Call Now Open: Applications for Oncology Research Fellowship (2) at the Mass General Hospital Cancer Center, USA


Two fellowships sponsored by La Caixa International Program for Cancer Research & Education: a collaboration of La Caixa Foundation, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center (MGHCC) and the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO).

The objective of the Fellowship is to provide support to two outstanding MD’s, PhD’s, or MD/PhD’s who plan to pursue careers in translational cancer research.
The Fellowship is part of a research and education program funded by the La Caixa Foundation to speed the development of new molecular-based targeted therapies for cancer

Application Deadline: 15th May 2012

Grant Terms and Conditions

The term of the two laboratory fellowships will be two years, with the possibility of an extension for a third year. The fellowship grant of approximately $45.000 per year will provide support for the trainees’ salary stipend, with additional funds available for fringe benefits (e.g., health insurance)

The Fellowship Program also covers travel funds for the selected finalists to interview at MGHCC and for the Fellows to attend international symposia planned and sponsored by the program, and provides funds for research supplies, etc.

Applicant Eligibility Criteria

Eligible candidates will be scientists with an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD who are engaged in post-doctoral training at one of Spain’s cancer research centers of excellence. The applicant country of origin is not restricted, as long as the candidate is eligible to obtain a VISA for his/her fellowship period at MGHCC, Boston, USA.

Applicants must be committed to advancing translational cancer research and demonstrate a keen interest in the research programs being carried out by basic science and clinical researchers at the MGH Cancer Center.

The successful applicant must:

– Have completed at least one year of post-doctoral training at one of Spain’s top cancer centers;
– Provide letters of recommendation from one or more mentors who have personally supervised the candidate at one of the leading cancer research centers in Spain;
– Submit a document (maximum of 5 pages, double-spaced) describing previous research interests and achievements, how the applicants experience has prepared him or her for a laboratory Fellowship at MGHCC, and the applicant’s career goals for the future;

– Show drive and innovation with potential for major scientific or clinical advancement;
– Demonstrate a commitment to intensive training for the full 2-year period of the fellowship;
– Hold an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD degree or the equivalent;
– Not yet have been appointed to any faculty position, including that of instructor (investigators holding the rank of instructor, adjunct professor, assistant professor, research assistant professor, the equivalent or higher are not eligible to apply for the Fellowship).

Interested parties must submit all the required documentation (see above) before the deadline of 15 May 2012 via email:

Evaluation of Applications

A tiered selection process will consist of three steps:

– A pre-selection committee (leading cancer researchers from Spain and the US) will identify the top five candidates based on written applications and recommendations.
– The top five candidates will visit MGHCC to interview with faculty and gain exposure to MGHCC research programs, translational work, and clinical settings.
– An MGH faculty committee will identify the final Fellowship recipients based on the best matches between the top candidates’ interests and capabilities and current faculty research programs at the MGHCC.
– The committee will consider the following criteria when reviewing applications:

Applicant: The applicant’s potential and commitment to becoming an important contributor to translational cancer research; previous academic and/or clinical performance at an outstanding research institution; evidence of commitment to a career in translational cancer research; awards and honors; other relevant research experience; professional training; and publications.

Fellowship Candidate Consideration: The committee will consider each Fellowship applicant independently, on her/ his own merit, in conjunction with the recommendations made by mentors/ other professionals, without regard to race, gender, or ethnicity, and without consideration of other fellowships each candidate may have applied for in the past.


All grant recipients must present a progress report on their research at a meeting sponsored by the La Caixa International Program for Research and Education after year 1 of their fellowship award. The grantee must agree to commence the research project described in the research proposal by Fall 2012.The La Caixa International Program for Research and Education retains the right to terminate the Fellowship if the Fellow fails to obtain an appropriate VISA, if the research project does not commence in a timely fashion as defined in this Call, or if a Fellow fails to carry out fellowship work in accordance with best practices of basic science and translational cancer research as determined by the laboratory principal investigator.

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