Peptomyc, the VHIO and ICREA spin-off co-founded and directed by Dr. Laura Soucek, ICREA professor and director of the VHIO Experimental Therapeutics Program, has been selected as the most innovative company of the year by the Empresa del año Award presented by El Periódico de Catalunya for its work in the development of new, more effective and less toxic therapeutic strategies against cancer.
This Monday, El Periódico de Catalunya presented the Empresa del Año Award at Casa Llotja de Mar, Barcelona, which highlight the best initiatives in Catalonia in 2023. Since 1980, these awards, which have the support of Banco de Sabadell, value the contribution of business sector to achieve a more just, prosperous and advanced society.
Seven companies based in Catalonia and one businessman have been awarded for their marked contribution to the well-being and progress of Catalan society, through the generation of wealth, employment, providing innovation, contributing to sustainability and the fight against climate change, caring of people and acting with responsibility and leadership. This was decided by the jury, chaired by the Secretary of Business and Competition, Albert Castellanos, and made up of twenty more personalities with recognized socioeconomic experience in Catalonia.
Empres del Año Awards
Aigües de Barcelona receives the Empresa del Año Year Award for its consolidated track record, its sustained growth and its social responsibility and environmental disclosure. Marco Sansavini, president of Vueling and soon of Iberia, is the Businessman of the Year for driving the airline’s transformation – based on values and the team –, achieving historic results that benefit tourism and the economy.
The + Sustainable Company award goes to 011h, for providing a disruptive solution to a sector, construction, with great environmental impact. The Family Business falls to Moventia, for now adding four generations in 100 years of improvement and growth in the face of adversity. Soler & Palau deserves the award for +Internacional company for its great expansion and success of a decentralized management model. The VHIO spin-off, Peptomyc, co-founded and directed by Dr. Laura Soucek, is highlighted as the Most Innovative Company for its advances in cancer therapies. Value Retail’s Do Good campaign has won the +Inclusive Company Award for its fight against child marriage.