Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera - VHIO MD PhD Fellowship 

Join us @ VHIO for a PhD!

Eligibility criteria  | How to apply |  Evaluation Process  |  Fellowship Available  | Call Calendar | Contact


Apply now to boost your scientific career at VHIO, a Center of Excellence backed by first class core technologies and a broad training portfolio in one of the best translational, preclinical and clinical research centers in Europe.    VHIO has a unique staff of international researchers who are devoted to delivering on the promise of providing precision medicine in oncology and turning discoveries in cancer research into more effective treatments and better practices to care for our patients.
Fellows recruited through this call will benefit from an exciting scientific environment and an integrated training programme, including access to state-of-the-art infrastructure, lectures and seminars, specialized scientific and technological courses, complementary skills training and career development activities, as well as social activities.

In this call, we do offer 1 fully funded scholarship to graduates in human medicine who want to become experts in translational medicine and contribute to evidence-based medicine. The successful candidate will carry out a PhD project focusing on fundamental biology at VHIO by combining basic research and clinical research.

Eligibility criteria

Candidates should fulfil the following eligibility criteria at the time of the call deadline. If one or more of the eligibility criteria are not fulfilled, the proposal will be declared ineligible and will be withdrawn from any further consideration:

  • Candidates must have obtained a Medical Degree and the Spanish FSE (MIR – Medical Internship or residency) or an officially accredited as equivalent obtained in any EU country between 30th September 2019 and the contract starting date, which should be 1st October 2024 at the latest.
  • Only MDs (MIR) are eligible. FIR, BIR candidates will not be considered. For calculating the term, the following periods will be excluded:
    a) Maternity or paternity leave, according to the Social Security General Regime regulations. An extension of 1 year for each daughter/son will be applied.
    b) Illness or serious accident leading to medical leave: if such leave lasted more than 3 months.
    c) Care of dependents according to Law 39/2006, if such a care period lasted more than 3 months
  • Candidates who have already been granted a similar PhD contract (such as “Río Hortega” Contracts) are not eligible.
  • Candidates should have previous research experience and a strong commitment to scientific research.
  • Candidates must have a solid knowledge of English.

In case of doubts about the eligibility criteria, applicants should contact the VHIO Academy ( prior to submitting the application.

How to apply
  • Applications must be submitted online
    Candidates must register in order to use the online application system.
  • The online application form requests all of the necessary information for the initial stages of the selection process (General information, Education, Coursework, Honours, scholarships, prizes and awards, research experience, scientific interests and the details of two referees)
    If the academic transcripts are not in Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian or English applicants should also attach a translation in one of the above-mentioned languages.
  • Two reference letters will be automatically requested to the referees proposed by the candidate through the online system.
  • Applicants should indicate the lab in which they would like to work.
  • Candidates must ensure that all information is included by the call deadline, including the reference letters. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.

Once the application is submitted, an acknowledgement of receipt will be automatically sent by e-mail to the applicant. APPLY HERE
For any additional information, please contact the VHIO Academy at

Evaluation process

Applications that meet the formal requirements will be evaluated scientifically according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • The applicant’s qualification (including her or his examination scores during medical studies).
  • The applicant’s scientific knowledge and demonstrated interest for research.
  • The scientific relevance and the feasibility of the proposed doctoral project.
  • The likelihood of the MD-PhD being successfully completed, and the quality of support offered by the thesis supervisor.
  • The applicant’s aptitude for an academic-clinical career and her or his career plan.

More details are included in the CALL TEXT

Fellowship Available

The selected candidate will receive a 3-year work contract with a competitive salary and incentives following the applicable national regulations. The fellow will receive full health and occupational insurance coverage and will be included in the Spanish Social Security System.

Living allowance corresponding to a gross salary of 45.442,38 EUR/year + a total gross of 21.000 EUR in concept of salary incentives for the 3-year period. Incentives will gradually raise and are subject to the accomplishment of specific objectives (Call Text_Annex A):

  • Year 1: Maximum 5000 EUR
  • Year 2: Maximum 7000 EUR
  • Year 3: Maximum 9000 EUR

Additional funds corresponding to 2500 EUR to cover Doctorate registration fees, Thesis dissertation deposit and printed copies of the thesis.

Call Calendar

Call opening: 2 April 2024
Call deadline: 10 May 2024
Oral interviews: Mid-May 2024
Final results and candidate notifications: End of May 2024
Start date of the fellowships: September-October 2024


For any additional information, please contact the VHIO Academy at:

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