As a founding member of the EurOPDX Consortium that launched back in 2013 to create a network of clinically relevant models of human cancer – patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models in particular – and on behalf of the EurOPDX Research Infrastructure, VHIO is pleased to share and disseminate the following news and accompanying factsheet about the Consortium’s newly launched Trans-national Access (TA) grant programme.
Offering free-of-charge access to its PDX models, services, and expertise for academic and industry researchers from across Europe and worldwide, special emphasis of this first TA grant focuses on colorectal and breast cancer since these will be the most represented models in the EurOPDX Data Portal for this year’s call. For more information please scroll down.
Connecting 18 cancer centers across 12 countries that are developing PDX cancer models, this initiative promotes the sharing and exchange of findings on promising therapeutics as well as leads multicenter preclinical studies. EurOPDX strives to reduce the duplication of efforts in oncology drug development and ultimately improve the quality of life and overall survival of cancer patients.
Source: EurOPDX Consortium
Have you heard about the EurOPDX Research Infrastructure Trans-national Access grant programme?
We are offering free-of-charge access to the PDX models & resources of EurOPDX to academic and industry researchers in Europe and worldwide.
We offer:
1) high quality samples of our PDX models for your academic research,
2) the biobanking and display of your models in our new online repository.
The EurOPDX Research Infrastructure 1st call for Trans-national Access (TA) is now open (as of October 31st, 2018), and the deadline for proposal submission is: 31st January 2019.
Visit www.europdx.eu/europdxri-ta for more information, and our guidelines for application.