WIN Symposium 2022: coming to Barcelona, 29-30 October


The 12th Annual two-day WIN Symposium 2022, co-chaired by Richard L. Schilsky and our Director, Josep Tabernero, Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the WIN Consortium respectively, is coming to Barcelona 29-30 October. To be celebrated in-person this year, WIN 2022 is themed Integrating Genomics and Transcriptomics to Reshape Precision Oncology: a WINning Strategy, and incorporates five core sessions featuring an outstanding panel of internationally renowned speakers from across the globe.

Kicking off with the Opening Keynote on Re-imagining the (r)evolution in the Precision Oncology paradigm: the future is now, to be delivered by Vivek Subbiah, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston (USA), each dedicated session will begin with other expert keynotes followed by invited presentations by other thought leaders in our field. These expert talks will cover the very latest insights and next directions in translational cancer science and clinical oncology, enabling technologies and cancer modelling, flanked by panel discussions, Q&A sessions, poster viewing and networking opportunities.

“The integration of genomics and transcriptomics data, coupled with innovative clinical trial design, enabling technologies and novel approaches, will empower us to respond to the many unresolved questions in more effectively combating cancer and further elucidate the molecular processes and complexities of this disease,” observes Josep Tabernero, VHIO’s Director.  

“Now in its twelfth annual edition, this meeting really is a must-attend. The scientific program has been especially devised to promote essential interaction, debate and exchange between speakers and participants alike, with ample opportunity for networking. These conversations will undoubtedly contribute to reshaping precision oncology as we collectively work together to more swiftly translate cancer discovery into benefits for an increasing number of our patients,” adds Josep Tabernero.

Endorsed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), and recommended by the European School of Oncology (ESO), the WIN Symposia series attracts a multi-stakeholder audience from around the world including oncology professionals in clinical and non-clinical cancer research, technology development and patient management. Specifically, the program draws a majority attendance of physicians, or physicians in training, who participate at these meetings to discover all the very latest insights into the role of current biomarkers, their optimal application, as well as update on the emerging new omic tests that will inform future biomarker adoption.


WIN 2022: what’s in store?

With particular focus on integrating transcriptomics in the biomarker armamentarium, WIN 2022 will open with a warm welcome from Symposium Co-Chairs, Richard Schilsky  and Josep Tabernero. The Opening Keynote Lecture, to be delivered by Vivek Subbiah, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (see above), will be followed by five outstanding sessions:

Session 1, Beyond DNA Testing: the place of transcriptomics in precision oncology, will open with two back-to-back Keynotes. First, Louis M. Staudt, National Cancer Institute – NCI, Bethesda (USA), will present on Expression profiling to discover molecularly and clinically distinct cancer subtypes and to predict response to therapy,  followed by René Bernards, Netherlands Cancer Institute – NKI, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), who will deliver his talk on Functional genomics to identify cancer vulnerabilities.

Eminent speakers Olivier Elemento, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York (USA), John Quackenbush, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston (USA), Vladimir Lazar,  Chief Scientific and Operating Officer, WIN Consortium, Villejuif (France), and Eytan Ruppin, National Institutes of Health – NIH, Bethesda (USA), will then present on multi-omics and AI, modelling of gene regulatory processes, SIMS and Digital Display Predictor algorithms, and harnessing synthetic lethality analysis for patient stratification, respectively.

The second session on Saturday 20 October is focused on Innovation in clinical trials to enable future efficient treatments. Opening with two Keynotes, Andrea Califano, Columbia University Medical Center, New York (USA), will deliver his lecture on Bringing single cell analyses to the clinics, followed by Richard L. Schilsky, Chairman of the WIN Consortium, who will update on the very latest from ASCO’s Targeted Agent & Profiling Utilization Registry – TAPUR study that aims to identify new uses for approved, targeted drugs.

Next up, our Director, Josep Tabernero, Vice-Chairman of the WIN Consortium, will present his talk centered on genomic and transcriptomic signatures and innovation; echoing the underlying theme of this Symposium with specific focus on colorectal cancer. The final half of Session 2 is dedicated to two other innovative clinical studies. Jean-François Martini, Pfizer Inc., San Diego (USA), will discuss comprehensive tumor genomic and transcriptomic analyses of the phase III trial of adjuvant sunitinib in patients with high-risk renal cell carcinoma, and Benjamin Solomon, Avera Cancer Institute, Sioux Falls (USA), will present the SPRING trial’s tri-therapy immunotherapy combinatorial design.

The second day of WIN 2022, Sunday 30 October, will begin with a Meet the Experts session on Disruptive concepts and methodological innovations in NSCLC. Solange Peters, ESMO President, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne (Switzerland), will deliver her Keynote lecture on Advances in Lung Cancer, followed by a trio of renowned trailblazers in the NSCLC field. Haiquan Chen, Fudan University, Shanghai (China), will discuss Early-stage lung cancer: challenge and opportunity, and Enriqueta Felip, Principal Investigator of VHIO’s Thoracic Tumors & Head and Neck Cancers Group, will explore Neoadjuvant and adjuvant strategies in NSCLC. Closing this session, Jai Bar, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan (Israel), will deliver his talk entitled: A focus on emerging paradigms in the treatment of early NSCLC.

New in 2022, session 4 celebrates WIN’s first International Molecular Tumor Board. Themed A strategic place in advancing precision oncology, conversations on and around the use of biomarkers to guide clinical decision making will be triggered by patients’ concrete cases submitted by attendees. Discussion and proposed treatment recommendations will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience, moderated by Razelle Kurzrock, Chief Medical Officer of the WIN Consortium and Member of WIN 2022’s Committee.

Session 5, What is new in breast, CRC, ovary, head & neck, prostate, melanoma and pediatric cancers, will commence with the Opening Keynote on The BIG AURORA molecular screening program for metastatic breast cancer: first results, to be delivered by Martine Piccart, Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels (Belgium). Sabine Tejpar, University of Leuven (Belgium), will then deliver her Keynote lecture on Novel CRC insights based on combined genomic and transcriptomic data at both bulk and single cell level, leading to new therapeutically relevant CRC classification, followed by a talk on Serial profiling in metastatic CRC; beyond the tip of the iceberg to be presented by Gerald Batist, Segal Cancer Centre, Lady Davis Institute – LDI, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montréal (Canada), who is also a Member of WIN 2022’s Committee.

Next up, Matthew Ellis, AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg (USA), will discuss the Paradigm shift in treatment of ovarian cancers, and Christophe Le Tourneau, Institut Curie, Paris (France), will present on Novel strategies in head & neck cancers, followed by two additional speakers (TBC), who will explore innovative approaches in prostate cancer and melanoma. Birgit Geoerger, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif (France) will close this session with her talk on Pediatric European Precision Cancer Medicine Program – Facing cancer complexity.

Directly after session 5, Josep Tabernero and Amir Onn, Chair, Institute of Pulmonary Medicine, Sheba Medical Center (Israel), Head of WIN Consortium’s Standard Operating Procedures and Respiratory Committee, and a Member of WIN 2022’s Committee, will announce the best two posters and present the awards, followed by Richard L. Schilsky, who will wrap-up this superb two-day meeting with his take-homes and conclusions.

To discover more, browse the program, and bookmark key dates please visit:

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