Description of the Award
In order to promote young students in the field of Computational Oncology Research, the Vall Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) launches the 2nd edition of the Computational Oncology Master Thesis Award and recognise the best Master’s Thesis on Computational Life Sciences at national level (Spain).
Candidates should fulfil the following eligibility criteria at the time of the call deadline. If one or more of the eligibility criteria are not fulfilled, the proposal will be declared ineligible and will be withdrawn from any further consideration:
- To be eligible, the Master’s Thesis should have been obtained in a Spanish University up to a maximum of two academic years before the award ceremony takes place (February 26th, 2025). For the 2025 edition, eligible applicants must have obtained their master degree in 2023 or 2024).
- This Award is open to students from all nationalities as long as the Master’s Thesis has been defended in a Spanish University.
- Master students in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Data Science, Biostatistics and related fields with an excellent academic record and a strong commitment to scientific research are expected to apply.
- A high level of English is desirable, and the Master Thesis must be written in English.
- We will take into consideration the promotion of diversity among institutions and universities; The number of awards each university can receive will be restricted.
Application Process
Interested candidates should apply via the VHIO online application form.
The following information must be included:
- CV
- Scientific Interests Letter
- Title, author, name of the master, director of the TFM and delivery date
- Extended abstract of minimum 700 words/maximum 1000 words
You will only be able to submit the application once all requested fields and documents are included. All the information must be submitted by the application deadline: November 4th, 2024.
Applications will be assessed based on the information provided in the application form
Presentation of the scientific poster & evaluation by the selection committee
Short-listed candidates will be invited to present their Master Thesis in the format of a scientific poster in the Award Ceremony that will be held in Barcelona on February, 26th 2024. The event is expected to start at 10am and concluded by 4pm.
The selection committee will evaluate the posters to decide the overall winners, who will be announced later during the ceremony.
The following main criteria will be taken into consideration:
- Quality, statement of the problem, methodology, results, innovation and potential of the project 70%
- Excellence, creativity, oral presentation skills and potential of the candidate 30%
VHIO will cover the expenses of having the posters printed and will provide short-listed candidates from outside Barcelona with Travel Grants up to 150 EUR.
Details on the venue together with the ceremony schedule will be provided at due time.
The day of the event, the selection committee will announce the winners. The prizes will include:
1. Best VHIO Master Thesis Award: This award includes a prize of 500€, given to the best Master Thesis from the Vall d ’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO)
2. Best external Master Thesis Award: This award includes a prize of 500€ and an opportunity to do a lab rotation, given to the best master thesis from an external institution.
Call calendar
- Call opening: September 4th, 2024
- Call deadline: November 4th, 2024
- Selection process: December 2024
- Communication to Short-Listed candidates: January 2025
- Award Ceremony: February 26th,2025
Computational labs
Computational Immunogenomics Group – Bioinformatics Unit – Radiomics Group – Cancer Computational Biology Group – Biostatistics Unit
Should you have queries, please contact the VHIO Academy Office at academy@vhio.net before submitting your application by indicating the reference “VHIO Computational Oncology Master Thesis Award”.