Barcelona, June 15, 2021 – ESMO Perspectives is the bi-monthly digital magazine of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), edited by Antonio Passaro, European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Milan, Italy, who also serves as Chair of ESMO’s Press & Media Affairs Committee Chair. Packed full with a broad range of thought-provoking features, spotlight focus on some of the many hot topics of interest to the oncology community, and stories from the people who make ESMO, this month’s edition marks the launch of a new column, On target, authored by VHIO’s Elena Garralda, Principal Investigator of our Early Clinical Drug Development Group, and Director of our Research Unit for Molecular Therapy of Cancer (UITM) – CaixaResearch.
Introduced to further enrich ESMO’s Perspectives content and appeal as well as give visibility to potentially controversial issues and emerging trends in cancer research and clinical practice, On target debuts this month with Elena’s first column entitled Conquering Cancer: an attainable goal? She discusses just some of the many areas that we are getting right in delivering precision medicine in oncology as well as important gaps that arguably leave much room for improvement.
To read Elena’s piece and access this month’s ESMO Perspectives, please visit: https://perspectives.esmo.org/. To sign up/opt in to automatically receive all future editions as well as other ESMO newsletters click here.