The main goal of the VHIO Postdoctoral Council is to represent the voice of the postdoctoral community by advocating for policy change and postdoc representation, as well as regularly hosting social and professional development events to cater to the specific, timely needs of VHIO postdocs.
It also aims to promote and defend research that guarantees equal opportunities, respect diversity and encourages democratic participation.
All active members of the VHIO Postdoctoral community can participate in the VHIO Postdoctoral Council.

2024 Activities
- Creation of the VHIO Postdoctoral Council Bylaw (February 2024).
- Kick-off event of the VHIO Postdoc Council (April 2024).
- 2024 Postdoc’s Interview (April 2024)
- “POSTDOC DAY: A NEW GENERATION IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH”, in collaboration with IRB Barcelona Postdoc Council (October 2024).
- We are organizing the “non-official Beer Session” monthly in collaboration with the VHIO PhD Council; and we are working together with VHIO Academy to offer specific resources or training programs to be held in the near future that will benefit the Postdoc Community.
- Ana Dueso Barroso, PhD (Martinez-Jimenez lab)
- Begoña Hurtado, PhD (Malumbres lab)
- Dario Ruiz Ciancio, PhD (Barriga lab)
- Isabel García Cao, PhD (Malumbres lab)
- Lucas Michel Todó, PhD (Martinez-Jimenez lab)