Li-Kuo Su, Editor-in-Chief of Cancer Cell will join us at the Hotel Alimara, Monday 14 January 2013, 09:00 – 10:15, to deliver the 5th in VHIO´s prestigious series of VHIO Meet the Editors talks:
Cancer Cell and the Cancer Research Community
Li-Kuo Su, Editor-in-Chief of Cancer Cell will join us at the Hotel Alimara, Monday 14 January 2013, 09:00 – 10:15, to deliver the 5th in VHIO´s prestigious series of VHIO Meet the Editors talks:
Cancer Cell and the Cancer Research Community
Cristina Saura, Principal Investigator of VHIO´s Breast Cancer & Melanoma Group, talks to JNCCN 360 – the recently launched interactive…
On behalf of the Scientific Co-Chairs, Joaquín Arribas, Director of Preclinical Research at VHIO, and Irit Sagi, Principal Investigator, Department…
Announced today by lead partner Queen´s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, a new European Consortium MErCuRIC comprised of 13 globally…
Celebrating VHIO´s 10th birthday, our 2016 Scientific Report is themed Turning ten and defining ´next-gen´ directions, and is now available…
A study by the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) demonstrates that by combining drugs which had already been used previously, but became ineffective, they boost each other’s efficacy and at the same time overcome the resistance developed by the patient to each individual drug. This strategy could offer an unprecedented key to multiplying treatment options.
VHIO leads research proposing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as liquid biopsy for the early diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic management and tracking of…
Queen Sofía and Councillor Marina Geli assist at the opening ceremony
• The PIM1 proto-oncogene evidenced as new therapeutic target through which to sensitize triple-negative breast tumours to chemotherapy• PIM1…
The phase III study, published in the prestigious scientific journal, The Lancet, in which researchers at the Vall d´Hebron University…
The Worldwide Innovative Network (WIN) in personalized cancer medicine consortium, of which the Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) is…
The group led by Dr Joan Seoane, ICREA Research Professor at the VHIO, has carried out the research in glioma, the most common malignant brain tumor. The study published describes how to identify cells with characteristics of stem cells in the interior of the glioma. These cells, known as Glioma initiating cells (GICs), are responsible for initiating the glioma and also for it reappearing after surgical removal.
• Various research lines led by VHIO aim at better deciphering how tumor cells acquire resistance to anticancer agents including…
High-dose radiotherapy adds no survival benefit after chemotherapy and radical surgery; PD-L1 protein a possible immunotherapy target Is PD-L1 a…
Recent VHIO study reveals that tumor cell sensitivity and resistance to therapy with cetuximab in colorectal cancer can be detected…
Taking place on Monday 24 February 2014, 09:15 – 10:30, at the Hotel Alimara Barcelona, we are delighted to announce…