For yet another year, researchers from the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), which is part of the Vall d’Hebron Campus, have stood out for their work. Their degree of excellence and competitiveness has earned them various grants and fellowships, bringing their total to 18 – two more than last year. These will enable them to continue with their research projects. Nine grants were handed out for pre-doctoral research, four for post-doctoral research, three for clinical research and two for senior research.
For pre-doctoral research, the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) awarded a grant to Anna Yuste; the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya awarded grants to Marta Ligero, Andrea Herencia and Andrea García Arijo; the Fundació “la Caixa” awarded grants to Marion Martínez, Ariadna Grinyo and Olivia Prior; the Ministry of Universities awarded a grant to Iñigo González; and the Carlos III Health Institute awarded a grant to Paula Romero.
For post-doctoral research, the European Molecular Biology Organisation awarded a grant to Gonçalo Rodrigues, and the Spanish Association Against Cancer Scientific Foundation (AECCC) awarded a grant to Enrique Javier Arenas. The Ministry of Science and Innovation awarded a fellowship to Joan Frigola, while the AGAUR awarded one to Francesco Grussu.
For clinical research, the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) awarded a grant to Andri Papakonstantinou; the AECC Scientific Foundation awarded a grant to Carolina Ortiz; and the Carlos III Health Institute awarded a grant to Mara Cruellas.
Finally, insofar as senior research is concerned, Isabel Puig received a grant from the AECC, while Tian Tian received a grant from the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
We would like to extend our congratulations to all the researchers who received grants and thank all the institutions that have made this possible for their support.
Below are the grants and fellowships awarded in 2021 to VHIO researchers:
Pre-doctoral research
Anna Yuste Estévanez
Project director: Alena Gros
Grants for the recruitment of junior research staff (FI)
Grant reference: 2021 FI_B 00365
Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR)
Marta Ligero Hernández
Project director: Raquel Pérez-López
Research Staff in Training (PIF)
Grant reference: SLT017/20/00080
General Directorate for Research and Innovation in Health – Department of Health
Andrea Herencia Ropero
Project director: Violeta Serra
Research Staff in Training (PIF)
Grant reference: SLT017/20/00081
General Directorate for Research and Innovation in Health – Department of Health
Andrea García Arijo
Project director: Alena Gros
Research Staff in Training (PIF)
Grant reference: SLT017/20/000131
General Directorate for Research and Innovation in Health – Department of Health
Marion Martínez
Project director: María Abad
“La Caixa” INPhINIT retaining doctoral grants
Grant reference: LCF/BQ/DR21/11880023
“la Caixa” Foundation
Ariadna Grinyo Escuer
Project director: Joaquín Arribas
“La Caixa” INPhINIT Incoming doctoral grants
Grant reference: LCF/BQ/DI21/11860041
“la Caixa” Foundation
Olivia Prior Palomares
Project director: Raquel Pérez-López
“La Caixa” INPhINIT Retaining doctoral grants
Grant reference: LCF/BQ/DR21/11880027
“la Caixa” Foundation
Iñigo González Larreategui
Project director: Laura Soucek
Grant from the University Teacher Training Programme (FPU)
Grant reference: FPU20/04812
Ministry of Universities
Paula Romero Lozano
Project director: Ana Vivancos
Pre-doctoral Health Research Training (PFIS) contracts
Grant reference: FI21/00279
Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII)
Post-doctoral research
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Project director: Joan Seoane
EMBO Post-doctoral fellowship
Grant reference: ALTF 293-2021
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Enrique Javier Arenas Lahuerta
Project director: Joaquín Arribas
Post-doctoral AECC grant
Grant reference: POSTD211413AREN
Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation
Joan Frigola Rissech
Project director: Enriqueta Felip
Juan de la Cierva training contract grants
Grant reference: FJC2020-046226-IMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”
Ministry of Science and Innovation
Francesco Grussu
Project director: Raquel Pérez-López
Grants for the recruitment of post-doctoral research staff to the Catalan science and technology system as part of the Beatriu de Pinós programme.
Grant reference: 2020 BP 00117
Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR)
Clinical research
Andri Papakonstantinou
Project director: Mafalda Oliveira
ESMO Translational Fellowship
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Carolina Ortiz Vélez
Project director: Cristina Saura
AECC Junior Clinician
Grant reference: CLJUN212026ORTI
Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation
Mara Cruellas Lapeña
Project director: Judith Balmaña
Rio Hortega Contracts
Grant reference: CM21/00099
Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII)
Senior Research
Isabel Puig Borreil
AECC Researcher
Grant reference: INVES211004PUIG
Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation
Tian Tian
Ramón y Cajal Contract Grants
Grant reference: RYC2020-029098-I/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities