La misión de la VHIO Academy es impulsar las carreras de los investigadores e investigadoras oncológicos clínicos, preclínicos y traslacionales proporcionándoles formación avanzada, apoyo y orientación a lo largo de su trayectoria científica en el VHIO.
Nuestros objetivos principales son:
– Desarrollar programas formativos y gestionar actividades de acompañamiento y orientación profesional con el objetivo de ayudar a los miembros del VHIO a avanzar en su educación y carrera, así como fomentar un entorno de formación de excelencia.
– Potenciar la atracción de talento científico internacional mediante la gestión y coordinación de programas académicos institucionales competitivos.
– Aumentar y consolidar las colaboraciones con Centros Oncológicos Integrales (CCC) y consorcios internacionales de investigación del cáncer para ampliar las actividades formativas, la red de colaboradores, así como fomentar la movilidad de investigadores biomédicos y clínicos a nivel internacional.
– Establecer nuevas iniciativas para fortalecer y potenciar el sentimiento de pertenencia a la comunidad del VHIO.
– Reforzar la comunicación científica interna y externa y la difusión de los resultados de la investigación sobre el cáncer.
Imma Falero – VHIO Academy Director
Alba Echarte – Academic Officer
Ana Martins Ribeiro, PhD – Research Culture & Development Officer
Carme Harris – International Attraction Officer
Maria Yubero, PhD – Training Coordinator
Paula Rodríguez – Learning Management Administrator
VHIO Academy is dedicated to attracting international talented scientists by offering fellowship and internship programs, at different steps of the scientific career: undergraduate, PhD, MD-PhD and postdoctoral programmes.
We are committed to an open, transparent and merit-based selection recruitment process.
Our organization is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. We believe in the value of diversity and we encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
One of VHIO’s main missions is to train and inspire the next generation of scientific leaders in oncology. VHIO’s Scientific Internal Training programmes coordinated by VHIO Academy attract young talent globally and provide state-of-the-art training and career development activities to empower fellows to reach their full potential. Our fellows develop their research skills in a unique collaborative and interdisciplinary setting that brings together excellent supervision and access to cutting edge technologies. A broad portfolio of complementary courses ranging from scientific to vocational training is available to further promote professional growth and assist fellows to take informed decisions about their next career step.
The VHIO Academy will encompass all educational programs at VHIO in order to manage the integration and dissemination of cancer-focused training opportunities, with initiatives for all VHIO personnel, as well programs tailored to patients and members of the community.
Establish new initiatives to strengthen and reinforce the sense of belonging to the VHIO community by organising regular gathering and annual retreats that encourage interactions and team building. To foster professional development through workshops, seminars and mentorship programmes among others to facilitate continuous learning and collaboration within the VHIO community.