The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), invites immediate applications from outstanding individuals to establish and maintain energetic, independent and…
Based on the genomic analysis of 6 tumor types, VHIO´s Translational Genomics Group has established that breast tumors of the…
Announced today by lead partner Queen´s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, a new European Consortium MErCuRIC comprised of 13 globally…
Reserve you place today to join Cancer Discovery´s Executive Editor, Judy Quong, for what promises to be a compelling talk…
• GSK undertakes global consortium incorporating six prestigious cancer research centers • The Oncology Clinical and Translational Consortium (OCTC) includes…
The Hinnovar awards, organized by Novartis in collaboration with ESADE and the Spanish Society of Health Directives (SEDISA), aim to…
Taking place on Monday 24 February 2014, 09:15 – 10:30, we are delighted to advance that Executive Editor of Cancer…
17th Fritz Bender Foundation International Symposium: Progress Towards Individualized Cancer Treatments, 07 – 09 November, 2013 To be inaugurated today,…
Javier Cortés, Principal Investigator of VHIO´s Breast Cancer and Melanoma Group, Specialist Physician at the Oncology Department of the Vall…
• Investigators at the Vall d´Hebron University Hospital and the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), have participated in an…