Members of the EC´s Research, Innovation, and Science Policy Experts high level group issue latest policy brief towards 2030

As part of a recently published policy brief entitled A Mission-oriented Approach to Cancer in Europe: A Joint Mission/ Vision 2030, authors Julio E. Celis and Dainius Pavalkis, as members of the European Commission´s Research, Innovation, and Science Policy Experts (RISE) high level group that it established in 2014, review the current state of cancer research and care in Europe, and look at the potential and future promise of initiatives including Cancer Core Europe.

Also founded back in 2014, Cancer Core Europe – a European cancer association conducting pioneering research aimed at propelling cancer medicine into a new era, is championed by its six found partners as and comprehensive cancer centers of renowned excellence: Gustave Roussy (Villejuif, France), Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden), Netherlands Cancer Institute – NKI (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), German Cancer Research Center & National Center for Tumor Diseases – DKFZ-NCT (Heidelberg, Germany), and VHIO.

In collaboration with an appointed expert from each of the six founding centers, VHIO co-directs its Clinical Trials, Data Sharing, Molecular Diagnostics, Immuno-Oncology, Training and Education Task Forces. Futhermore, as referred to in the RISE policy brief, VHIO has led the design of the Cancer Core Europe´s endorsed Basket of Baskets (BoB) trial. This academic study, soon set to launch, integrates molecular prescreening, the development of new diagnostic tests such as circulating DNA, with the testing of targeted therapies in populations of patients who, matched to the molecular alterations detected in their respective tumors, will be most likely to benefit from them.

To read through the Celis-Pavalkis policy brief as members of RISE´s high level group, please click on the document attached below (under´Related´).

If you would like more information surrounding VHIO´s involvement in Cancer Core Europe, please contact Amanda Wren, Director of Communications, Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) via email:



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