Josep Villanueva
Puesto actual
- Jefe de equipo dentro del Grupo de Proteómica
- También forma parte del consejo editorial del Journal of Proteomics.
- Revisor ad hoc habitual de: Journal of Chromatography A; Journal of Proteome Research; Journal of Proteomics; Molecular & Cellular Proteomics; Proteomics; Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
Formación académica
- Investigador sénior con Paul Tempst, 2005-2009. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), Nueva York, EE. UU.
- Becario postdoctoral con Paul Tempst, 2002-2005. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), Nueva York, EE. UU.
- Becario postdoctoral con Xavier Avilés, 2000-2002. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, España.
- Doctorado en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular con Xavier Avilés y Enrique Querol, 2000. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, España.
- Licenciado en Bioquímica, 1995. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, España.
Áreas de investigación
- Descubrimiento de biomarcadores específicos para tumores secretores en cáncer de mama mediante proteómica.
- Establecimiento de vías de secreción-activación proteómica en vías de señalización asociadas a la tumorogénesis.
- Caracterización del microentorno del tumor mediante el perfil proteómico de los secretomas.
Premios y becas
- Premio de Investigación para licenciados sobresalientes de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), España, 2005.
- Beca de investigación para licenciados de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), España, 1996.
- Beca postdoctoral de corta duración del Laboratorio Europeo de Biología Molecular (EMBL), Alemania, 2002.
- U24 CA126485-01 “Tecnología clínica proteómica para la evaluación del cáncer”, Instituto Nacional del Cáncer del NIH (2006-2011). Funciones: coinvestigador
- Proyecto Miguel Servet. “Perfiles proteómicos cuantitativos de secretomas para el descubrimiento de fármacos diana”. ISCIII (Instituto de la Salud Carlos III) (2009-2011). Funciones: investigador principal
- Instituto de la Salud Carlos III (FIS).“Vías de los secretomas en el descubrimiento de biomarcadores en el cáncer de mama” (2010-2012).
- Beca de Reintegración Internacional Marie Curie. “Vías de los secretomas en el descubrimiento de biomarcadores en el cáncer de mama” (2010-2012).
Publicaciones científicas más relevantes
- Juliachs M, Pujals M, Bellio C, Meo-Evoli N, Duran JM, Zamora E, Parés M, Suñol A, Méndez O, Sánchez-Pla A, Canals F, Saura C, Villanueva J. Circulating SOD2 Is a Candidate Response Biomarker for Neoadjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Aug 10;14(16):3858.
- Bellio C, Emperador M, Castellano P, Gris-Oliver A, Canals F, Sánchez-Pla A, Zamora E, Arribas J, Saura C, Serra V, Tabernero J, Littlefield BA, Villanueva J. GDF15 Is an Eribulin Response Biomarker also Required for Survival of DTP Breast Cancer Cells. Cancers (Basel). 2022 May 23;14(10):2562.
- Pujals M, Resar L, Villanueva J. HMGA1, Moonlighting Protein Function, and Cellular Real Estate: Location, Location, Location! Biomolecules. 2021 Sep 9;11(9):1334.
- Granado-Martínez P, Garcia-Ortega S, González-Sánchez E, McGrail K, Selgas R, Grueso J, Gil R, Naldaiz-Gastesi N, Rhodes AC, Hernandez-Losa J, Ferrer B, Canals F, Villanueva J, Méndez O, Espinosa-Gil S, Lizcano JM, Muñoz-Couselo E, García-Patos V, Recio JA. STK11 (LKB1) missense somatic mutant isoforms promote tumor growth, motility and inflammation. Commun Biol. 2020 Jul 9;3(1):366.
- Bellio C, Villanueva J. Hitting the brakes on autophagy for overcoming acquired resistance in triple negative breast cancer. Ann Transl Med. 2020 Jul;8(14):848.
- Méndez O, Pérez J, Soberino J, Racca F, Cortés J, Villanueva J. Clinical Implications of Extracellular HMGA1 in Breast Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2019. 20(23), 5950.
- Méndez O, Villanueva J. Challenges and opportunities for cell line secretomes in cancer proteomics. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2015;9(3-4):348-357.
- Katsila T, Juliachs M, Gregori J, Macarulla T, Villarreal L, Bardelli A, Torrance C, Elez E, Tabernero J, Villanueva J. Circulating pEGFR is a candidate response biomarker of cetuximab therapy in colorectal cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 2014 Dec; 20(24): 6346-56
- Villarreal L, Méndez O, Salvans C, Gregori J, Baselga J, Villanueva J*. Unconventionalsecretion is a major contributor of cancer cell line secretomes. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013, 12(5):1046-60.
- Gregori J, Méndez O, Katsila T, Pujals M, Salvans C, Villarreal L, Arribas J, Tabernero J, Sánchez A, Villanueva J. Enhancing the Biological Relevance of Secretome-Based Proteomics by Linking Tumor Cell Proliferation and Protein Secretion. J. Proteome Res. 2014 Jul;
- Gregori J, Villarreal L, Sánchez A, Baselga J, Villanueva J. An effect size filter improves the reproducibility in spectral counting-based comparative proteomics. J Proteomics 2013 Dec; 95: 55-65
- Gregori J, Villarreal L, Méndez O, Sánchez A, Baselga J, Villanueva J. Batch effects correction improves the sensitivity of significance tests in spectral counting-based comparative discovery proteomics. J Proteomics 2012 Jul; 75(13): 3938-51
- Lawlor K, Nazarian A, Lacomis L, Tempst P, Villanueva J*. Pathway-based biomarker search by high-throughput proteomics profiling of secretomes. J Proteome Research. 2009. 8(3):1489-503.
Todas las publicaciones
- Juliachs M, Pujals M, Bellio C, Meo-Evoli N, Duran JM, Zamora E, Parés M, Suñol A, Méndez O, Sánchez-Pla A, Canals F, Saura C, Villanueva J. Circulating SOD2 Is a Candidate Response Biomarker for Neoadjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Aug 10;14(16):3858.
- Bellio C, Emperador M, Castellano P, Gris-Oliver A, Canals F, Sánchez-Pla A, Zamora E, Arribas J, Saura C, Serra V, Tabernero J, Littlefield BA, Villanueva J. GDF15 Is an Eribulin Response Biomarker also Required for Survival of DTP Breast Cancer Cells. Cancers (Basel). 2022 May 23;14(10):2562.
- Zacarias-Fluck MF, Morancho B, Vicario R, Luque Garcia A, Escorihuela M, Villanueva J, Rubio IT, Arribas J. Effect of cellular senescence on the growth of HER2-positive breast cancers. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2015 May; 107(5)
- Morancho B, Martínez-Barriocanal Á, Villanueva J, Arribas J. Role of ADAM17 in the non-cell autonomous effects of oncogene-induced senescence. Breast Cancer Res. 2015; 17: 106
- Katsila T, Juliachs M, Gregori J, Macarulla T, Villarreal L, Bardelli A, Torrance C, Elez E, Tabernero J, Villanueva J. Circulating pEGFR is a candidate response biomarker of cetuximab therapy in colorectal cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 2014 Dec; 20(24): 6346-56
- Nazarian A, Lawlor K, Yi SS, Philip J, Ghosh M, Yaneva M, Villanueva J, Saghatelian A, Assel M, Vickers AJ, Eastham JA, Scher HI, Carver BS, Lilja H, Tempst P. Inhibition of circulating dipeptidyl peptidase 4 activity in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Mol. Cell Proteomics 2014 Nov; 13(11): 3082-96
- Gregori J, Méndez O, Katsila T, Pujals M, Salvans C, Villarreal L, Arribas J, Tabernero J, Sánchez A, Villanueva J. Enhancing the Biological Relevance of Secretome-Based Proteomics by Linking Tumor Cell Proliferation and Protein Secretion. J. Proteome Res. 2014 Jul;
- Segura V, Medina-Aunon JA, Mora MI, Martínez-Bartolomé S, Abian J, Aloria K, Antúnez O, Arizmendi JM, Azkargorta M, Barceló-Batllori S, Beaskoetxea J, Bech-Serra JJ, Blanco F, Monteiro MB, Cáceres D, Canals F, Carrascal M, Casal JI, Clemente F, Colomé N, Dasilva N, Díaz P, Elortza F, Fernández-Puente P, Fuentes M, Gallardo O, Gharbi SI, Gil C, González-Tejedo C, Hernáez ML, Lombardía M, Lopez-Lucendo M, Marcilla M, Mato JM, Mendes M, Oliveira E, Orera I, Pascual-Montano A, Prieto G, Ruiz-Romero C, Sánchez del Pino MM, Tabas-Madrid D, Valero ML, Vialas V, Villanueva J, Albar JP, Corrales FJ. Surfing transcriptomic landscapes. A step beyond the annotation of chromosome 16 proteome. J. Proteome Res. 2014 Jan; 13(1): 158-72
- Gregori J, Villarreal L, Sánchez A, Baselga J, Villanueva J. An effect size filter improves the reproducibility in spectral counting-based comparative proteomics. J Proteomics 2013 Dec; 95: 55-65
- Angelini PD, Zacarias Fluck MF, Pedersen K, Parra-Palau JL, Guiu M, Bernadó Morales C, Vicario R, Luque-García A, Navalpotro NP, Giralt J, Canals F, Gomis RR, Tabernero J, Baselga J, Villanueva J, Arribas J. Constitutive HER2 signaling promotes breast cancer metastasis through cellular senescence.Cancer Res. 2013 Jan; 73(1): 450-8
- Gregori J, Villarreal L, Méndez O, Sánchez A, Baselga J, Villanueva J. Batch effects correction improves the sensitivity of significance tests in spectral counting-based comparative discovery proteomics. J Proteomics 2012 Jul; 75(13): 3938-51
- Sánchez A, Villanueva J. PI3K-based molecular signatures link high PI3K pathway activity with low ER levels in ER+ breast cancer. Expert Rev Proteomics 2010 Dec; 7(6): 819-21
- Villanueva J, Nazarian A, Lawlor K, Tempst P. Monitoring peptidase activities in complex proteomes by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Nat Protoc 2009; 4(8): 1167-83
- Lawlor K, Nazarian A, Lacomis L, Tempst P, Villanueva J. Pathway-based biomarker search by high-throughput proteomics profiling of secretomes. J. Proteome Res. 2009 Mar; 8(3): 1489-503
- Villanueva J, Nazarian A, Lawlor K, Yi SS, Robbins RJ, Tempst P. A sequence-specific exopeptidase activity test (SSEAT) for “functional” biomarker discovery. Mol. Cell Proteomics 2008 Mar; 7(3): 509-18
- Villanueva J, Philip J, DeNoyer L, Tempst P. Data analysis of assorted serum peptidome profiles. Nat Protoc 2007; 2(3): 588-602
- Villanueva J, Lawlor K, Toledo-Crow R, Tempst P. Automated serum peptide profiling. Nat Protoc 2006; 1(2): 880-91
- Villanueva J, Martorella AJ, Lawlor K, Philip J, Fleisher M, Robbins RJ, Tempst P. Serum peptidome patterns that distinguish metastatic thyroid carcinoma from cancer-free controls are unbiased by gender and age. Mol. Cell Proteomics 2006 Oct; 5(10): 1840-52
- Villanueva J, Shaffer DR, Philip J, Chaparro CA, Erdjument-Bromage H, Olshen AB, Fleisher M, Lilja H, Brogi E, Boyd J, Sánchez-Carbayo M, Holland EC, Cordon-Cardo C, Scher HI, Tempst P. Differential exoprotease activities confer tumor-specific serum peptidome patterns. J. Clin. Invest. 2006 Jan; 116(1): 271-84
- Villanueva J, Philip J, Entenberg D, Chaparro CA, Tanwar MK, Holland EC, Tempst P. Serum peptide profiling by magnetic particle-assisted, automated sample processing and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 2004 Mar; 76(6): 1560-70