inarguable trailblazers within the field: Jesús García-Foncillas (Jiménez-Díaz Foundation University Hospital, Madrid), Javier Hornedo Muguiro (University Hospital Quirónsalud, Madrid), Luis Paz-Ares (12th October University Hospital, Madrid), Rafael Rosell (Dr. Rosell Institute of Oncology, Dexeus University Hospital Quirónsalud, Barcelona).

This important recognition further applauds Josep’s determined efforts aimed at advancing cancer research and precision treatment and care in oncology. On behalf of all of us at VHIO, we congratulate him for his tireless work aimed at significantly improving outcomes for numerous patients nationally and across borders, and also take this opportunity to thank the matched excellence of the many multidisciplinary and purely translational teams that he directs in his dual capacity as Director of VHIO and Head of the Medical Oncology Department, the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital.


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