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El Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) busca “Técnico/a Responsable en la gestión de obras para el Departamento de Servicios…
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The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) Seeks a “Laboratory Technician” Reference: Ref. 27-2021 Application deadline: 15/07/2021 Number of…
Our main field of interest is the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the genesis and progression of brain tumours.
The understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying brain cancer is essential for the development of successful and rational therapeutic strategies. Our approach is based on a tight collaboration with clinical researchers at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital and the study of patient-derived tumours. We analyse human biopsies, generate primary cultures of human tumour cells, isolate the stem-cell-like population of patient-derived gliomas and generate mouse models for glioma based on the orthotopic inoculation of human glioma stem cells in the mouse brain to generate tumours with the same characteristics as the original human tumour. Moreover, we participate in ongoing clinical trials obtaining critical information about the biology of human tumours. We expect that our results will help understand the biology of brain cancer, and we aspire to translate our discoveries to a clinical ambit identifying molecular markers of diagnosis and prognosis, markers of response to therapies, and unveil new therapeutic targets against this deadly disease.
Postdoctoral candidates must have a strong background in molecular and cellular biology, at least on article as first author, and high motivation.
The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) seeks “1 Fellow to join its Gastrointestinal & Endocrine Tumors Group” Application…
The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) Seeks a “Data Steward” Reference: 2024-039-01 Application deadline: 13/07/24 Number of vacancies: 1…
Formació nivell FPII (Tècnic superior en administració i finances) o Llicenciat en Ciències Econòmiques / ADE. Es consideraran altres titulacions en funció de l’experiència aportada i l’acreditació de coneixements bàsics de comptabilitat
Experiència en departaments de gestió de projectes des de la vesant de gestió econòmica, pressupostos o comptabilitat.
Capacitat d’organització, iniciativa i de treball en equip. A més, és important l’habilitat per a les relacions personals.
Capacitat per implementar nous processos.
Secundar els objectius de la organització; persona analítica i metòdica, que estigui enfocada en millorar processos i aportar idees.
Coordinada amb altres persones de l’equip.
Compartir la informació a la feina requereix un alt nivell de transversalització.
Es valorarà bon nivell d’anglès, tan parlat com escrit.
Altres: SAP, Office, Windows, Internet.
Es tracta d’una vacant dintre d’un grup dinàmic, ambiciós i amb gran projecció
El Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) busca “Coordinador-a en el Dpto. Servicios Generales e Infraestructuras” Referencia: Ref. 2024-030-01…
Reference: 02/2019 Application deadline: 15/03/2019 Number of vacancies: 1 Offer description: The Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Barcelona, Spain, seeks a Clinical…
The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) Seeks a “Medical Image Processing Physicist/Engineer to Join the Radiomics Group” Reference:…
The Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) Seeks a “Quality Clinical Trials Technician” Reference: 2024-045-01 Application deadline: until position filled…
El Vall d´Hebrón Institute of Oncology (VHIO) busca “Técnico/a especialista en single cell gene expression technologies” Referencia: 2024-036-01 Plazo de…
We are looking for postdoctoral candidates highly motivated and talented, with a strong background in cancer cell biology. Candidates must have at least one first author publication in a top-10 journal during 2014 or 2015.
VHIO’s seeks a Fellowship in Breast Cancer Unit Reference: 33/2019 Application deadline: 31/01/2020 Number of vacancies: 1 Job description:…