Research Unit for Molecular Therapy of Cancer (UITM) – CaixaResearch


Inaugurated in June 2010, thanks to the support received from the ”la Caixa” Foundation, VHIO’s Research Unit in Molecular Therapy of Cancer (UITM) – CaixaResearch is dedicated to complex clinical trials with drugs in early development (phase I and early phase II trials), focusing on novel targets. Occupying a total surface area of 1000 m2, our Unit is located within the General Area of the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (HUVH), Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus.

This privileged environment with direct access to patients, coupled with VHIO’s translational approach to research and superb scientific framework, has enabled our Unit to establish itself as one of the few comprehensive facilities in Europe to rapidly transform latest discovery into benefits for patients. Our UITM – CaixaResearch incorporates a multidisciplinary team comprised of medical oncologists, clinical trial coordinators and data managers, nurses and nurse technicians, pharmacists, as well as administrative personnel.

By promoting tight connectivity between oncology care and research we establish novel treatment models for patients with highly selective drugs, and advance insights into tumor types and how to treat them in an individualized way – getting the right therapy to the right patient, at the right time. As the statistics show, we continue to do so for an increasing number of patients.

In 2023, our unit participated in 249 phase I clinical trials with active recruitment at some time in the year, 25 of which are Basket trials. Thanks to our multidisciplinary team we have continued to expand our portfolio of phase I and Basket trials, with 608 patients enrolled. This year, we opened 55 new studies, treated over 1,250 patients throughout the year and performed over 600 first visits.

To be able to sustain this growth and continue providing the best quality care to our patients we have increased our treatment room facilities in 2022. We have added 7 extra places to treat patients, so we currently have 17 treatment places, including two treatment beds for patients who are more fragile or studies that require an isolated area. We have also increased the space to process samples of patients and continued to increase the number of people working in the different teams.

Research carried out at our Unit by VHIO’s Early Clinical Drug Development Group, directed by Elena Garralda, centers on the development of new drugs based on the molecular profile of each tumor as well as the optimization of treatment regimens using combinations of new agents with those that already exist.

Reflective of VHIO’s purely translational model, our studies are also linked to several research lines led by other VHIO groups, thus connecting molecular biology and optimal tumor models with pharmacology and innovative clinical research. VHIO scientists collaborate in our trials to facilitate biomarker development, a deep understanding of the mechanism of action, as well as research into mechanisms of cancer drug resistance.

We also participate in VHIO’s Molecular Prescreening Program that performs molecular analyses of patients’ tumors to select the best possible treatment with the experimental therapeutics available. Thanks to Ana Vivancos’ Cancer Genomics Group and their development of existing applications including an n-Counter (Nanostring) platform, two digital PCR platforms (BEAMing Sysmex and ddPCR, BIO-RAD), and five NextGen Sequencers; MiSeq, NextSeq, HiSeq2500 and NovaSeq6000 from Illumina, and a MinION from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, we are equipped to perform faster and more precise mutational analyses of tumor suppressor genes as well as translocations and gene amplifications.

Excellent patient treatment and care as well as pioneering research is also made possible thanks to the collaboration of many other oncology professionals including our oncology nurses directed by Mª Ángeles Peñuelas and our team of clinical study nurses led by Study Nurse Supervisor Cristina Casal, pathologists from the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital’s Molecular Pathology Department, radiologists and interventional radiologists, our Clinical Trials Office directed by Marta Beltran, Database Managers, VHIO’s Clinical Research Oncology Pharmacy Unit headed by Anna Farriols, our Quality & Processes Unit directed by Gemma Sala, as well as many other healthcare specialists including dermatologists, cardiologists, and ophthalmologists.

Dr. Elena Garralda UITM Caixa Research VHIO
Elena Garralda
Dr. Josep Tabernero VHIO Director in a lab
Josep Tabernero
Co- Director
  • Early clinical drug development and translational research led by our UITM – CaixaResearch clinical investigators and VHIO researchers: expansion of our broad portfolio of promising novel anticancer therapies, across a balanced spectrum of studies, with special focus on first-in-human studies, novel-novel combinations, best-in-class compounds, and a new class of drugs.
  • Perform complex trials such as organ dysfunction trials, Octopus as well as Basket studies, and link clinical research at this Unit to VHIO’s preclinical and translational projects. We also collaborate with various other partners involved in drug development and translational research.
  • Genomic medicine trials in early drug development: perform molecular analysis of patients’ tumors in order to select the best possible treatment with the experimental treatments available, co-develop medical informatics applied to genomic medicine, and integrate preclinical and clinical research by incorporating novel drugs, new insights, and study design together with customized molecular diagnostics.
  • Immunotherapy: our Unit’s Task Force in early drug development of immunotherapeutics and cell signaling focuses on second generation immunotherapies, including new cytokines, bispecifics, intratumoral agents, immunomodulatory, and immune checkpoint inhibitors and combinations, as well as translational research in immuno-oncology.
  • We have performed several phase I trials, including on complex molecularly selected patient populations (Basket/Octopus trials), and immuno-oncology.
  • Reflective of our high quality and standards, we received the phase I accreditation from the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) in 2023.
  • We have expanded our portfolio of drugs targeting developmental pathways, cell signaling (ERK, MET, FGFR, RET, NOTCH, NTRK), antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), and immunotherapy including BITEs, bispecifics, T-cell engagers, T-cell receptor (TCR) therapies, and cellular therapy products.
  • Developed by VHIO’s Cancer Genomics Group led by Ana Vivancos, we benefit from applications that enable us to generate faster results. These include an n-Counter (Nanostring) platform, two digital PCR platforms (BEAMing Sysmex and ddPCR, BIO-RAD), and five NextGen Sequencers; MiSeq, NextSeq, HiSeq2500 and NovaSeq6000 from Illumina, and a MinION from Oxford Nanopore Technologies. We also co-develop customized molecular tests for VHIO’s Molecular Prescreening Program; disease-oriented mutation panels for our NGS platforms.
  • We have established alliances with several pharma companies as the preferred site for testing their novel and most relevant therapies, including GlaxoSmithKline OCTC, Roche ImCORE, and the Astra Zeneca Partner of Choice Network. New alliances have been built with Abbvie, Amgen, and Janssen.
  • Our investigators have successfully expanded the Basket of Baskets (BoB) clinical trial. This innovative study in precision oncology integrates flexible molecular prescreening of patients with the development of new diagnostic tests based on circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) or gene expression analyses (Nanostring). This platform study allows for testing novel targeted therapies in patients diagnosed with tumors harboring specific molecular alterations who have a high probability of deriving benefit from matched therapies. This academic study, supported by the Cancer Core Europe (CCE) consortium, is co-funded by pharmaceutical companies and has an adaptive design to expand the number of study modules.
  • We have introduced Molecular Tumor Board meetings to discuss the most relevant genomic features of complicated cases and evaluate possible treatment options.
  • We have launched an advanced cell-based therapy program and are participating in several pharma sponsored trials to evaluate tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy. We are also exploring academic TIL products in collaboration with VHIO’s Tumor Immunology & Immunotherapy Group led by Alena Gros.
  • In collaboration with several other VHIO groups, we co-lead our CaixaResearch Advanced Oncology Research Program (2020-2025), also supported by the ”la Caixa” Foundation.
Elena Garralda
Josep Tabernero
Executive Team
Elena Garralda, Gemma Sala
Clinical Head
Elena Garralda
Associated Investigators
Senior Cosultants

Judith Balmaña, Joan Carles, Enriqueta Felip, Elena Garralda, Teresa Macarulla, Ana Oaknin, Cristina Saura, Josep Tabernero

CORE Phase I Investigators

Guzmán Alonso, Irene Braña, Vladimir Galvao, Alberto Hernando-Calvo, Julia Lostes, Oriol Mirallas, Arjun K. Oberoi, Belén Ortega, Giulia Pretelli, Katerin Rojas, Omar Saavedra, María Vieito

Phase I Investigators

Daniel Acosta, Juan David Assaf, Iosune Baraibar, Pere Barba, Meritxell Bellet, Maria Borrell, Francesc Bosch, Alba Cabirta, Ana Callejo, Jaume Capdevila, Cecilia Carpio, Florian Castet, Susana Cedrés, Marc Diez, Elena Élez, Santiago Escrivá, Carles Fabregat, Lorena Fariñas, Ferran Ferragut, Maria Laura Fox, Alejandro Garcia, Carmen Garcia, David Garcia Illescas, Sara Garrido, Mercedes Gironella, Patricia Gómez, Macarena González, Jorge Hernando, Marta Hidalgo, Gloria Iacoboni, Patricia Iranzo, David Marmolejo, Lucia Martin, Alexandre Martinez, Joaquin Mateo, Oriol Mirallas, Antonieta Molero, Rafael Morales, Eva Muñoz, Alejandro Navarro, Mafalda Oliveira, Carolina Ortiz, Núria Pardo, Isabel Pimentel, Francisco Javier Ros, Francesc Salvà, Mario Sanchez, Lucia Sanz, Nadia Saoudi, Ángel Serna, César Serrano, Maria Sola, Cristina Suarez, Augusto Valdivia, Claudia Valverde

Clinical Trials Office
Cristina Pérez
Start Up Unit
Ana Matres (Head)
Nuria Farràs (Coordinator)
Data Entries
Ignacio Carcela (Head)
Head, Hematology
Laura Segura
Lead Study Coordinators
Eulalia Aliende, Enric Álvarez, Eva Banús, Queralt Ferrer, Montse Moreno, Gemma Mur, Olga Padrós, Julia Sedó

Aitana Almodóvar, Gisela Andrés, Marina Barbero, Jorge Bardina, Laura Blanco, Anna Cabrera, Julia Caparrós, Ana Carmona, Laia Catalán, Paula Chiquillo, Natàlia Écija, Carlos Fernández, Danis Fernández, Alba Galiana, Anna Giralt, Carolina Gallo, Alexia García, Isaac Gímenez, Laia Gispert, Sara Gutiérrez, Sara Herbera, Montserrat Hernández, Marta Horcas, Silvia Hurtado, Josu Iraola, Bàrbara Juanmiquel, Alejandro Lahire, Esther Llaudet, Raquel Madrenas, Marc Majó, Sonia Martínez, Magda Masana, Alba Meire, Mireia Mira, Thaís Miquel, Anna Peñalver, Montserrat Pequera, Jordi Perera, Gemma Pujadas, Cristian Rosales, Marta Rotxés, Álvaro Rueda, Laura Sancho, Laura Saucedo, Samira Sehir, Albert Teixidor, Julia Toledo

Lead Data Entries

Gloria García, Eva Lázaro, Joana Pinyol, Alberto Rojo

Data Entries

Cristina Aguilar, David Alvarez, Maria Ayala, Nestor Babon, Aitor Bañon, Maria Barber, Samanta Bascuas, Carlota Bellot, Laia Benitez, Cristina Calderon, Helena Carbonero, Anna Cos, Ruben Díaz, Nora Dieguez, Andrea Fores, Marta Garcia, Mariona Guillamet, Andrea Illescas, Elisa Irles, Neus Iserte, Sandra Justicia, Julia Laborda, Eva Marín, Sílvia Marín, Mireia Masot, Carina Monclús, Andrea Monzó, Cristina Navarro, Ana Nicolas, Paula Nuñez, Maria Ortega, Laura Pallares, Sergio Perez, Xavier Perez, Eva Puerma, Isabel Rico, Maria Rion, Angel Romano, Jordi Romero, Rosa Romero, Rebeca Sanchez, Lucia Sanchis, Judith Serrano, Hugo Somoza, Marta Urdi, Marta Vidigal, Laia Vila

Clinical Trials Assistants
Cristian Campderros, Juan López, Alicia Nogueroles, Sara Vázquez
Director of Oncology Nursing
Ángeles Peñuelas
Study Nurse Supervisor
Laura Bascuñana
Nurse Director's Assistant
Juan Manuel Garcia
Nurse Coordinator
Sonia Valverde
Operational Research Nurses

Inés Depares, Andrea Martinez, Alba Silverio, Rubén X. Torres

Raquel Alcaraz, Carla Barjola, Andrea Caballero, Anguiela Cachique, Anna Maria Carro, Sara Claveria, Mª Elena de Cabo, Mª Luisa Fargas, Cristina Gomez, Eva Gomez, Julia Gónzalez, Margarida Marcos, Marta Mate, Carmen Moína, Mireia Moral, Isabel Muñoz, Teresa Navarro, Carla Sanchez, Tania Sanchez, Carla Solana, Judit Torres, Lydia Velez
Nurses Assistants
Xenia Ángeles, Katherine Espinoza, Susana Flores, Melania Fornies, Mireia Hernández, Mª Ascension Martin, Marta Marzo, Laura Maza, Ana Belen Ortiz, Alba Pardes, Mª Teresa Romero
Inventory Manager
Melania Forniés
Sample Technician
Mª Teresa Romero
UITM - CaixaResearch Administrative Support (Schedulers)
Laura Abellán, Mª Teresa Mendoza, Noelia Moles, Marc Palomar
Head, Clinical Research Oncology Pharmacy Unit
Anna Farriols
Clinical Director of the Clinical Research Oncology Pharmacy Unit
Maria Queralt Gorgas

Montserrat Carreres, Carla Esteban, Celia Fernández, Lorena García, Patricia García, Pablo González, Ariadna Gracia, Rocío Paucar, Pilar Rovira, Eugenia Serramontmany, Manuel Serrano, Carlota Varon


Montserrat Aguilar, Romina Bellini, Esther Carabantes, Bryan Cárdenas, Elisabeth Gabilan, Cristina Gullón, Ariadna Javalera, Jennifer Jimenez, Roser Klimt, Susana Mulet, Isabel Pérez, Sergio Pizarro, Marta Pozo, Dayana Puyas, Madiha Shaheen, Alan Thompson, Silvia Torralba, Noemi Visus

Pharmacy Assistant
Álex Valle
Data Entry
Carmen Torres
Isabel Mª Alerany
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