Susanna Aguilar
Càrrec actual
- Responsable del grup de VHIOTECA.
- Coordinadora del Programa de prescreening molecular del VHIO (Diagnòstic Molecular Avançat, DIAMAV).
Titulacions acadèmiques
- 2004 Doctora en biologia cel·lular i molecular. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Espanya. Títol de la tesi: Paper de l’activador tissular del plasminogen (tPA) en el desenvolupament i la progressió tumoral pancreàtica en models murins.
- 1999 Màster en biologia experimental. Universitat de Barcelona, Espanya.
- 1998 Llicenciatura en biologia. Universitat de Barcelona, Espanya
Àrees de recerca
- Interpretació de la seqüenciació genòmica en pacients amb càncer i integració amb la recerca clínica per a la teràpia dirigida.
- Biomarcadors.
- Biòpsia líquida.
Active participation in the following international projects:
- EUCANCan: a federated network of aligned and interoperable infrastructures for the analysis, management and homogeneous sharing of genomic oncology data for Personalized Medicine.
- Molecular Tumor Board (MTB) of the Cancer Core Europe (CCE) Consortium’s Baskets of Baskets (BoB).
- Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange (GENIE) Project of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
Publicacions més rellevants
Verdaguer H, Saurí T, Acosta DA, Guardiola M, Sierra A, Hernando J, Nuciforo P, Miquel JM, Molero C, Peiró S, Serra-Camprubi Q, Villacampa G,
Dienstmann R, Garralda E, Aguilar S, Sala G, Viaplana C, Ruiz-Pace F, González-Zorelle J, Grazia LoGiacco D, Ogbah Z, Ramos L, Mancuso F, Fasani R, Jimenez J, Martinez P, Oaknin A, Saura C, Oliveira M, Balmaña J, Carles J, Macarulla T, Elez E, Alsina M, Braña I, Felip E, Tabernero J, Rodon J, Nuciforo P, Vivancos A. Evolving landscape of molecular prescreening strategies for oncology early clinical trials. JCO Precision Oncology. 2020. 4:505-513. DOI: 10.1200/PO.19.00398.
Aguilar S, Santos C, Martini G, Argiles G, Azaro A, Garralda E, Tabernero J, Nuciforo P, Vivancos A, Dienstmann R. RNF43 and NOTCH1 mutated chemotherapy- and anti-EGFR-refractory colorectal cancer: should clonality guide target prioritization with investigational therapies? JCO Precision Oncology, Molecular Tumor Board. 2019. DOI: 10.1200/PO.19.00182.
Moserle L, Pons R, Martínez‐Lozano M, Jiménez‐Valerio G, Vidal A, Suárez C, Trilla E, Jiménez J, de Torres I, Carles J, Senserrich J, Aguilar S, Palomero L, Amadori A, Casanovas O. Kidney cancer PDOXs reveal patient‐specific pro‐malignant effects of antiangiogenics and its molecular traits. EMBO Mol Med. 2020 Dec 7; 12(12): e11889.
Totes les publicacions
- Verdaguer H, Saurí T, Acosta DA, Guardiola M, Sierra A, Hernando J, Nuciforo P, Miquel JM, Molero C, Peiró S, Serra-Camprubi Q, Villacampa G, Aguilar S, Vivancos A, Tabernero J, Dienstmann R, Macarulla T. ESMO Scale for Clinical Actionability of Molecular Targets driving targeted treatment in patients with cholangiocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. January 18 2022 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-2384.
- Dienstmann R, Garralda E, Aguilar S, Sala G, Viaplana C, Ruiz-Pace F, González-Zorelle J, Grazia LoGiacco D, Ogbah Z, Ramos L, Mancuso F, Fasani R, Jimenez J, Martinez P, Oaknin A, Saura C, Oliveira M, Balmaña J, Carles J, Macarulla T, Elez E, Alsina M, Braña I, Felip E, Tabernero J, Rodon J, Nuciforo P, Vivancos A. Evolving landscape of molecular prescreening strategies for oncology early clinical trials. JCO Precision Oncology. 2020. 4:505-513. DOI: 10.1200/PO.19.00398.
- Aguilar S, Santos C, Martini G, Argiles G, Azaro A, Garralda E, Tabernero J, Nuciforo P, Vivancos A, Dienstmann R. RNF43 and NOTCH1 mutated chemotherapy- and anti-EGFR-refractory colorectal cancer: should clonality guide target prioritization with investigational therapies? JCO Precision Oncology, Molecular Tumor Board. 2019. DOI: 10.1200/PO.19.00182.
- Moserle L, Pons R, Martínez‐Lozano M, Jiménez‐Valerio G, Vidal A, Suárez C, Trilla E, Jiménez J, de Torres I, Carles J, Senserrich J, Aguilar S, Palomero L, Amadori A, Casanovas O. Kidney cancer PDOXs reveal patient‐specific pro‐malignant effects of antiangiogenics and its molecular traits. EMBO Mol Med. 2020 Dec 7; 12(12): e11889.
- Puig I, Tenbaum SP, Chicote I, Arqués O, Martínez-Quintanilla J, Cuesta-Borrás E, Ramírez L, Gonzalo P, Soto A, Aguilar S, Eguizabal C, Caratù G, Prat A, Argilés G, Landolfi S, Casanovas O, Serra V, Villanueva A, Arroyo AG, Terracciano L, Nuciforo P, Seoane J, Recio JA, Vivancos A, Dienstmann R, Tabernero J, Palmer HG. 2018. TET2 controls chemoresistant slow-cycling cancer cell survival and tumor recurrence. J Clin Invest. 2018 Aug 6. pii: 96393. DOI: 10.1172/JCI96393.
- Tenbaum SP, Ordóñez-Morán P, Puig I, Chicote I, Arqués O, Landolfi S, Fernández Y, Herance JR, Gispert JD, Mendizabal L, Aguilar S, Cajal SR, Schwartz S Jr, Vivancos A, Espín E, Rojas S, Baselga J, Tabernero J, Muñoz A, Palmer HG. β-catenin confers resistance to PI3K and AKT inhibitors and subverts FOXO3a to promote metastasis in colon cancer. Nature Medicine. 2012 Jun;18(6):892-901.
- Aguilar S, Scotton CJ, McNulty K, Nye E, Stamp G, Laurent G, Bonnet D, Janes SM. Bone marrow stem cells expressing keratinocyte growth factor via an inducible lentivirus protects against bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. PLoS One. 2009 Nov 24;4(11):e8013.
- Loebinger M, Aguilar S, Janes SM. Therapeutical potential of stem cells in lung disease: progress and pitfalls. Clin Sci (Lond). 2008 Jan;114(2):99-108. Review.
- Aguilar S, Nye E, Chan J, Loebinger M, Spencer-Dene B, Fisk N, Stamp G, Bonnet D, Janes SM. Murine but not Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Generate Osteosarcoma-Like Lesions in the Lung. Stem Cells. 2007 Jun; 25(6):1586-94.
- Ortiz-Zapater E, Peiró S, Roda O, Corominas JM, Aguilar S, Ampurdanés C, Real FX, Navarro P. Tissue plasminogen activator induces pancreatic cancer cell proliferation by a non-catalytic mechanism that requires extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 activation through epidermal growth factor receptor and annexin A2. Am J Pathol. 2007, May; 170(5): 1573–1584.
- Aguilar S, Corominas JM, Malats N, Pereira JM, Dufresne M, Real FX and Navarro P. Tissue plasminogen activator in murine exocrine pancreas cancer: selective expression in ductal tumors and contribution to cancer progression. American J Pathology. 2004,165(4): 1129-1139.