Eva Muñoz
Puesto actual
- Jefe del Grupo de Melanoma y otros tumores cutáneos, Vall d’Hebron Instituto de Oncología (VHIO)
Formación académica
- La Dra. Muñoz obtuvo su licenciatura en medicina y cirugía por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) en 2005. De 2006 a 2010 completó su residencia en oncología médica en el Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron de Barcelona.
- Posteriormente, en 2011 obtuvo un doctorado cum laude en medicina por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) con la tesis titulada “Retratamiento con antraciclinas liposomales en pacientes con cáncer de mama metastásico que han recibido previamente tratamiento con antraciclinas convencionales”.
Áreas de investigación
- La Dra. Muñoz ha participado y participa activamente como investigadora principal y coinvestigadora en varios ensayos clínicos en el campo de la investigación del melanoma y otros tumores cutáneos, muchos de los cuales han llevado a la aprobación de nuevos tratamientos y al desarrollo de nuevas líneas de investigación en beneficio de los pacientes afectados con estas patologías.
- Actualmente participa en varios estudios internacionales con fármacos dirigidos a dianas moleculares. El trabajo de la Dra. Saura se centra en la medicina de precisión y destaca por su aportación al desarrollo de inhibidores de PI3K y nuevos tratamientos anti-HER2. En el campo del cáncer de mama relacionado con el embarazo, actualmente dirige un proyecto sobre el diagnóstico temprano del cáncer de mama basado en la presencia de ADN circulante en la leche materna y ha participado en varios proyectos para comprender mejor el impacto del embarazo en los resultados del cáncer de mama.
- Es coautora/autora de varias publicaciones en revistas de impacto, especialmente en materia de tumores de melanoma y otros tumores cutáneos, tanto en forma de artículos científicos como de ponencias para congresos, conferencias y comunicaciones de ámbito nacional e internacional.
1. Genetic profile of benign dermal lesions.
2. The emergence of a Ferroptosis-inhibiting mutation was the caused to the acquired resistance to IO in p136 patient.
3. Genetic profiling of squamous cell carcinomas.
4. Stage IIIA melanoma outcomes.
5. Role of LIF regulating Immunoresponse in melanoma.
6. Seguridad del retratamiento con inhibidores de checkpoint en pacientes oncológicos con antecedente de hepatitis inmunomediada grave (estudio RECIPHI).
7. BRAF mutation analysis in circulating free tumor DNA of melanoma patients treated with BRAF inhibitors.
8. Improving melanoma targeted and Immunothereapies using nanotecnology.
9. Role of p38α in antitumoral immune response and immunotherapy resistance.
10. Predicción de la respuesta a fármacos inhibidores de BRAF en pacientes de melanoma.
11. Biopsia líquida para detección nanoplasmónica de exosomas: prediciendo respuesta a la inmunoterapia.
12. 360º RESISTANCE: Aplicación de un modelo de investigación traslacional para estudiar predictores de respuesta/toxicidad, y mecanismos de resistencia en pacientes tratados con inmunoterapia.
13. Estrategias específicas para el cerebro para mejorar la respuesta a inmunoterapia.
14. Estudio de mecanismos de resistencia primaria y adquirida a inhibidores de immune checkpoints.
15. Estudio observacional descriptivo sobre las características y evolución del melanoma avanzado y metastásico en España GEM 1801.
16. Búsqueda de marcadores predictores de corticoterapia en hepatitis inmunomediadas (Estudio HEPiraes).
17. Genetic profiling of squamous cell carcinomas
18. Modulation of melanoma-stroma interactions using a rationally-designed nanomedicine combining BRAFi-, MEKi- and immunetherapies
19. Identification y characterization of slow cyclin cells in vivo using melanoma PDX.
20. Study of the cooperation of the stress pathway (MAPK14) in melanoma development, progression and intra-tumoral immune response for therapeutic purposes.
21. Aldehyde oxydation metabolism in melanoma
22. Melanoma Biobank.
Publicaciones científicas más relevantes
- Lozano-Rabella M, Garcia-Garijo A, Palomero J, Yuste-Estevanez A, Erhard F, Farriol-Duran R, Martín-Liberal J, Ochoa-de-Olza M, Matos I, Gartner JJ, Ghosh M, Canals F, Vidal A, Piulats JM, Matías-Guiu X, Brana I, Muñoz-Couselo E, Garralda E, Schlosser A, Gros A. Exploring the Immunogenicity of Noncanonical HLA-I Tumor Ligands Identified through Proteogenomics. Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Jun 13;29(12):2250-2265.
- de Braud F, Dooms C, Heist RS, Lebbe C, Wermke M, Gazzah A, Schadendorf D, Rutkowski P, Wolf J, Ascierto PA, Gil-Bazo I, Kato S, Wolodarski M, McKean M, Muñoz Couselo E, Sebastian M, Santoro A, Cooke V, Manganelli L, Wan K, Gaur A, Kim J, Caponigro G, Couillebault XM, Evans H, Campbell CD, Basu S, Moschetta M, Daud A. Initial Evidence for the Efficacy of Naporafenib in Combination With Trametinib in NRAS-Mutant Melanoma: Results From the Expansion Arm of a Phase Ib, Open-Label Study. J Clin Oncol. 2023 May 10;41(14):2651-2660.
- Diab A, Gogas H, Sandhu S, Long GV, Ascierto PA, Larkin J, Sznol M, Franke F, Ciuleanu TE, Pereira C, Muñoz Couselo E, Bronzon Damian F, Schenker M, Perfetti A, Lebbe C, Quéreux G, Meier F, Curti BD, Rojas C, Arriaga Y, Yang H, Zhou M, Ravimohan S, Statkevich P, Tagliaferri MA, Khushalani NI. Bempegaldesleukin Plus Nivolumab in Untreated Advanced Melanoma: The Open-Label, Phase III PIVOT IO 001 Trial Results. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Oct 20;41(30):4756-4767.
- Bratland Å, Munoz-Couselo E, Mortier L, Roshdy O, González R, Schachter J, Arance AM, Grange F, Meyer N, Joshi AJ, Billan S, Hughes BGM, Grob JJ, Ramakrishnan K, Ge J, Gumuscu B, Swaby RF, Gutzmer R. Health-Related Quality of Life with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Locally Advanced or Recurrent or Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: KEYNOTE-629. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2023 Dec;13(12):3165-3180.
- Lin L, Sabnis AJ, Chan E, Olivas V, Cade L, Pazarentzos E, Asthana S, Neel D, Yan JJ, Lu X, Pham L, Wang MM, Karachaliou N, Cao MG, Manzano JL, Ramirez JL, Torres JM, Buttitta F, Rudin CM, Collisson EA, Algazi A, Robinson E, Osman I, Muñoz-Couselo E, Cortes J, Frederick DT, Cooper ZA, McMahon M, Marchetti A, Rosell R, Flaherty KT, Wargo JA, Bivona TG. The Hippo Effector YAP promotes resistance to RAF and MEK targeted cancer therapies. Nat Genet. 2015 Mar; 47(3):250-6.
- Vizoso M, Ferreira HJ, Lopez-Serra P, Carmona FJ, Martínez-Cardús A, Girotti MR, Villanueva A, Guil S, Moutinho C, Liz J, Portela A, Heyn H, Moran S, Vidal A, Martinez-Iniesta M, Manzano JL, Fernandez-Figueras MT, Elez E, Muñoz-Couselo E, Botella-Estrada R, Berrocal A, Pontén F, Oord Jv, Gallagher WM, Frederick DT, Flaherty KT, McDermott U, Lorigan P, Marais R, Esteller M. ‘Epigenetic activation of a cryptic TBC1D16 transcript enhances melanoma progression by targeting EGFR’. Nat Med. 2015 Jul;21(7):741-50.
- Juan Recio, Mileidys Pérez-Alea, Kimberley McGrail, Sara Sánchez-Redondo, Berta Ferrer, Guy Fournet, Javier Cortes, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Javier Hernández, Stephan Tenbaum, Guillaume Martin, regis Costello, Ceylan Ismail, and Vicenç Garcia-Patos. ‘ALDH1A3 is epigenetically regulated during melanocyte transformation and is a target for melanoma treatment’. Oncogene 2017, 1-14.
- Adriana Sánchez-Danés, Jean-Christophe Larsimont, Mélanie Liagre, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Gaëlle Lapouge, Audrey Brisebarre, Christine Dubois, Mariano Suppa, Vijayakumar Sukumaran, Véronique del Marmol, Josep Tabernero & Cédric Blanpain A slow cycling Lgr5 tumour population mediates basal cell carcinoma relapse after therapy. Nature 562, 434-438 (2018). ISSN: 1476-4687. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0603-3
- Paula Granado-Martinez, Elena González-Sánchez, Sara García Ortega, Kimberley McGrail, Rafael Selgas, Judit Grueso, Rosa Gil, Javier Hernandez-Losa, Berta Ferrer, Josep Villanueva, Olga Méndez, Sergio Espinosa-Gil, José M. Lizcano, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Vicenç GarcíaPatos and Juan A. Recio. STK11 (LKB1) missense somatic mutant isoforms promote tumor growth, motility and inflammation. Nature cancer/ Communications Biology 3, Article number: 366 (2020); DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-1092-0
- Jeffrey Weber, Dirk Schadendorf, Michele Del Vecchio, James Larkin, Victoria Atkinson, Michael Schenker, Jacopo Pigozzo, Helen Gogas, Stéphane Dalle, Nicolas Meyer, Paolo A. Ascierto, Shahneen Sandhu, Thomas Eigentler, Ralf Gutzmer, Jessica C. Hassel, Caroline Robert, Matteo S. Carlino, Anna Maria Di Giacomo, Marcus O. Butler, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Michael P. Brown, Piotr Rutkowski, Andrew Haydon, Jean-Jacques Grob, Jacob Schachter, Paola Queirolo, Luis de la Cruz-Merino, Andre van der Westhuizen, Alexander M. Menzies, Sandra Re, Tuba Bas, Veerle de Pril, Julia Braverman, Daniel Tenney, Hao Tang, Georgina V. Long. Adjuvant Therapy of Nivolumab Combined With Ipilimumab Versus Nivolumab Alone in Patients With Stage IIIB–D or Stage IV Melanoma (CheckMate 915). J Clin Oncol. 2022; doi:10.1200/JCO.22.01770
- Maria Gonzalez-Cao1; Clara Mayo de las Casas1; Juana Oramas2; Miguel A Berciano3; Luis de la Cruz4; Pablo Cerezuela5; Ana Arance6; Eva Muñoz7; Enrique Espinosa8; Teresa Puertolas9; Roberto Diez10; Sebastian Ochendustko11; Maria Jose Villanueva12; Laura Basterretxea13; Lorena Bellido14; Delvys Rodriguez15; Begoña Campos16; Clara Montagut17; Ana Drozdowskyj1; Miguel A Molina1; Jose Antonio Lopez-Martin18; Alfonso Berrocal19 for the Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). Intermittent BRAF inhibition in advanced BRAF mutated melanoma: results of a phase II randomized trial. Nature communications 2021 2:7008 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26572-6
- B. G. M. Hughes, E. Munoz-Couselo, L. Mortier, Å. Bratland4, R. Gutzmer, O. Roshdy, R. González Mendoza, J. Schachter, A. Arance, F. Grange N. Meyer, A. Joshi, S. Billan, P. Zhang, B. Gumuscu, R. F. Swaby, J-J Grob. Pembrolizumab for locally advanced and recurrent/metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (KEYNOTE-629 Study): an open-label, nonrandomized, multicenter, phase 2 trial. Ann Oncol. 2021 Jul 19: S0923-7534(21)02186-4. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2021.07.008. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34293460
- Ana Amor Lopez, Marina Mazariegos, Marta Hergueta-Redondo, Alessandra Capuano, Pilar Ximénez-Embún, Héctor Tejero, Javier Muñoz, Juan Recio, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Roberto Doliana, Roberto Doliana, Paola Spessotto, and Hector Peinado. Inactivation of EMILIN-1 by proteolysis and secretion in extracellular vesicles favours melanoma progression and metástasis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 7406. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijms22147406
- Kimberley McGrail, Ms Sara García-Ortega, Paula Granado-Martinez, Dr Rosaura Estéve-Puig, Ms Sara Sanchez-Redondo, Dr Berta Ferrer, Dr Javier Hernandez-Losa, Dr Francesc Canals, Dr Anna Manzano, Aurea Navarro-Sabaté , Ramon Bartrons , Dr Mileidys Pérez-Alea , Eva Muñoz Couselo , Vicenç Garcia-Patos. BRAF activation by metabolic stress promotes glycolysis and survival, sensitizing NRASQ61 mutated melanomas to targeted therapy. Nature Communications | (2022) 13:7113; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-34907-0
Todas las publicaciones
- Wong SK, Blum SM, Sun X, Da Silva IP, Zubiri L, Ye F, Bai K, Zhang K, Ugurel S, Zimmer L, Livingstone E, Schadendorf D, Serra-Bellver P, Muñoz-Couselo E, Ortiz C, Lostes J, Huertas RM, Arance A, Pickering L, Long GV, Carlino MS, Buchbinder EI, Vázquez-Cortés L, Jara-Casas D, Márquez-Rodas I, González-Espinoza IR, Balko JM, Menzies AM, Sullivan RJ, Johnson DB. Efficacy and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitors in young adults with metastatic melanoma. Eur J Cancer. 2023 Mar;181:188-197.
- Lozano-Rabella M, Garcia-Garijo A, Palomero J, Yuste-Estevanez A, Erhard F, Farriol-Duran R, Martín-Liberal J, Ochoa-de-Olza M, Matos I, Gartner JJ, Ghosh M, Canals F, Vidal A, Piulats JM, Matías-Guiu X, Brana I, Muñoz-Couselo E, Garralda E, Schlosser A, Gros A. Exploring the Immunogenicity of Noncanonical HLA-I Tumor Ligands Identified through Proteogenomics. Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Jun 13;29(12):2250-2265.
- de Braud F, Dooms C, Heist RS, Lebbe C, Wermke M, Gazzah A, Schadendorf D, Rutkowski P, Wolf J, Ascierto PA, Gil-Bazo I, Kato S, Wolodarski M, McKean M, Muñoz Couselo E, Sebastian M, Santoro A, Cooke V, Manganelli L, Wan K, Gaur A, Kim J, Caponigro G, Couillebault XM, Evans H, Campbell CD, Basu S, Moschetta M, Daud A. Initial Evidence for the Efficacy of Naporafenib in Combination With Trametinib in NRAS-Mutant Melanoma: Results From the Expansion Arm of a Phase Ib, Open-Label Study. J Clin Oncol. 2023 May 10;41(14):2651-2660.
- Gonzalez-Cao M, Puertolas T, Martinez-Vila C, Carrera C, Maldonado Seral C, Rodríguez-Jiménez P, Sequero S, Cerezuela-Fuentes P, Feltes Ochoa R, Muñoz E, Antoñanzas Basa M, Martín-Liberal J, Soria A, Francisco Rodriguez Moreno J, Marquez-Rodas I, Lopez Criado P, Luis Manzano J, Lopez-Castro R, Ayala de Miguel P, Villalobos L, Martin Algarra S, Gonzalez-Barrallo I, Boada A, García Castaño A, Puig S, Crespo G, Luna Fra P, Aguayo Zamora C, Feito Rodríguez M, Valles L, Drozdowskyj A, Gardeazabal J, Antonio Fernandez-Morales L, Rodrigo A, Cruz R, Yelamos O, Rubio B, Mujica K, Provencio M, Berrocal A; Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with melanoma: results of the Spanish Melanoma Group registry. Clin Transl Oncol. 2023 Mar;25(3):768-775.
- Hernando-Calvo A, Vila-Casadesús M, Bareche Y, Gonzalez-Medina A, Abbas-Aghababazadeh F, Lo Giacco D, Martin A, Saavedra O, Brana I, Vieito M, Fasani R, Stagg J, Mancuso F, Haibe-Kains B, Han M, Berche R, Pugh TJ, Mirallas O, Jimenez J, Gonzalez NS, Valverde C, Muñoz-Couselo E, Suarez C, Diez M, Élez E, Capdevila J, Oaknin A, Saura C, Macarulla T, Galceran JC, Felip E, Dienstmann R, Bedard PL, Nuciforo P, Seoane J, Tabernero J, Garralda E, Vivancos A. A pan-cancer clinical platform to predict immunotherapy outcomes and prioritize immuno-oncology combinations in early-phase trials. Med. 2023 Oct 13;4(10):710-727.e5. d
- Riveiro-Barciela M, Barreira-Díaz A, Callejo-Pérez A, Muñoz-Couselo E, Díaz-Mejía N, Díaz-González Á, Londoño MC, Salcedo MT, Buti M. Retreatment With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors After a Severe Immune-Related Hepatitis: Results From a Prospective Multicenter Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 Mar;21(3):732-740.
- Diab A, Gogas H, Sandhu S, Long GV, Ascierto PA, Larkin J, Sznol M, Franke F, Ciuleanu TE, Pereira C, Muñoz Couselo E, Bronzon Damian F, Schenker M, Perfetti A, Lebbe C, Quéreux G, Meier F, Curti BD, Rojas C, Arriaga Y, Yang H, Zhou M, Ravimohan S, Statkevich P, Tagliaferri MA, Khushalani NI. Bempegaldesleukin Plus Nivolumab in Untreated Advanced Melanoma: The Open-Label, Phase III PIVOT IO 001 Trial Results. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Oct 20;41(30):4756-4767.
- Clingan P, Ladwa R, Brungs D, Harris DL, McGrath M, Arnold S, Coward J, Fourie S, Kurochkin A, Malan DR, Mant A, Sharma V, Shue H, Tazbirkova A, Berciano-Guerrero MA, Charoentum C, Dalle S, Dechaphunkul A, Dudnichenko O, Koralewski P, Lugowska I, Montaudié H, Muñoz-Couselo E, Sriuranpong V, Oliviero J, Desai J. Efficacy and safety of cosibelimab, an anti-PD-L1 antibody, in metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. J Immunother Cancer. 2023 Oct;11(10):e007637.
- Bratland Å, Munoz-Couselo E, Mortier L, Roshdy O, González R, Schachter J, Arance AM, Grange F, Meyer N, Joshi AJ, Billan S, Hughes BGM, Grob JJ, Ramakrishnan K, Ge J, Gumuscu B, Swaby RF, Gutzmer R. Health-Related Quality of Life with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Locally Advanced or Recurrent or Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: KEYNOTE-629. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2023 Dec;13(12):3165-3180.
- Schmid P, Lipatov O, Im SA, Goncalves A, Muñoz-Couselo E, Lee KS, Tamura K, Testa L, Witzel I, Ohtani S, Turner N, Zambelli S, Harbeck N, Andre F, Dent R, Mejia JA, Zhou X, Haiderali A, Nguyen AM, Cortes J, Winer EP. Impact of pembrolizumab versus chemotherapy on health-related quality of life in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer: results from the phase 3 randomised KEYNOTE-119 study. Eur J Cancer. 2023 Dec;195:113393.
- Muñoz E et al. ‘A rare case of malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the spinal cord’. Spine. 2008 May 20; 33(12): E397-9.
- Muñoz E, Cedrés S, Felip E. ‘Rare tumors of the chest’. European Joruinal of cancer, 2009 Sep;45 Suppl 1:400-1.
- J. Pérez-García, E. Muñoz, N. Mulet, I. Núñez, M. Bellet, P. Gómez. ‘Rápida resolución de una púrpura trombótica trombocitopénica con quimioterapia y trastuzumab’. Casos clínicos en Cáncer de Mama. Módulo 1. Enero 2010.
- C. Suárez, R. Morales, E. Muñoz, J. Rodón, CM. Valverde and Joan Carles. Molecular basis for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. Clinical and translational Oncology. Number 12. Volume 1. 2010.
- J. Carles Galcerán, E. Muñoz Couselo, C. Suarez Rodríguez, C. Valverde Morales. Cáncer de próstata: tratamiento intermitente con docetaxel. Rev. Cancer. Vol. 24 supl.1.pp 27-28, 2010.
- Del Campo J, Muñoz-Couselo E, Isabel Diaz-Corcuera, Ana Oaknin. Trabectedin combined with liposomal doxorubicin in women with relapsed ovarian cancer. Expert review of Anti-infective therapy, 2010 Jun;10(6):795-805. doi: 10.1586/era.10.59
- Alsina M, Ruiz-Echarri M, Capdevila J, Muñoz E, Tabernero JM. Biomarkers for therapies directed at angiogenesis. Current Colorectal Cancer Reports. 2010 Jun; 6 (3): 133-143
- Susana Cedres, Isabela Quispe, Pablo Martinez, Maria Longo, Eva Rodriguez, Cesar Serrano, Eva Muñoz, Esther Pallisa, Enriqeuta Felip. Computed tomography (CT) predicts accurately the pathologic tumour size in stage I non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Clin Tansl Oncol 2010 Dec;12(12):829-35. doi: 10.1007/s12094-010-0605-6
- Javier Cortes, Crsitina Saura, Meritxell Bellet, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Natalia Ramirez-Merino, Virgina Clavo, Jose Perez, Mari Vidal. HER2 and hormone receptor-positive breast cancer–blocking the right target. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2011 May;8(5):307-11. doi: 10.1038/nrclinonc.2010.185. Epub 2010 Dec 14
- Pérez Garcia J, Muñoz E, Cortes J. Role of antiangiogénesis in triple-negative breast cancer tumors. Cancer and chemotherapy reviews (6): 23- 29. Abril 2011.
- E. Muñoz-Couselo, J Perez-Garcia, J Cortes. Eribulin mesylate as a microtubule inhibitor for treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer. OncoTargets and Therapy. November 2011. Volume 2011:4 Pages 185 – 192
- Cortes, J., V. Calvo, N. Ramírez-Merino, J. O’Shaughnessy, A. Brufsky, N. Robert, M. Vidal, E. Muñoz, J. Perez, S. Dawood, C. Saura, S. Di Cosimo, A. González-Martín, M. Bellet, O.E Silva, D. Miles, A. Llombart and J. Baselga. Adverse events risk associated with bevacizumab addition to breast cancer chemotherapy: a meta-analysis. Ann Oncol, 2019 Jul 1;30(7):1179. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdy535.
- Serrano C, Cortés J, De Mattos-Arruda L, Bellet M, Gómez P, Saura C, Pérez J, Vidal M, Muñoz-Couselo E, Carreras MJ, Sánchez-Ollé G, Tabernero J, Baselga J, Di Cosimo S. Trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity in the elderly: a role for cardiovascular risk factors. Ann Oncol. 2019 Jul 1;30(7):1178. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdy534.
- Pérez-García, JM. Muñoz-Couselo, E. Ortega, V. Cortés, J. The beautifyl story of pertuzumab. Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 12(6), 703-705, 2012.
- M. Oliveira, J. Cortés, M. Bellet, J. Balmaña, L. De Mattos-Arruda, P. Gómez, E. Muñoz, V. Ortega, J. Pérez, C. Saura, M. Vidal, I.T. Rubio, S. Di Cosimo. Management of the axilla in early breast cancer patients in the genomic era. Annals of Oncology 00: 1–8, 2012.
- Perez-Garcia J, Muñoz-Couselo E, Cortes J. The effect of biology in the treatment of small breast tumours. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book 2013: 2013:25-31.
- Jose Perez-Garcia, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Javier Cortes. Bone metastases: Causes, consequences and therapeutic opportunities. EJC SUPPLEMENTS 11 (2013) 254 – 256.
- Perez-Garcia J, Muñoz-Couselo E, Cortes J, Scaltriti M. Therapeutic antibodies in breast cancer. Seminars in oncology 41:576-588. October 2014.
- Zamora, E., Munõz-Couselo, E., Cortes, J., Perez-Garcia, J. The fibroblast growth factor receptor: A new potential target for the treatment of breast cancer. Current Breast Cancer Reports 2014, 6 (2), pp. 51
- Berrocal, Alfonso; Arance, Ana; Lopez Martin, Jose Antonio; Soriano, Virtudes; Muñoz, Eva; Alonso, Lorenzo; Espinosa, Enrique; Lopez Criado, Pilar; Valdivia, Javier; Martin Algarra, Salvador. Ipilimumab for advanced melanoma: experience from the Spanish Expanded Access Program. Melanoma Research, 2014 Dec; 24(6): 577–583.
- Lin L, Sabnis AJ, Chan E, Olivas V, Cade L, Pazarentzos E, Asthana S, Neel D, Yan JJ, Lu X, Pham L, Wang MM, Karachaliou N, Cao MG, Manzano JL, Ramirez JL, Torres JM, Buttitta F, Rudin CM, Collisson EA, Algazi A, Robinson E, Osman I, Muñoz-Couselo E, Cortes J, Frederick DT, Cooper ZA, McMahon M, Marchetti A, Rosell R, Flaherty KT, Wargo JA, Bivona TG. The Hippo Effector YAP promotes resistance to RAF and MEK targeted cancer therapies. Nat Genet. 2015 Mar; 47(3):250-6.
- Vizoso M, Ferreira HJ, Lopez-Serra P, Carmona FJ, Martínez-Cardús A, Girotti MR, Villanueva A, Guil S, Moutinho C, Liz J, Portela A, Heyn H, Moran S, Vidal A, Martinez-Iniesta M, Manzano JL, Fernandez-Figueras MT, Elez E, Muñoz-Couselo E, Botella-Estrada R, Berrocal A, Pontén F, Oord Jv, Gallagher WM, Frederick DT, Flaherty KT, McDermott U, Lorigan P, Marais R, Esteller M. ‘Epigenetic activation of a cryptic TBC1D16 transcript enhances melanoma progression by targeting EGFR’. Nat Med. 2015 Jul;21(7):741-50.
- Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Jesús Soberino, José Manuel Pérez-García, Vanesa Ortega and Javier Cortés. ‘Recent advances in the treatment of melanoma with BRAF and MEK inhibitors’. Ann Transl Med 2015 Sep;3(15):207. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2305-5839.2015.05.13.
- Maria Gonzalez-Cao, Clara Mayo-de-las-Casas, Miguel A. Molina-Vila, Leticia De Mattos-Arruda, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Jose L. Manzano, Javier Cortes, Jose P. Berros, Ana Drozdowskyj, Miguel Sanmamed, Alvaro Gonzalez, Carlos Alvarez, Santiago Viteri, Niki Karachaliou, Salvador Martin Algarra, Jordi Bertran-Alamillo, Nuria Jordana-Ariza and Rafael Rosell. ‘BRAF mutation analysis in circulating free tumor DNA of melanoma patients treated with BRAF inhibitors’. Melanoma Res 2015 Dec;25(6):486-95. doi: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000187.
- Vivancos, Ana; Caratú, Ginevra; Matito, Judit; Muñoz-Couselo, Eva; Ferrer, Berta; Hernandez-Losa, Javier; Bodet, Domingo; Pérez-Alea, Mileidys; Cortés, Javier; García-Patos, Vincenç; Recio, Juan. ‘Genetic Evolution of Nevus of Ota Reveals Clonal Heterogeneity Acquiring BAP1 and TP53 Mutations’. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 2016 Mar;29(2):247-53. doi: 10.1111/pcmr.12452.
- Mileidys Pérez-Alea, Ana Vivancos, Ginevra Caratú, Judit Matito, Berta Ferrer, Javier Hernandez-Losa, Javier Cortés, Eva Muñoz, Vicente Garcia-Patos, Juan A. Recio. ‘Genetic Profile of GNAQ-Mutated Blue Melanocytic Neoplasms Reveals Mutations in Genes Linked to Genomic Instability and the PI3K Pathway’. Oncotarget 2016 May 10;7(19):28086-95
- M. González-Cao, A. Arance, J. M. Piulats, I. Marquez-Rodas, J. L. Manzano, A. Berrocal, G. Crespo, D. Rodriguez, E. Perez-Ruiz, M. Berciano, A. Soria, A. G. Castano, E. Espinosa, C. Montagut, L. Alonso, T. Puertolas, C. Aguado, M. A. Royo, R. Blanco, J. F. Rodríguez, E. Muñoz, P. Mut, F. Barron, S. Martin-Algarra. ‘Pembrolizumab for advanced melanoma: experience from the Spanish Expanded Access Program’. Clinical and translational oncology. January 2017.
- Juan Recio, Mileidys Pérez-Alea, Kimberley McGrail, Sara Sánchez-Redondo, Berta Ferrer, Guy Fournet, Javier Cortes, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Javier Hernández, Stephan Tenbaum, Guillaume Martin, regis Costello, Ceylan Ismail, and Vicenç Garcia-Patos. ‘ALDH1A3 is epigenetically regulated during melanocyte transformation and is a target for melanoma treatment’. Oncogene 2017, 1-14.
- Muñoz-Couselo E, Zamora Adelantado E, Ortiz C, Soberino Garcia J, Perez-Garcia J. ‘NRAS-mutant melanoma: current challenges and future prospect’. Onco Targets Ther. 2017 Aug 8; 10:3941-3947. doi: 10.2147/OTT.S117121.
- J. Perez-Garcia, E. Munoz-Couselo, J. Soberino, F. Racca, J. Cortes. ‘Targeting the FGFR pathway in breast cancer’. The breast 37 (2018) 126-133.
- Maria Gonzalez-Cao, Clara Mayo de las Casas, Nuria Jordana Ariza, Jose Luis Manzano, Miguel Ángel Molina-Vila, Virtudes Soriano, Teresa Puertolas, Ariadna Balada, Ainara Soria, Margarita Majem, Clara Montagut, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Delvys Rodríguez, Elizabeth Perej, Almudena Garcia, Javier Cortes, Ana Drozdowskyj, Niki Karachaliou, and Rafael Rosella, on behalf of the Spanish Melanoma Group. ‘Early evolution of BRAFV600 status in the blood of melanoma patients correlates with clinical outcome and identifies patients refractory to therapy’.’ Melanoma Res 2018 Jun;28(3):195-203. doi: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000432.
- Mr. Azad Saei, Dr. Marta Palafox, Prof. Touati Benoukraf , Ms. Nishi Kumari , Mr. Patrick William Jaynes , Dr. Prasanna Vasudevan Iyengar , Dr. Eva Muñoz-Couselo , Dr. Paolo Nucifero , Dr. Javier Cortés , Mr. Christopher Notzel , Dr. Nesaretnam Barr Kumarakulasinghe , Dr. John Lalith Charles Richard , Mr. Zul Fazreen Bin Adam Isa , Dr. Brendan Pang , Mrs. Marta Guzman , Dr. Zhou Siqin , Dr. Henry Yang , Dr. Wai Leong Tam , Dr. Violeta Serra. ‘Loss of USP28 mediated BRAF degradation drives resistance to RAF cancer therapies’. JEM 07-02-2018 issue, vol. 215 no. 7.
- Gerard Oristrell, Jordia Bañeras, Javier Ros, Eva Muñoz-Couselo. ‘Cardiac tamponade and adrenal insufficiency due to pembrolizumab. A case report’. Eur Heart J Case Rep, Apr 3;2(2): yty038. doi: 10.1093/ehjcr/yty038. eCollection 2018 Jun.
- Alejandro Garcia-Alvarez, Alberto Hernando, Fabiola Amair-Pineda and Eva Muñoz Couselo. Management of Severe Colitis in the Setting of Experimental Immunotherapy Combination. J Tumor Med Prev. Volume 3 Issue 1 – April 2018. DOI:10.19080/JTMP.2018.03.55560
- Eva Muñoz, Mauricio Lema, José Luis Manzano. Highlights ASCO 2018. Revista cáncer de piel. Volumen 1, número 0-2018. ISSN (versión papel): 2605-1648.
- Adriana Sánchez-Danés, Jean-Christophe Larsimont, Mélanie Liagre, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Gaëlle Lapouge, Audrey Brisebarre, Christine Dubois, Mariano Suppa, Vijayakumar Sukumaran, Véronique del Marmol, Josep Tabernero & Cédric Blanpain A slow cycling Lgr5 tumour population mediates basal cell carcinoma relapse after therapy. Nature 562, 434-438 (2018). ISSN: 1476-4687. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0603-3
- J. Ros, E. Muñoz-Couselo. DRESS syndrome due to Vemurafenib treatment: switching BRAF inhibitor to solve a big problem. BMJ Case Rep 2018 Sep 30;2018: bcr2018224379. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-224379.
- Mar Riveiro-Barciela, Eva Muñoz-Couselo; Jesús Fernandez-Sojo; Nelly Diaz-Mejia; Rafael Parra-López; María Buti. Acute liver failure due to immune-mediated hepatitis successfully managed with plasma exchange: new settings call for new treatment strategies? J Hepatol. 2019 Mar;70(3):564-566. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2018.10.020.
- Eva Muñoz- Couselo, Enrique Espinosa. Carcinoma de células de Merkel: estadiaje y radioterapia. Revista cáncer de piel. Volumen 2 Num extraordinario 1, páginas 14-18, 2019
- Joaquín Gavilá; Juan De La Haba; Begoña Bermejo; Álvaro Rodríguez-Lescure; Antonio Antón; Eva Ciruelos; Joan Brunet; Eva Muñoz-Couselo; Marta Santisteban; César Augusto Rodríguez Sánchez; Ana Santaballa; Pedro Sánchez Rovira; José Ángel García-Sáenz; Manuel Ruiz Borrego; Ángel Guerrero-Zotano; Marisol Huerta; Almudena Cotes-Sanchís; Juan Lao Romera; Elena Aguirre; Javier Cortés; Antonio Llombart-Cussac. “A retrospective, multicenter study of the efficacy of lapatinib plus trastuzumab in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients previously treated with trastuzumab, lapatinib, or both: The Trastyvere study’. Clinical and Translational Oncology 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12094-019-02145-4
- Omid Hamid, Luciana Molinero, Christopher Bolen, Jeffrey A. Sosman, Donald P. Lawrence, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Harriet M. Kluger, David F. McDermott, John D. Powderly, Indrani Sarkar, Marcus Ballinger, Marcella Fasso, Carol O’Hear, Daniel S. Chen, Priti S. Hegde, F. Stephen Hodi. Safety, Clinical Activity, and Biological Correlates of Response in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma: Results from Phase I trial of Atezolizumab. Clinical Cancer Research. July 29, 2019 doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-3488
- Ros-Montañá, Javier; Saoudi-Gonzalez, Nadia; Ortiz-Velez, Carolina; Muñoz-Couselo, Eva. The role of ipilimumab after anti-PD-1 treatment two case reports and a literature review. Melanoma Research: 2020 Apr;30(2):209-212. doi: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000632.
- Dirk Schadendorf, MD; Paolo A Ascierto; John Haanen; Enrique Espinosa; Lev Demidov; Claus Garbe; Michele Guida; Paul Lorigan; Vanna Chiarion-Sileni; Helen Gogas; Michele Maio; Maria Teresa Fierro; Christoph Hoeller; Patrick Terheyden; Ralf Gutzmer; Tormod K Guren; Dimitrios Bafaloukos; Piotr Rutkowski; Ruth Plummer; Ashita Waterston; Martin Kaatz; Mario Mandala; Ivan Marquez-Rodas; Eva Muñoz-Couselo; Reinhard Dummer; Elena Grigoryeva; Tina C Young; Paul Nathan. Safety and efficacy of nivolumab in challenging subgroups with advanced melanoma who progressed on or after ipilimumab treatment: a single-arm, open-label, phase II study (CheckMate 172). European Journal of Cancer 121 (2019) 144e153
- P. Nathan, P.A. Ascierto, J. Haanen, E. Espinosa, L. Demidov, C. Garbe, M. Guida, P. Lorigan, V. Chiarion-Sileni, H. Gogas, M. Maio, M.T. Fierro, C. Hoeller, P. Terheyden, R. Gutzmer, T. Guren, D. Bafaloukos, P. Rutkowski, R. Plummer, A. Waterston, M. Kaatz, M. Mandala, I. Marquez-Rodas, E. Muñoz-Couselo, R. Dummer, E. Grigoryeva, T. Young, D. Schadendorf. Safety and efficacy of nivolumab in patients with rare melanoma subtypes who progressed on or after ipilimumab treatment: a single-arm, open-label, phase 2 study (CheckMate 172). Eur J Cancer 2019 Sep;119:168-178. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2019.07.010. Epub 2019 Aug 21.
- Peter Mohr, Felix Kiecker, Virtudes Soriano Teruel, Olivier Dereure, Karmele Mujika, Philippe Saiag, Jochen Utikal, Rama Koneru, Caroline Robert, James Larkin, Florencia Cuadros, Matias, Rodrigo Villaroel, Yana Najjar, Lisa Kottschade, Eva Muñoz Couselo, Jonathan Zager. Adjuvant Therapy versus Watch-and-Wait Post Surgery for Stage III Melanoma: A Multi-Country Retrospective Chart Review. Melanoma Management 2019. doi:10.2217/mmt-2019-0015
- Ignacio Matos, Juan Martin-Liberal, Alonso García-Ruiz, Cinta Hierro, Maria Ochoa del Olza, Cristina Viaplana, Analia Azaro, Maria Vieito, Irene Braña, Gemma Mur, Javier Ros, Jose Mateos, Mafalda Oliveira, Maria Alsina1, Elena Elez, Ana Oaknin1, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Joan Carles, Enriqueta Felip Jordi Rodón, Josep Tabernero, Rodrigo Dienstmann, Raquel Perez-Lopez and Elena Garralda. Capturing Hyperprogression disease with immune checkpoint inhibitors using RECIST 1.1 criteria. Clinical Cancer Research 2019 Nov 22. pii: clincanres.2226.2019. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-2226
- María Julia Lostes Bardaji MD, Carolina Ortiz MD, Analía Azaro MD, Eva Muñoz-Couselo MD PhD. Opciones emergentes en terapias de combinación para el melanoma avanzado (MM): Un nuevo desafío. Cáncer de piel 2019. IS-SN papel 2605-1648, electrónica IS-SN 2605-1669.
- Margarita Majem, M.D.; Elena García-Martínez; María Martínez García; Eva Muñoz-Couselo; Delvys Rodríguez Abreu; Ruth Álvarez Cabello; Ana Arance; Alfonso Berrocal; Luis de la Cruz-Merino; Jose A. López-Martin. SEOM clinical guideline for the management of immune-related adverse events in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (2019). Clinical and translational oncology 2020.
- Peter Schmid, Robeto Salgado, Yeon Hee Park, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Sung-Bae Kim, Joohyuk Sohn, Seock-Ah Im, Esther Holgado, Theodoros Foukakis, Sherko Kuemme, Rebecca Dent, Lina Yin, Anran Wang, Konstantinos Tryfonidis, Vassiliki Karantza, Javier Cortés Sherene Lo.i Pembrolizumab Plus Chemotherapy as Neoadjuvant Treatment for Locally Advanced Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Results from the Phase 1b Open-label, Multicohort KEYNOTE-173 Study. Annals of oncology 2020.
- Mónica Bolufer, Clara Garcia Carro, Roxana Bury, Eva Muñoz, Enriqueta Felip, Alejandra Gabaldon, Maria Jose Carreras, Daniel Seron Micas, María José Soler. Clinical characteristics and independent predictors of check point inhibitors-associated aki: what do we know? Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_3, June 2020, gfaa141.TO017,https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfaa141.TO017.
- Mar Riveiro-Barciela1, Judit Vidal-González, Ana Barreira-Díaz, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Lluís Viladomiu, Beatriz Mínguez, Carolina Ortiz Velez, Fernando Martínez-Valle, Lluís Castells, Rafael Esteban, María Buti. Immune-related hepatitis related to checkpoint inhibitors: clinical and prognostic factors. Liver international August 2020, Pages 1906-1916.
- Maria Gonzalez-Cao,MD; Mónica Antoñanzas Basa, MD; Teresa Puertolas, MD; Eva Muñoz-Couselo, MD; José Luis Manzano, MD; Cristina Carrera, MD; Ivan Marquez, MD; Pilar Lopez Criado, MD; Juan Francisco Rodriguez Moreno, MD; Almudena García Castaño, MD; Juan Martín Liberal, MD; Pedro Rodríguez-Jiménez, MD; Susana Puig, MD; Pablo Cerezuela, MD; Marta Feito Rodríguez, MD; Belén Rubio Viqueira, MD; Guillermo Crespo, MD; Pablo Luna Fra, MD; Cristina Aguayo Zamora, MD; Pablo Ayala de Miguel, MD; Rosa Feltes Ochoa, MD; Lara Valles, MD; Ana Drozdowskyj, PhD; Alfonso Berrocal, MD, for the Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). Anti cancer immunotherapy does not increase the risk of death by COVID-19 in melanoma patients. May, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.19.20106971
- Diana Oleas, Mónica Bolufer1, Irene Agraz1, Enriqueta Felip, Eva Muñoz, Alejandra Gabaldón, Roxana Bury, Eugenia Espinel, Daniel Serón, Clara García-Carro, María José Soler. Acute interstitial nephritis associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A 12-month single center experience. Clinical Kidney Journal, 10 February 2020. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfaa008
- Mar Riveiro-Barciela, Ernesto Trallero-Araguás, María Roca-Herrera4, Ester Zamora, Ana Barreira-Díaz, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Fernando Martínez-Valle. Toxicities from immunotherapy: from clinical trials to the real-world clinical practice. Medicina clínica 2020
- Ana Amor Lopez, Marina S. Mazariegos, Marta Hergueta-Redondo, Alessandra Capuano, Pilar Ximénez-Embún, Osvaldo Graña-Castro, Javier Muñoz, Juan Ángel Recio, Eva Muñoz, Diego Megías, Roberto Doliana, Paola Spessotto and Héctor Peinado. Emilin1 degradation and secretion in exosomes inactivate its tumor- and metastasis-suppressive role in melanoma mouse models. Nature communications, Communications Biology 2020; Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jul; 22(14): 7406, doi: 10.3390/ijms22147406
- A. Hernando-Calvo, A. Garcia-Alvarez, G. Villacampa, C. Ortiz, D. Bodet, V. Garcia-Patos, J.A Recio, R. Dienstmann, E. Muñoz-Couselo. Dynamics of clinical biomarkers as predictors of immunotherapy benefit in metastatic melanoma patients. Clinical and Translational Oncology Clin Transl Oncol 2021 Feb;23(2):311-317. doi: 10.1007/s12094-020-02420-9. Epub 2020 Jun 19.
- Paula Granado-Martinez, Elena González-Sánchez, Sara García Ortega, Kimberley McGrail, Rafael Selgas, Judit Grueso, Rosa Gil, Javier Hernandez-Losa, Berta Ferrer, Josep Villanueva, Olga Méndez, Sergio Espinosa-Gil, José M. Lizcano, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Vicenç GarcíaPatos and Juan A. Recio. STK11 (LKB1) missense somatic mutant isoforms promote tumor growth, motility and inflammation. Nature cancer/ Communications Biology 3, Article number: 366 (2020); DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-1092-0
- Maria Gonzalez-Cao, MD; Teresa Puertolas, MD; Mar Riveiro-Barciela, MD; Eva Muñoz-Couselo, MD; Carolina Ortiz6; Roger Paredes-8, MD; Daniel Podzamczer, MD; José Luis Manzano, MD; Jose Molto, MD; Boris Revollo, MD; Cristina Carrera, MD; Lourdes Mateu, MD; Sara Fancelli, MD; Enrique Espinosa, MD; Bonaventura Clotet, MD; Javier Martinez-Picado , PhD; Mario Mandala, MD; Alfonso Berrocal, MD, for the Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). Cancer Immunotherapy in Special Challenging Populations: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee of Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). MedRxiv 2020. 05.19.20106971; doi :https: 10.1101/2020.05.19.20106971
- Maria Gonzalez-Cao, MD; Teresa Puertolas, MD; Mar Riveiro-Barciela, MD; Eva Muñoz-Couselo, MD; Carolina Ortiz6; Roger Paredes-8, MD; Daniel Podzamczer, MD; José Luis Manzano, MD; Jose Molto, MD; Boris Revollo, MD; Cristina Carrera, MD; Lourdes Mateu, MD; Sara Fancelli, MD; Enrique Espinosa, MD; Bonaventura Clotet, MD; Javier Martinez-Picado, PhD; Mario Mandala, MD; Alfonso Berrocal, MD, for the Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). Cancer Immunotherapy in Special Challenging Populations: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee of Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2021.
- Eva Muñoz- Couselo. Cáncer cutáneo de células escamosas: Inmunoterapia: inhibidores de checkpoints. Rev Cáncer de Piel 20213 (extra.1): 33-36. ISN papel 2605-1648, ISN electrónico 2605-1699.
- Maria González Cao, Cristina Carrera, Juan Rodriguez-Moreno, Pedro Rodriguez-Jimenez, Monica Antoñanzas Basa, Rosa Feltes Ochoa, Teresa Puertolas, Eva Muñoz Couselo, Jose Luis Manzano, Ivan Marquez-Rodas, Juan Martin-Liberal, Ainara Soria, Pilar Lopez Criado, Almudena Garcia-Castaño, Aram Boada, Pablo Ayala de Miguel, Susana Puig, Guillermo Crespó, Pablo Luna, Cristina Aguayo, Marta Feito, Lara Valles, Ana Drozdowskyj, Cayetana Maldonado Seral, Jesus Gardeazabal, Laura Villalobos, Rafael Rosell, Luis Antonio Luis Antonio Fernandez-Morales, Alberto Rodrigo, Santiago Viteri, Mariano Provencio, and Alfonso Berrocal. COVID-19 in Melanoma Patients: Results of the Spanish Melanoma Group Registry, GRAVID study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2021.02.013
- Clara García-Carro, MD, PhD; Mónica Bolufer, MD; Roxana Bury, MD; Zaira Catañeda, MD; Eva Muñoz-Couselo, MD, PhD; Enriqueta Felip, MD, PhD; David Lorente, MD, PhD; María Josep Carreras, MD, PhD; Alejandra Gabaldon, MD, Irene Agraz, MD, PhD; Daniel Serón, MD, PhD; María José Soler, MD, PhD. Acute kidney injury as a risk factor for mortality in oncological patients receiving check-point inhibitors. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2021. PMID: 33547795; DOI:10.1093/ndt/gfab034
- Carlos González-Cruz, Domingo Bodet, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Vicente García-Patos. Mediastinal FDG-positive lymph nodes simulating melanoma progression: drug-induced sarcoidosis like/lymphadenopathy related to ipilimumab. BMJ Case Reports, January 28, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bcr-2020-237310
- Eric P. Winer, MD, Oleg Lipatov, MD, Seock-Ah Im, MD, Anthony Goncalves, MD, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, MD5, Keun Seok Lee, MD, Zbigniew Nowecki, MD, Peter Schmid, MD, Kenji Tamura, MD, Laura Testa, MD1 Isabell Witzel, MPH, Shoichiro Ohtani, MD, Nicholas Turner, MD, Stefania Zambelli, MD, Nadia Harbeck, MD, Fabrice Andre, MD, Rebecca Dent, MD, Xuan Zhou, PhD, Vassiliki Karantza, MD, Jaime Mejia, MD Javier Cortes, MD. Pembrolizumab versus investigator-choice chemotherapy for metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (KEYNOTE-119): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncology 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/ S1470-2045(20)30754-3
- Quintana Á, Peg V, Prat A, Moliné T, Villacampa G, Paré L, Galván P, Dientsmann R, Schmid P, Curigliano G, Muñoz-Couselo E, Perez-García J, Marti M, Blanco-Heredia J, Anjos CD, Vazquez M, De Mattos-Arruda L, Cortés J. Immune analysis of lymph nodes in relation to the presence or absence of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in triple-negative breast cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2021 May; 148:134-145. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.01.037. Epub 2021 Mar 17. PMID: 33743482.
- Eva Muñoz-Couselo MD PhD. Cáncer cutáneo de células escamosas: Inmunoterapia: inhibidores de checkpoints. Cáncer de piel, volumen 4 número extraordinario 2021 (1). IS-SN papel 2605-1648, electrónica IS-SN 2605-1669.
- Noelia Nebot, Christina S. Won2, Victor Moreno, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Dung-Yang Lee, Eduard Gasal, and Emmanuel Bouillaud. Evaluation of the Effects of Repeat-Dose Dabrafenib on the Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics of Rosuvastatin (OATP1B1/1B3 Substrate) and Midazolam (CYP3A4 Substrate). Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development 2021. doi: 10.1002/cpdd.937
- Ignacio Matos, Guillermo Villacampa, Cinta Hierro, Juan Martin-Liberal, Roger Berché, Anna Pedrola, Irene Braña, Analia Azaro, Maria Vieito, Omar Saavedra, Itziar Gardeazabal, Alberto Hernando1, Guzmán Alonso, Vladimir Galvao, Javier Ros, Cristina Viaplana, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Elena Elez, Jordi Rodon, Cristina Saura, Teresa Macarulla, Ana Oaknin, Joan Carles, Enriqueta Felip, Josep Tabernero, Rodrigo Dienstmann and Elena Garralda. Phase I prognostic online (PIPO) tool: a new aid to improve patient selection for early phase clinical trials. European Journal Cancer 2021
- Alejandro Garcia-Alavarez, Carolina Ortiz, Eva Muñoz-Couselo. Current Perspectives and Novel Strategies of NRAS-mutant melanoma. OncoTargets and Therapy 2021:14 3709–3719
- B. G. M. Hughes, E. Munoz-Couselo, L. Mortier, Å. Bratland4, R. Gutzmer, O. Roshdy, R. González Mendoza, J. Schachter, A. Arance, F. Grange N. Meyer, A. Joshi, S. Billan, P. Zhang, B. Gumuscu, R. F. Swaby, J-J Grob. Pembrolizumab for locally advanced and recurrent/metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (KEYNOTE-629 Study): an open-label, nonrandomized, multicenter, phase 2 trial. Ann Oncol. 2021 Jul 19: S0923-7534(21)02186-4. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2021.07.008. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34293460
- Ana Amor Lopez, Marina Mazariegos, Marta Hergueta-Redondo, Alessandra Capuano, Pilar Ximénez-Embún, Héctor Tejero, Javier Muñoz, Juan Recio, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Roberto Doliana, Roberto Doliana, Paola Spessotto, and Hector Peinado. Inactivation of EMILIN-1 by proteolysis and secretion in extracellular vesicles favours melanoma progression and metástasis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 7406. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijms22147406
- Mar Riveiro-Barciela, Didac González-Sans, David Marmolejo, Maria-Teresa Salcedo, Eva Muñoz-Couselo. Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome associated with nivolumab: an uncommon adverse event related to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2021 Mar 13;30(1):171-172. doi: 10.15403/jgld-3207.
- Maria Gonzalez-Cao1; Clara Mayo de las Casas1; Juana Oramas2; Miguel A Berciano3; Luis de la Cruz4; Pablo Cerezuela5; Ana Arance6; Eva Muñoz7; Enrique Espinosa8; Teresa Puertolas9; Roberto Diez10; Sebastian Ochendustko11; Maria Jose Villanueva12; Laura Basterretxea13; Lorena Bellido14; Delvys Rodriguez15; Begoña Campos16; Clara Montagut17; Ana Drozdowskyj1; Miguel A Molina1; Jose Antonio Lopez-Martin18; Alfonso Berrocal19 for the Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM). Intermittent BRAF inhibition in advanced BRAF mutated melanoma: results of a phase II randomized trial. Nature communications 2021 2:7008 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26572-6
- Álamo MC, Ochenduszko S, Crespo G, Corral M, Oramas J, Sancho P, Medina J, Garicano F, LópezP, Campos Balea B, Rodríguez Garzotto A, Muñoz-Couselo E. Durable Response to Vemurafenib and Cobimetinib for the Treatment of BRAF-Mutated Metastatic Melanoma in Routine Clinical Practice. OncoTargets and Therapy, November 2021 Volume 2021:14, Pages 5345—5352. DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S325208
- Ligero M, Garcia-Ruiz A, Viaplana C, Villacampa G, Raciti MV, Landa J, Matos I, Martin-Liberal J, Ochoa-de-Olza M, Hierro C, Mateo J, Gonzalez M, Morales-Barrera R, Suarez C, Rodon J, Elez E, Braña I, Muñoz-Couselo E, Oaknin A, Fasani R, Nuciforo P, Gil D, Rubio-Perez C, Seoane J, Felip E, Escobar M, Tabernero J, Carles J, Dienstmann R, Garralda E, Perez-Lopez R. A CT-based Radiomics Signature Is Associated with Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Advanced Solid Tumors. Radiology. 2021 Apr;299(1):109-119. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2021200928. Epub 2021 Jan 26. PMID: 33497314.
- Clara García-Carro 1, Mónica Bolufer 1, Roxana Bury 1, Zaira Castañeda 1, Eva Muñoz 2, Enriqueta Felip 2, David Lorente 3, María Josep Carreras 4, Alejandra Gabaldon 5, Irene Agraz 1, Daniel Serón 1, María José Soler . Acute kidney injury as a risk factor for mortality in oncological patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2022 Apr 25;37(5):887-894. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfab034.
- Riveiro-Barciela M, Barreira-Díaz A, Callejo-Pérez A, Muñoz-Couselo E, Díaz-Mejía N, Díaz-González Á, Londoño MC, Salcedo MT, Buti M. Retreatment with Checkpoint inhibitors after a severe immune-related hepatitis: Results from a prospective multicenter study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Apr 26: S1542-3565(22)00403-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2022.03.050.
- Laia Aceituno, Juan Bañares, Lourdes Ruiz, Ana Callejo-Pérez, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Carolina Ortiz-Velez, Nely Díaz-Mejía, Ana Barreira-Díaz, María José Carreras, Anna Farriols, María Buti, Mar Riveiro-Barciela. The low incidence of HBV reactivation among positive anti-HBc subjects on immunotherapy reduces the impact of suboptimal screening rate. Front. Med. Sec. Translational Medicine, doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.916213
- Mònica Sabaté Gallego1,2, Eulàlia Pérez Esquirol1, Núria Garcia Doladé3, Xavier Vidal Guitart1,2, Maria-Josep Carreras Soler4, Anna Farriols Danés4, Enriqueta Felip5,6, Irene Braña5,6, Joan Carles Galceran5,6, Rafael Morales Barrera5,6, Eva Muñoz- Couselo5,6, Antonieta Agustí Escasany1, Incidence and characteristics of adverse drug reactions in a cohort of patients treated with immunotherapy in real-world practice. Front. Med., 22 August 2022. Sec. Translational Medicine: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmed.2022.891179
- Jeffrey Weber, Dirk Schadendorf, Michele Del Vecchio, James Larkin, Victoria Atkinson, Michael Schenker, Jacopo Pigozzo, Helen Gogas, Stéphane Dalle, Nicolas Meyer, PaoloA. Ascierto, Shahneen Sandhu, Thomas Eigentler, Ralf Gutzmer, Jessica C. Hassel, Caroline Robert, Matteo S. Carlino, Anna Maria Di Giacomo, Marcus O. Butler, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Michael P. Brown, Piotr Rutkowski, Andrew Haydon, Jean-Jacques Grob, Jacob Schachter, Paola Queirolo, Luis de la Cruz-Merino, Andre van der Westhuizen, Alexander M. Menzies, Sandra Re, Tuba Bas, Veerle de Pril, Julia Braverman, Daniel Tenney, Hao Tang, Georgina V. Long. Adjuvant Therapy of Nivolumab Combined With Ipilimumab Versus Nivolumab Alone in Patients With Stage IIIB–D or Stage IV Melanoma (CheckMate 915). J Clin Oncol. 2022; doi:10.1200/JCO.22.01770
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