VHIO Academy

Foto de grupo VHIO Academy con pantalla detrás. Natalia Molner, Carme Harris, María Yubero, Imma Falero, Thomas Guegan

La missió de VHIO Academy és impulsar les carreres dels investigadors i investigadores oncològics clínics, preclínics i translacionals proporcionant-los formació avançada, suport i orientació al llarg de la seva trajectòria científica al VHIO.

Els nostres objectius principals son:

  • Desenvolupar programes educatius centrats en el càncer i gestionar activitats de tutoria i formació per ajudar als membres del VHIO a avançar en la seva educació i carrera, així com, fomentar un entorn de formació d’excel·lència.
  • Llençar i gestionar programes acadèmics institucionals per atraure a professionals amb talent en oncologia.
  • Augmentar i consolidar les col·laboracions amb Centres Oncològics Integrals (CCC) i consorcis internacionals d’investigació del càncer per ampliar les activitats educatives, la xarxa de col·laboradors, així com fomentar la mobilitat dels investigadors i clínics a nivell internacional.
  • Establir noves iniciatives per enfortir i reforçar el sentiment de pertinença a la comunitat del VHIO.
  • Reforçar la comunicació científica interna i externa i la difusió dels resultats de la investigació sobre el càncer.


Imma Falero – Responsable de la VHIO Academy

Maria Yubero – Training Coordinator

Thomas Guegan – Training Officer

Natàlia Molner – Academic Officer

Carme Harris – International Attraction Officer



VHIO Academy is dedicated to attracting international talented scientists by offering fellowship and internship programs, at different steps of the scientific career: undergraduate, PhD, MD-PhD and postdoctoral programmes.

We are committed to an open, transparent and merit-based selection recruitment process.

Our organization is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. We believe in the value of diversity and we encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.


One of VHIO’s main missions is to train and inspire the next generation of scientific leaders in oncology. VHIO’s Scientific Internal Training programmes coordinated by VHIO Academy attract young talent globally and provide state-of-the-art training and career development activities to empower fellows to reach their full potential. Our fellows develop their research skills in a unique collaborative and interdisciplinary setting that brings together excellent supervision and access to cutting edge technologies. A broad portfolio of complementary courses ranging from scientific to vocational training is available to further promote professional growth and assist fellows to take informed decisions about their next career step.

The VHIO Academy will encompass all educational programs at VHIO in order to manage the integration and dissemination of cancer-focused training opportunities, with initiatives for all VHIO personnel, as well programs tailored to patients and members of the community.


Establish new initiatives to strengthen and reinforce the sense of belonging to the VHIO community by organising regular gathering and annual retreats that encourage interactions and team building. To foster professional development through workshops, seminars and mentorship programmes among others to facilitate continuous learning and collaboration within the VHIO community.

Imma Falero
Head of the VHIO Academy
Elena Élez M.D. PhD
VHIO Academy Chair
Cesar Serrano-1
César Serrano, M.D. PhD
VHIO Academy Chair
Pancho Barriga web
Francisco Barriga, PhD
VHIO Academy Chair
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