Biosketch Kinga Bernatowicz

Kinga Bernatowicz

Her academic journey started at Gdańsk University of Technology, where she obtained an engineering degree (B.Sc. in Environmental Protection and Management). She had always been interested in physics and soon after received her M.Sc. (Nuclear Engineering) and Ph.D. (Physics) degrees from ETH Zurich. Working with Tony Lomax at the Paul Scherrer Institute and later as a post-doc at UCLouvain, she contributed to the development of respiratory-motion-adapted imaging and delivery technologies for proton therapy of cancer patients. As a senior post-doc at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, she was awarded an MSCA-COFUND grant Beatriu de Pinós to focus on investigating tumor heterogeneity using imaging habitats technique and developing multi-omics signature for predicting response to immunotherapy.

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