Josep Tabernero´s candidacy for presidency of the European Society for Medical Oncology and an invitation to ESMO Members to cast their votes before Monday 15 June 2015

VHIO is delighted to announce the candidacy of Josep Tabernero, our Director, for presidency of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), for the 2018-2019 term. ESMO Members may now cast their votes online via ESMO´s website until the deadline of June 15, 2015.

In the hope that you will entrust in him as forthcoming ESMO President (2018 – 2019), please find below, and in his campaign e-flyer attached under ´Related´at the end of this post, key considerations that support his candidacy and suitability, as well as a series of concrete action points should he be selected for this most important role:

Candidacy & Suitability

Josep Tabernero has been a longstanding member of ESMO and served on several committees, including member of the Executive Board, ESMO Treasurer, Chairmanship of both ESMO´s Fellowship and Award Committee and the Audit Committee, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the ESMO 2012 meeting, as well as acting as Co-Chair and Vice Chair of ESMO´s GI World Congresses, and Associate Editor of the society´s flagship journal, Annals of Oncology.

These appointments have afforded him an in-depth, intricate understanding of the mechanics and the driving influences behind just what has led ESMO to become truly great — achieving the remarkable growth of almost 150 percent in the past ten years of its 40-year history.

As importantly, he has worked closely with those who have led the Society to where it is today — the dedicated and tireless thought leaders within the medical oncology field. Josep undoubtedly shares the same passion and conviction of ESMO´s committees and its team of professionals working at ESMO´s headquarters in Lugano.

From Josep Tabernero – an overview of his presidential action plan

• In collaboration with ESMO´s outstanding committees I will seek to better respond to the growing needs, pressures and daily obstacles faced by medical oncologists – both within Europe and also beyond, and tailor specific benefits to cater to the regional needs that differ immensely country per country.

• I believe in listening to the real issues encountered by the up-and-coming generation of young oncologists, the future of our practice, and in turn, identify ways to ease the current burdens that could, if not monitored and addressed accordingly, cost our specialty dearly.

• I will support actions that strive to make precision medicine more accessible across borders.

• I will forge new, strategic collaborations with other specialties, cancer leagues, universities, patient groups, and industry. While medical oncology will rightly remain our core business and expertise, other disciplines and new contenders in cancer science and medicine must be keenly embraced and welcomed by our Society.

• I will prioritize ESMO´s dedicated efforts aimed at better shaping Oncopolicy to positively impact on our profession, other stakeholders in oncology, and on the outcomes of our patients. By defining key areas in need of change, within ESMO´s remit, our Society will become a forerunner in resolving issues which will demand greater flexibility for some policy points, more uniformity for others.

• I will lead efforts to engage in the necessary debate and exchange required to bring about change. Important target areas will include how best to manage and harness huge amounts of valuable, untapped data, as well as improve clinical trial design, balancing speed and making adjustments in dosage and treatment as required.

• I believe in turning current challenges that are impacting on our ability to more rapidly and precisely advance our specialty into opportunity and better outcomes for our Society, its members and all stakeholders in oncology.

My vision

I believe in serving and advancing our Society in parallel with the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of oncology whilst forging close collaboration with other specialties and key stakeholders, as well as those who must always be at the center of everything we do – our patients.

all ESMO Members may now vote online via ESMO´s website at:, until Monday 15 June 2015.

Many thanks in advance to ESMO Members who endorse our Director´s campaign by voting for him before June 15, 2015, and for sharing this post and attached campaign flyer with respective contacts via LinkedIn and/or email, or other networking media.

For any addtional information please contact: Amanda Wren, Director of Communication, the Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Email:

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