2024-023-01_Research Animal Technician (Closed Job Offer)

The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) Seeks a “Laboratory Technician”

Reference: Ref. 2024-023-01

Application deadline: until position filled

Number of vacancies: 1


Job description:
The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology´s (VHIO) Upper Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Tumor Group, headed by Dr. Teresa Macarulla, is recruiting a Laboratory Technician who specializes in research using animal models.

Our group focuses on studying and testing hypothesis-based targeted therapies in Upper Gastrointestinal and Endocrine tumors. We are especially committed to applying the potential clinical value of our findings to clinical trials. The successful candidate will form an integral part of the translational research team led by Dr. Tian Tian.

The selected candidate will be responsible for:

• Generation and maintenance of patient-derived xenografts (PDX) and GEMM models.
• Histopathological and genomic characterization of PDX and GEMM models.
• Drug administration.
• Collection and processing of tumors, blood, and tissues of interest.
• Execution of cell culture tasks to provide support to other members of the group.



To be successful in this application, you will be a very organized, motivated, team-oriented
individual, who is highly skilled and experienced in working with animal models either in the
academic or private sectors.

• Must have:

o Certification of animal experimentation course (a, b y c) and authorization of working with animals recognized by the provincial government.
o Previous experience in mouse colony management and manipulation (genotyping, drug administration). Basic mouse surgical procedures.
o Previous experience using histopathological techniques (e.g. IHC/IF).

• Desirable but not required:

o Previous experience in 3D cell culture of tumor cells.

• Education and training:

o BSc or Technician degrees in the biomedical field.

• Languages:

o You must be fluent in oral and written English.


Additional information:

• Salary will be negotiated according to profile and experience.
• Start date: Immediate.



Candidates must submit a curriculum vitae, a cover letter, and the contact information of two references addressed to Dr. Tian Tian via email to tiantian@vhio.net, including the reference “Ref. 2024-023-01” in the subject line of their email. Applications will be reviewed immediately, and interviews will be arranged with short-listed candidates.

About VHIO:

Under the leadership of Josep Tabernero, the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), has established itself as a comprehensive cancer center of proven excellence internationally. It is also thanks to VHIO’s optimal organizational structure based on a purely multidisciplinary and translational model that VHIO talents continue to anticipate and tackle the many unresolved questions in combatting this multifaceted and heterogeneous disease.

Located within the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, our researchers closely collaborate and interact with Vall d’Hebron physician-scientists. Translational science and
clinical research are therefore tightly connected which promotes superb interaction and teamwork which, in turn, accelerates the bench-bedside-bed cycle of knowledge. This privileged environment affords VHIO direct access to patients as well as the entire spectrum of oncology professionals who care for them, and a second-to-none appreciation of how cancer science can translate into more powerful, targeted treatments and better practice for the care of patients.

VHIO’s pioneering model and programs, coupled with its belief in combining strengths through
cross-border collaborations, continue to spur advances in reversing cancer resistance, halting
metastatic spread, and more effectively treating even the most undruggable tumor types.

VHIO’s translation toward precision oncology: https://www.vhio.net



Vall d’Hebron Institute Oncology (VHIO) endorses the Requirements and Principles of the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers promoted by the European Commission and follows Equal Opportunities policies.

On 10th April 2018 VHIO was awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” logo. Our Institute was consequently granted permission to use the HR Excellence in Research Award logo as demonstration of its stimulating and favourable work environment in line with the Charter & Code.

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