According to the first independent, benchmark evaluation of the Spanish healthcare sector, Monitor de Reputación Sanitaria (MRS), issued by the Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation (MERCO) this week, the Medical Service of the Vall d´Hebron University Hospital (HUVH) is considered to be the very best in medical oncology at national level. The study also ranked the Vall d´Hebron University Hospital in fourth place out of a total of 76 public healthcare entities throughout Spain, running marginally behind the top 3 – the La Paz University Hospital, followed by the Hospital Clinic and the Gregorio Marañon Hospital.
In recognition of such achievement, we at the Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), would like to congratulate both the HUVH as well as its Medical Oncology Service, headed by Josep Tabernero who is also Director of VHIO. Not only do we thoroughly applaud the tremendous dedication and exceptional efforts of the entire Service, we also take the opportunity to recognize those medical oncologists who, in addition to their duties as leading physicians, also carry out clinical research of excellence at VHIO.
For more detailed information regarding the MRS report please click on the link: