Annals of Oncology’s final Supplement of 2019, published at the end of last month, centers on the progress marked and current challenges ahead in rendering PI3K inhibitors more precise in the treatment of patients with hormone receptor-positive cancer. Entitled Phosphatidylionsitol-3-kinase inhibitors in hormone receptor-positive cancer*, this superb collection of four expert Review Articles kicks off with an equally reflective and forward-looking introduction, Targeting PI3KCA pathway to improve patient outcomes in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: a worthy 20-year wager?, elegantly authored by Guest Editor Cristina Saura, Principal Investigator of VHIO’s Breast Cancer & Melanoma Group.
Providing a snapshot of advances thus far in targeting the PI3KCA pathway to improve outcomes for these patients, while balancing the well-considered challenges versus opportunities that are outlined in the reviews that follow –one of which has been co-authored by Javier Cortés, Translational Investigator of the same group and Head of Breast Cancer at the IOB Institute of Oncology (Madrid and Barcelona)- Cristina’s Foreword closes by confidently affirming that the past double decade of clinical preclinical and research focusing on this class of drug, while arguably somewhat checkered, is now promising more precise, targeted, and less toxic treatments.
To delve into this open access and insightful Supplement visit: https://academic.oup.com/annonc/issue/30/Supplement_10.
*Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase inhibitors in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. Ann Oncol. Volume 30, Issue Supplement_10, December 2019.