El Grup de Tumors Toràcics i Càncer de Cap i Coll del VHIO es dedica a avançar en el tractament del càncer i l’atenció a pacients que pateixen neoplàsies malignes toràciques, com ara càncer de pulmó, mesotelioma i neoplàsies tímiques, i càncers de cap i coll. Ens centrem en la prevenció de la malaltia, la detecció precoç i el diagnòstic i l’estadificació més precisos de la malaltia per millorar els resultats clínics.
El nostre grup s’esforça per combinar els tractaments dirigits actualment disponibles amb alteracions moleculars específiques identificades en els pacients, identificar els mecanismes moleculars de la resistència adquirida i optimitzar les noves estratègies d’immunoteràpia.
En el cas dels nostres pacients amb neoplàsies malignes toràciques en fase inicial, col·laborem estretament amb un equip multidisciplinari format per cirurgians toràcics, radioterapeutes, radiòlegs, pneumòlegs, patòlegs i biòlegs. En fer-ho, estem potenciant diversos enfocaments i modalitats de tractament. Com que els nostres pacients poden patir símptomes greus, també estem totalment compromesos amb la millora dels resultats clínics i treballem en estreta connexió amb professionals d’altres disciplines.
La medicina de precisió per al tractament del càncer de pulmó avançat ja no és una ambició. És un principi rector. Establim determinants moleculars de la malaltia en tumors individuals i ADN lliure circulant (ADNlc) mitjançant biòpsia líquida per adaptar de manera més eficaç els tractaments a les particularitats de la malaltia de cada pacient.
Les estratègies basades en la immunitat tenen un paper a l’algorisme terapèutic del càncer de pulmó no microcític. Actualment, s’estan duent a terme diversos protocols a la nostra Unitat de Recerca de Teràpia Molecular del Càncer (UITM) – CaixaResearch, dirigida per Elena Garralda. Així mateix, contribuïm a la tasca del desenvolupament clínic precoç de fàrmacs que duu a terme el VHIO. .
- Ampliar el nostre programa de càncer toràcic translacional en càncer de pulmó no microcític, càncer de pulmó microcític i mesotelioma.
- Aplicar les determinacions de la biòpsia líquida.
- Contribuir al desenvolupament precoç de fàrmacs, teràpies dirigides i estratègies d’immunoteràpia per al tractament de tumors toràcics i de cap i coll.
- Avançar en la medicina de precisió per als pacients amb càncer de pulmó mitjançant la recerca translacional i l’aplicació de tecnologies d’avantguarda i nous enfocaments.
- Potenciar noves teràpies, inclosos els agents immunoterapèutics i dirigits per al tractament de pacients amb neoplàsies malignes toràciques i de cap i coll.
- Aconseguir una comprensió més profunda de l’heterogeneïtat intratumoral i les implicacions clíniques.
- Continuar reforçant la multidisciplinarietat per a una atenció òptima del pacient.
Cap de grup
Enriqueta Felip
Oncòlegs mèdics i becaris clínics
Susana Cedres
Patricia Iranzo
Alexandre Martinez
Nuria Pardo
Pedro Rocha
Augusto Alejandro Valdivia
Ilaria Priano
Investigador sènior responsable del Laboratori de Genòmica Translacional en tumors toràcics
Ramon Amat
Becària postdoctoral
Caterina Carbonell
Rocío Caro
Gerard Romero
Infermera clínica especialitzada
Mireia Soleda
Personal suport a la recerca
Aina Arbusà
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- Solomon BJ, Bauer TM, Mok TSK, Liu G, Mazieres J, de Marinis F, Goto Y, Kim DW, Wu YL, Jassem J, López FL, Soo RA, Shaw AT, Polli A, Messina R, Iadeluca L, Toffalorio F, Felip E. Efficacy and safety of first-line lorlatinib versus crizotinib in patients with advanced, ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: updated analysis of data from the phase 3, randomised, open-label CROWN study. Lancet Respir Med. 2023 Apr;11(4):354-366.
- Solomon BJ, Bauer TM, Mok TSK, Liu G, Mazieres J, de Marinis F, Goto Y, Kim DW, Wu YL, Jassem J, López FL, Soo RA, Shaw AT, Polli A, Messina R, Iadeluca L, Toffalorio F, Felip E. Efficacy and safety of first-line lorlatinib versus crizotinib in patients with advanced, ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: updated analysis of data from the phase 3, randomised, open-label CROWN study. Lancet Respir Med. 2022 Dec 16:S2213-2600(22)00437-4.
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- Felip E, Altorki N, Zhou C, Csőszi T, Vynnychenko I, Goloborodko O, Luft A, Akopov A, Martinez-Marti A, Kenmotsu H, Chen YM, Chella A, Sugawara S, Voong D, Wu F, Yi J, Deng Y, McCleland M, Bennett E, Gitlitz B, Wakelee H; IMpower010 Investigators. Adjuvant atezolizumab after adjuvant chemotherapy in resected stage IB-IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer (IMpower010): a randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2021 Oct 9;398(10308):1344-1357.
- Li BT, Smit EF, Goto Y, Nakagawa K, Udagawa H, Mazières J, Nagasaka M, Bazhenova L, Saltos AN, Felip E, Pacheco JM, Pérol M, Paz-Ares L, Saxena K, Shiga R, Cheng Y, Acharyya S, Vitazka P, Shahidi J, Planchard D, Jänne PA; DESTINY-Lung01 Trial Investigators. Trastuzumab Deruxtecan in HER2-Mutant Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2022 Jan 20;386(3):241-251.
- Frigola J, Navarro A, Carbonell C, Callejo A, Iranzo P, Cedrés S, Martinez-Marti A, Pardo N, Saoudi-Gonzalez N, Martinez D, Jimenez J, Sansano I, Mancuso FM, Nuciforo P, Montuenga LM, Sánchez-Cespedes M, Prat A, Vivancos A, Felip E, Amat R. Molecular profiling of long-term responders to immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Oncol. 2021 Apr;15(4):887-900.
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- Frigola J, Navarro A, Carbonell C, Callejo A, Iranzo P, Cedrés S, Martinez-Marti A, Pardo N, Saoudi-Gonzalez N, Martinez D, Jimenez J, Sansano I, Mancuso FM, Nuciforo P, MontuengaLM, Sánchez-Cespedes M, Prat A, Vivancos A, Felip E, Amat R. Molecular profiling of long-term responders to immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Oncol. 2020 Dec 20. Epub ahead of print
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- Solomon BJ, Besse B, Bauer TM, Felip E, Soo RA, Camidge DR, Chiari R, Bearz A, Lin CC, Gadgeel SM, Riely GJ, Tan EH, Seto T, James LP, Clancy JS, Abbattista A, Martini JF, Chen J, Peltz G, Thurm H, Ou SI, Shaw AT. Lorlatinib in patients with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: results from a global phase 2 study. Lancet Oncol. 2018 Dec;19(12):1654-1667.
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- Shaw AT, Kim TM, Crinò L, Gridelli C, Kiura K, Liu G, Novello S, Bearz A, Gautschi O, Mok T, Nishio M, Scagliotti G, Spigel DR, Deudon S, Zheng C, Pantano S, Urban P, Massacesi C, Viraswami-Appanna K, Felip E. Ceritinib versus chemotherapy in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer previously given chemotherapy and crizotinib (ASCEND-5): a randomised , controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2017 Jul;18(7):874-886.
- Shaw AT, Felip E, Bauer TM, Besse B, Navarro A, Postel-Vinay S, Gainor JF, Johnson M, Dietrich J, James LP, Clancy JS, Chen J, Martini JF, Abbattista A, Solomon BJ. Lorlatinib in non-small-cell lung cancer with ALK or ROS1 rearrangement: an international, multicentre, open-label, single-arm first-in-man phase 1 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2017 Dec;18(12):1590-1599.
- Martinez-Marti A, Felip E, Matito J, Mereu E, Navarro A, Cedrés S, Pardo N, Martinez de Castro A, Remon J, Miquel JM, Guillaumet-Adkins A, Nadal E, Rodriguez-Esteban G, Arqués O, Fasani R, Nuciforo P, Heyn H, Villanueva A, Palmer HG, Vivancos A. Dual MET and ERBB inhibition overcomes intratumor plasticity in osimertinib-resistant-advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ann Oncol. 2017 Oct 1;28(10):2451-2457.
- Peters S, Gettinger S, Johnson ML, Jänne PA, Garassino MC, Christoph D, Toh CK, Rizvi NA, Chaft JE, Carcereny Costa E, Patel JD, Chow LQM, Koczywas M, Ho C, Früh M, van den Heuvel M, Rothenstein J, Reck M, Paz-Ares L, Shepherd FA, Kurata T, Li Z, Qiu J, Kowanetz M, Mocci S, Shankar G, Sandler A, Felip E. Phase II Trial of Atezolizumab As First-Line or Subsequent Therapy for Patients With Programmed Death-Ligand 1-Selected Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (BIRCH). J Clin Oncol. 2017 Aug 20;35(24):2781-2789
- Shaw AT, Kim TM, Crinò L, Gridelli C, Kiura K, Liu G, Novello S, Bearz A, Gautschi O, Mok T, Nishio M, Scagliotti G, Spigel DR, Deudon S, Zheng C, Pantano S, Urban P, Massacesi C, Viraswami-Appanna K, Felip E. Ceritinib versus chemotherapy in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer previously given chemotherapy and crizotinib (ASCEND-5): a randomised , controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2017 Jul;18(7):874-886.
- Solomon BJ, Cappuzzo F, Felip E, Blackhall FH, Costa DB, Kim DW, Nakagawa K, Wu YL, Mekhail T, Paolini J, Tursi J, Usari T, Wilner KD, Selaru P, Mok TS. Intracranial Efficacy of Crizotinib Versus Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced ALK-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Results From PROFILE 1014. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Aug 20;34(24):2858-65.
- Reck M, Luft A, Szczesna A, Havel L, Kim SW, Akerley W, Pietanza MC, Wu YL, Zielinski C, Thomas M, Felip E, Gold K, Horn L, Aerts J, Nakagawa K, Lorigan P, Pieters A, Kong Sanchez T, Fairchild J, Spigel D. Phase III Randomized Trial of Ipilimumab Plus Etoposide and Platinum Versus Placebo Plus Etoposide and Platinum in Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Jul 25. pii: JCO676601. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cedrés S, Ponce-Aix S, Pardo-Aranda N, Navarro-Mendivil A, Martinez-Marti A, Zugazagoitia J, Sansano I, Montoro MA, Enguita A, Felip E. Analysis of expression of PTEN/PI3K pathway and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Lung Cancer. 2016 Jun;96:1-6.
- Herbst RS, Baas P, Kim DW, Felip E, Pérez-Gracia JL, Han JY, Molina J, Kim JH, Arvis CD, Ahn MJ, Majem M, Fidler MJ, de Castro G Jr, Garrido M, Lubiniecki GM, Shentu Y, Im E, Dolled-Filhart M, Garon EB. Pembrolizumab versus docetaxel for previously treated, PD-L1-positive, advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (KEYNOTE-010): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2016 Apr 9;387(10027):1540-50.
- Herbst RS, Baas P, Kim DW, Felip E, Pérez-Gracia JL, Han JY, Molina J, Kim JH, Arvis CD, Ahn MJ, Majem M, Fidler MJ, de Castro G, Garrido M, Lubiniecki GM, Shentu Y, Im E, Dolled-Filhart M, Garon EB. Pembrolizumab versus docetaxel for previously treated, PD-L1-positive, advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (KEYNOTE-010): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2016 Apr; 387(10027): 1540-50
- Eberhardt WE, De Ruysscher D, Weder W, Le Péchoux C, De Leyn P, Hoffmann H, Westeel V, Stahel R, Felip E, Peters S. 2nd ESMO Consensus Conference in Lung Cancer: locally advanced stage III non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann. Oncol. 2015 Aug; 26(8): 1573-88
- Heigener DF, Pereira JR, Felip E, Mazal J, Manzyuk L, Tan EH, Merimsky O, Sarholz B, Esser R, Gatzemeier U. Weekly and every 2 weeks cetuximab maintenance therapy after platinum-based chemotherapy plus cetuximab as first-line treatment for non-small cell lung cancer: randomized non-comparative phase IIIb NEXT trial. Target Oncol 2015 Jun; 10(2): 255-65
- Felip E, Concha A, de Castro J, Gómez-Román J, Garrido P, Ramírez J, Isla D, Sanz J, Paz-Ares L, López-Ríos F. Biomarker testing in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a National Consensus of the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology. Clin Transl Oncol 2015 Feb; 17(2): 103-12
- Thress KS, Paweletz CP, Felip E, Cho BC, Stetson D, Dougherty B, Lai Z, Markovets A, Vivancos A, Kuang Y, Ercan D, Matthews SE, Cantarini M, Barrett JC, Janne PA, Oxnard GR. Acquired EGFR C797S mutation mediates resistance to AZD9291 in non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR T790M.Nat. Med. 2015 Jun; 21(6): 560-2
- De Mattos-Arruda L, Mayor R, Ng CK, Weigelt B, Martínez-Ricarte F, Torrejón D, Oliveira M, Arias A, Raventós C, Tang J, Guerini-Rocco E, Martínez-Sáez E, Lois S, Marín O, de la Cruz X, Piscuoglio S, Towers R, Vivancos A, Peg V, Ramón y Cajal S, Carles J, Rodón J, González-Cao M, Tabernero J, Felip E, Sahuquillo J, Berger MF, Cortes J, Reis-Filho JS, Seoane J. Cerebrospinal fluid-derived circulating tumour DNA better represents the genomic alterations of brain tumours than plasma. Nat Commun 2015; 6: 8839
- Prat A, Adamo B, Fan C, Peg V, Vidal M, Galván P, Vivancos A, Nuciforo P, Pálmer HG, Dawood S, Rodón J, Cajal SR, Campo JM, Felip E, Tabernero J, Cortes J. ERRATUM: Genomic Analyses across Six Cancer Types Identify Basal-like Breast Cancer as a Unique Molecular Entity. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 8179
- Janne PA, Yang JC, Kim DW, Planchard D, Ohe Y, Ramalingam SS, Ahn MJ, Kim SW, Su WC, Horn L, Haggstrom D, Felip E, Kim JH, Frewer P, Cantarini M, Brown KH, Dickinson PA, Ghiorghiu S, Ranson M. AZD9291 in EGFR inhibitor-resistant non-small-cell lung cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015 Apr; 372(18): 1689-99
- Karachaliou N, Codony-Servat J, Teixidó C, Pilotto S, Drozdowskyj A, Codony-Servat C, Giménez-Capitán A, Molina-Vila MA, Bertran-Alamillo J, Gervais R, Massuti B, Morán T, Majem M, Felip E, Carcereny E, Garcia-Campelo R, Viteri S, González-Cao M, Morales-Espinosa D, Verlicchi A, Crisetti E, Chaib I, Santarpia M, Luis Ramírez J, Bosch-Barrera J, Felipe Cardona A, de Marinis F, Lopez-Vivanco G, Miguel Sánchez J, Vergnenegre A, Sánchez Hernández JJ, Sperduti I, Bria E, Rosell R. BIM and mTOR expression levels predict outcome to erlotinib in EGFR-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 17499
Totes les publicacions
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- Tarlatamab for Patients with Previously Treated Small-Cell Lung Cancer..Ahn, Myung-Ju ; Cho, Byoung Chul ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Korantzis, Ippokratis ; Ohashi, Kadoaki ; Majem, Margarita ; Juan-Vidal, Oscar ; Handzhiev, Sabin ; Izumi, Hiroki ; Lee, Jong-Seok ; Dziadziuszko, Rafal ; Wolf, Jürgen ; Blackhall, Fiona ; Reck, Martin ; Bustamante Alvarez, Jean ; Hummel, Horst-Dieter ; Dingemans, Anne-Marie C ; Sands, Jacob ; Akamatsu, Hiroaki ; Owonikoko, Taofeek K ; Ramalingam, Suresh S ; Borghaei, Hossein ; Johnson, Melissa L ; Huang, Shuang ; Mukherjee, Sujoy ; Minocha, Mukul ; Jiang, Tony ; Martinez, Pablo ; Anderson, Erik S ; Paz-Ares, Luis ; DeLLphi-301 Investigators.NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE.1.1.158,
- Biomarker-directed, pembrolizumab-based combination therapy in non-small cell lung cancer: phase 2 KEYNOTE-495/KeyImPaCT trial interim results..Gutierrez, Martin ; Lam, Wei-Sen ; Hellmann, Matthew D ; Gubens, Matthew A ; Aggarwal, Charu ; Tan, Daniel Shao Weng ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Chiu, Joanne W Y ; Lee, Jong-Seok ; Yang, James Chih-Hsin ; Garon, Edward B ; Finocchiaro, Giovanna ; Ahn, Myung-Ju ; Luft, Alexander ; Landers, Gregory A ; Basso, Andrea ; Ma, Hua ; Kobie, Julie ; Palcza, John ; Cristescu, Razvan ; Fong, Lawrence ; Snyder, Alexandra ; Yuan, Jianda ; Herbst, Roy S.NATURE MEDICINE.1.1.82,
- Efficacy and safety of first-line lorlatinib versus crizotinib in patients with advanced, ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: updated analysis of data from the phase 3, randomised, open-label CROWN study..Solomon, Benjamin J ; Bauer, Todd M ; Mok, Tony S K ; Liu, Geoffrey ; Mazieres, Julien ; de Marinis, Filippo ; Goto, Yasushi ; Kim, Dong-Wan ; Wu, Yi-Long ; Jassem, Jacek ; López, Froylán López ; Soo, Ross A ; Shaw, Alice T ; Polli, Anna ; Messina, Rossella ; Iadeluca, Laura ; Toffalorio, Francesca ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA.LANCET RESPIRATORY MEDICINE.1.1.76,
- IMscin001 Part 2: a randomised phase III, open-label, multicentre study examining the pharmacokinetics, efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of atezolizumab subcutaneous versus intravenous administration in previously treated locally advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer and pharmacokinetics comparison with other approved indications..Burotto, M ; Zvirbule, Z ; Mochalova, A ; Runglodvatana, Y ; Herraez-Baranda, L ; Liu, S N ; Chan, P ; Shearer-Kang, E ; Liu, X ; Tosti, N ; Zanghi, J A ; Leutgeb, B ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA.ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY.1.1.50,
- Overall survival with adjuvant atezolizumab after chemotherapy in resected stage II-IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer (IMpower010): a randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase III trial..FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Altorki, N ; Zhou, C ; Vallieres, E ; MARTINEZ MARTI, ALEXANDRE; Rittmeyer, A ; Chella, A ; Reck, M ; Goloborodko, O ; Huang, M ; Belleli, R ; McNally, V ; Srivastava, M K ; Bennett, E ; Gitlitz, B J ; Wakelee, H A.ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY.1.1.50,
- Randomized open-label controlled study of cancer vaccine OSE2101 versus chemotherapy in HLA-A2-positive patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with resistance to immunotherapy: ATALANTE-1..Besse, B ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Garcia Campelo, R ; Cobo, M ; Mascaux, C ; Madroszyk, A ; Cappuzzo, F ; Hilgers, W ; Romano, G ; Denis, F ; Viteri, S ; Debieuvre, D ; Galetta, D ; Baldini, E ; Razaq, M ; Robinet, G ; Maio, M ; Delmonte, A ; Roch, B ; Masson, P ; Schuette, W ; Zer, A ; REMON MASIP, JORDI; Costantini, D ; Vasseur, B ; Dziadziuszko, R ; Giaccone, G ; ATALANTE-1 study group ; Zemanová, M ; Besse, B ; Bonnet, C ; Cadranel, J ; Chouaid, C ; Cortot, A ; Debieuvre, D ; Delclaux, B ; Denis, F ; Duchemann, B ; El Kouri, C ; Ferrand, F R ; Ginoux, M ; Hilgers, W ; Madroszyk, A ; Masson, P ; Mazieres, J ; Molinier, O ; Moro-Sibilot, D ; Pichon, E ; Mascaux, C ; Robinet, G ; Roch, B ; Zalcman, G ; Schmidtke-Schrezenmeier, G ; Schuette, W ; Urban, L ; Gottfried, M ; Nechushtan, H ; Peled, N ; Wollner, M ; Zer, A ; Baldini, E ; Bonanno, L ; Bonetti, A ; Cappuzzo, F ; Delmonte, A ; Galetta, D ; Maio, M ; Minotti, V ; Rea, A ; Romano, G ; Tassinari, D ; Tonini, G ; Dziadziuszko, R ; Karaszewska, B ; Szczesna, A ; Cobo, M ; De Castro, J ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Garcia Campelo, M R ; Hernández, A ; Moran, T ; Provencio, M ; Viteri, S ; Dasgupta, A ; Gabrail, N ; Giaccone, G ; Harshad, A ; Liu, S ; Oubre, D ; Panikkar, R ; Razaq, M ; Sanborn, R.ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY.1.1.50,
- HERTHENA-Lung01, a Phase II Trial of Patritumab Deruxtecan (HER3-DXd) in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Mutated Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy and Platinum-Based Chemotherapy..Yu, Helena A ; Goto, Yasushi ; Hayashi, Hidetoshi ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Chih-Hsin Yang, James ; Reck, Martin ; Yoh, Kiyotaka ; Lee, Se-Hoon ; Paz-Ares, Luis ; Besse, Benjamin ; Bironzo, Paolo ; Kim, Dong-Wan ; Johnson, Melissa L ; Wu, Yi-Long ; John, Thomas ; Kao, Steven ; Kozuki, Toshiyuki ; Massarelli, Erminia ; Patel, Jyoti ; Smit, Egbert ; Reckamp, Karen L ; Dong, Qian ; Shrestha, Pomy ; Fan, Pang-Dian ; Patel, Parul ; Sporchia, Andrea ; Sternberg, David W ; Sellami, Dalila ; Jänne, Pasi A.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY.1.1.45,
- Pembrolizumab Plus Pemetrexed and Platinum in Nonsquamous Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: 5-Year Outcomes From the Phase 3 KEYNOTE-189 Study..Garassino, Marina C ; Gadgeel, Shirish ; Speranza, Giovanna ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Esteban, Emilio ; Dómine, Manuel ; Hochmair, Maximilian J ; Powell, Steven F ; Bischoff, Helge G ; Peled, Nir ; Grossi, Francesco ; Jennens, Ross R ; Reck, Martin ; Hui, Rina ; Garon, Edward B ; Kurata, Takayasu ; Gray, Jhanelle E ; Schwarzenberger, Paul ; Jensen, Erin ; Pietanza, M Catherine ; Rodríguez-Abreu, Delvys.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY.1.1.45,
- Phase II Trial of Atezolizumab Combined With Carboplatin and Pemetrexed for Patients With Advanced Nonsquamous Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer With Untreated Brain Metastases (Atezo-Brain, GECP17/05)..Nadal, Ernest ; Rodríguez-Abreu, Delvys ; Simó, Marta ; Massutí, Bartomeu ; Juan, Oscar ; Huidobro, Gerardo ; López, Rafael ; De Castro, Javier ; Estival, Anna ; Mosquera, Joaquín ; Sullivan, Ivana ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Blasco, Ana ; Guirado, Maria ; Pereira, Eva ; Vilariño, Noelia ; Navarro, Valentín ; Bruna, Jordi.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY.1.1.45,
- Phase II, Open-Label Study of Encorafenib Plus Binimetinib in Patients With BRAF(V600)-Mutant Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer..Riely, Gregory J ; Smit, Egbert F ; Ahn, Myung-Ju ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Ramalingam, Suresh S ; Tsao, Anne ; Johnson, Melissa ; Gelsomino, Francesco ; Esper, Raymond ; Nadal, Ernest ; Offin, Michael ; Provencio, Mariano ; Clarke, Jeffrey ; Hussain, Maen ; Otterson, Gregory A ; Dagogo-Jack, Ibiayi ; Goldman, Jonathan W ; Morgensztern, Daniel ; Alcasid, Ann ; Usari, Tiziana ; Wissel, Paul ; Wilner, Keith ; Pathan, Nuzhat ; Tonkovyd, Svitlana ; Johnson, Bruce E.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY.1.1.45,
- Tarlatamab, a First-in-Class DLL3-Targeted Bispecific T-Cell Engager, in Recurrent Small-Cell Lung Cancer: An Open-Label, Phase I Study..Paz-Ares, Luis ; Champiat, Stephane ; Lai, W Victoria ; Izumi, Hiroki ; Govindan, Ramaswamy ; Boyer, Michael ; Hummel, Horst-Dieter ; Borghaei, Hossein ; Johnson, Melissa L ; Steeghs, Neeltje ; Blackhall, Fiona ; Dowlati, Afshin ; Reguart, Noemi ; Yoshida, Tatsuya ; He, Kai ; Gadgeel, Shirish M ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Zhang, Yiran ; Pati, Amrita ; Minocha, Mukul ; Mukherjee, Sujoy ; Goldrick, Amanda ; Nagorsen, Dirk ; Sadraei, Nooshin Hashemi ; Owonikoko, Taofeek K.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY.1.1.45,
- Tepotinib Treatment in Patients With MET Exon 14-Skipping Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Long-term Follow-up of the VISION Phase 2 Nonrandomized Clinical Trial..Mazieres, Julien ; Paik, Paul K ; Garassino, Marina C ; Le, Xiuning ; Sakai, Hiroshi ; Veillon, Remi ; Smit, Egbert F ; Cortot, Alexis B ; Raskin, Jo ; Viteri, Santiago ; Wu, Yi-Long ; Yang, James C H ; Ahn, Myung-Ju ; Ma, Rui ; Zhao, Jun ; O’Brate, Aurora ; Berghoff, Karin ; Bruns, Rolf ; Otto, Gordon ; Johne, Andreas ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Thomas, Michael.JAMA oncology.1.1.28,
- Bintrafusp Alfa Versus Pembrolizumab in Patients With Treatment-Naive, Programmed Death-Ligand 1-High Advanced NSCLC: A Randomized, Open-Label, Phase 3 Trial..Cho, Byoung Chul ; Lee, Jong Seok ; Wu, Yi-Long ; Cicin, Irfan ; Dols, Manuel Cobo ; Ahn, Myung-Ju ; Cuppens, Kristof ; Veillon, Rémi ; Nadal, Ernest ; Dias, Josiane Mourão ; Martin, Claudio ; Reck, Martin ; Garon, Edward B ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Paz-Ares, Luis ; Mornex, Francoise ; Vokes, Everett E ; Adjei, Alex A ; Robinson, Clifford ; Sato, Masashi ; Vugmeyster, Yulia ; Machl, Andreas ; Audhuy, Francois ; Chaudhary, Surendra ; Barlesi, Fabrice.JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY.1.1.20,
- Brief Report: Safety and Antitumor Activity of Durvalumab Plus Tremelimumab in Programmed Cell Death-(Ligand)1-Monotherapy Pretreated, Advanced NSCLC: Results From a Phase 1b Clinical Trial..Garon, Edward B ; Spira, Alexander I ; Goldberg, Sarah B ; Chaft, Jamie E ; Papadimitrakopoulou, Vassiliki ; Cascone, Tina ; Antonia, Scott J ; Brahmer, Julie R ; Camidge, D Ross ; Powderly, John D ; Wozniak, Antoinette J ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Wu, Song ; Ascierto, Maria L ; Elgeioushi, Nairouz ; Awad, Mark M.JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY.1.1.20,
- First-Line Nivolumab Plus Ipilimumab With Chemotherapy Versus Chemotherapy Alone for Metastatic NSCLC in CheckMate 9LA: 3-Year Clinical Update and Outcomes in Patients With Brain Metastases or Select Somatic Mutations.Paz-Ares, Luis G. ; Ciuleanu, Tudor-Eliade ; Cobo, Manuel ; Bennouna, Jaafar ; Schenker, Michael ; Cheng, Ying ; Juan-Vidal, Oscar ; Mizutani, Hideaki ; Lingua, Alejo ; Reyes-Cosmelli, Felipe ; Reinmuth, Niels ; Menezes, Juliana ; Jassem, Jacek ; Protsenko, Svetlana ; Richardet, Eduardo ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Feeney, Kynan ; Zurawski, Bogdan ; Alexandru, Aurelia ; Jimenez, Emmanuel de la Mora ; Dakhil, Shaker ; Lu, Shun ; Reck, Martin ; John, Thomas ; Hu, Nan ; Zhang, Xiaoqing ; Sylvester, Judi ; Eccles, Laura J. ; Grootendorst, Diederik J. ; Balli, David ; Neely, Jaclyn ; Carbone, David P..JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY.1.1.20,
- RET-MAP: An International Multicenter Study on Clinicobiologic Features and Treatment Response in Patients With Lung Cancer Harboring a RET Fusion.Aldea, Mihaela ; Marinello, Arianna ; Duruisseaux, Michael ; Zrafi, Wael ; Conci, Nicole ; Massa, Giacomo ; Metro, Giulio ; Monnet, Isabelle ; Gomez Iranzo, Patricia ; Tabbo, Fabrizio ; Bria, Emilio ; Guisier, Florian ; Vasseur, Damien ; Lindsay, Colin R ; Ponce-Aix, Santiago ; Cousin, Sophie ; Citarella, Fabrizio ; Fallet, Vincent ; Minatta, Jose Nicolas ; Eisert, Anna ; de Saint Basile, Hortense ; Audigier-Valette, Clarisse ; Mezquita, Laura ; Calles, Antonio ; Mountzios, Giannis ; Tagliamento, Marco ; Remon Masip, Jordi ; Raimbourg, Judith ; Terrisse, Safae ; Russo, Alessandro ; Cortinovis, Diego ; Rochigneux, Philippe ; Pinato, David James ; Cortellini, Alessio ; Leonce, Camille ; Gazzah, Anas ; Ghigna, Maria-Rosa ; Ferrara, Roberto ; Dall’Olio, Filippo Gustavo ; Passiglia, Francesco ; Ludovini, Vienna ; Barlesi, Fabrice ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Planchard, David ; Besse, Benjamin.JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY.1.1.20,
- PTEN Loss Confers Resistance to Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Increasing Tumor Infiltration of Regulatory T Cells..Exposito, Francisco ; Redrado, Miriam ; Houry, Maeva ; Hastings, Katherine ; Molero-Abraham, Magdalena ; Lozano, Teresa ; Solorzano, Jose Luis ; Sanz-Ortega, Julian ; Adradas, Vera ; AMAT FERRER, RAMON; Redin, Esther ; Leon, Sergio ; Legarra, Naroa ; Garcia, Javier ; Serrano, Diego ; Valencia, Karmele ; Robles-Oteiza, Camila ; Foggetti, Giorgia ; Otegui, Nerea ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Lasarte, Juan J ; Paz-Ares, Luis ; Zugazagoitia, Jon ; Politi, Katerina ; Montuenga, Luis ; Calvo, Alfonso.CANCER RESEARCH.1.2.11,
- Comparison of SP263 and 22C3 immunohistochemistry PD-L1 assays for clinical efficacy of adjuvant atezolizumab in non-small cell lung cancer: results from the randomized phase III IMpower010 trial..Zhou, Caicun ; Srivastava, Minu K ; Xu, Hao ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Wakelee, Heather ; Altorki, Nasser ; Reck, Martin ; Liersch, Rüdiger ; Kryzhanivska, Anna ; Oizumi, Satoshi ; Tanaka, Hiroshi ; Hamm, John ; McCune, Steven L ; Bennett, Elizabeth ; Gitlitz, Barbara ; McNally, Virginia ; Ballinger, Marcus ; McCleland, Mark ; Zou, Wei ; Das Thakur, Meghna ; Novello, Silvia.Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer.1.2.10,
- First-line nivolumab plus ipilimumab for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, including patients with ECOG performance status 2 and other special populations: CheckMate 817..Ready, Neal E ; Audigier-Valette, Clarisse ; Goldman, Jonathan W ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Ciuleanu, Tudor-Eliade ; Rosario García Campelo, María ; Jao, Kevin ; Barlesi, Fabrice ; Bordenave, Stéphanie ; Rijavec, Erika ; Urban, Laszlo ; Aucoin, Jean-Sébastien ; Zannori, Cristina ; Vermaelen, Karim ; Arén Frontera, Osvaldo ; Curioni Fontecedro, Alessandra ; Sánchez-Gastaldo, Amparo ; Juan-Vidal, Oscar ; Linardou, Helena ; Poddubskaya, Elena ; Spigel, David R ; Ahmed, Samreen ; Maio, Michele ; Li, Sunney ; Chang, Han ; Fiore, Joseph ; Acevedo, Angelic ; Paz-Ares, Luis.Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer.1.2.10,
- First-line nivolumab plus ipilimumab with two cycles of chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone (four cycles) in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: CheckMate 9LA 2-year patient-reported outcomes..Reck, Martin ; Ciuleanu, Tudor-Eliade ; Cobo, Manuel ; Schenker, Michael ; Zurawski, Bogdan ; Menezes, Juliana ; Richardet, Eduardo ; Bennouna, Jaafar ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Juan-Vidal, Oscar ; Alexandru, Aurelia ; Cheng, Ying ; Sakai, Hiroshi ; Paz-Ares, Luis ; Lu, Shun ; John, Thomas ; Sun, Xiaowu ; Moisei, Aniela ; Taylor, Fiona ; Lawrance, Rachael ; Zhang, Xiaoqing ; Sylvester, Judi ; Yuan, Yong ; Blum, Steven I ; Penrod, John R ; Carbone, David P.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER.1.2.8,
- Challenges in oncology career: are we closing the gender gap? Results of the new ESMO Women for Oncology Committee survey..Linardou, H ; Adjei, A A ; Bajpai, J ; Banerjee, S ; Berghoff, A S ; Mathias, C Cerqueira ; Choo, S P ; Dent, R ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Furness, A J S ; Garassino, M C ; GARRALDA CABANAS, ELENA; Konsoulova-Kirova, A ; Letsch, A ; Menzies, A M ; Mukherji, D ; Peters, S ; Sessa, C ; Tsang, J ; Yang, J C-H ; Garrido, P.ESMO open.1.2.7,
- Bintrafusp Alfa, a Bifunctional Fusion Protein Targeting TGF-ß and PD-L1, in Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Resistant or Refractory to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors..Barlesi, Fabrice ; Isambert, Nicolas ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Cho, Byoung Chul ; Lee, Dae Ho ; Peguero, Julio ; Jerusalem, Guy ; Penel, Nicolas ; Saada-Bouzid, Esma ; Garrido, Pilar ; Helwig, Christoph ; Locke, George ; Ojalvo, Laureen S ; Gulley, James L.ONCOLOGIST.1.3.5,
- Current State-of-the-Art Therapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma and Future Options Centered on Immunotherapy..CEDRES PEREZ, SUSANA; VALDIVIA, AUGUSTO; IRANZO GOMEZ, PATRICIA; CALLEJO PEREZ, ANA; PARDO ARANDA, NURIA; NAVARRO MENDIVIL, ALEJANDRO; MARTINEZ MARTI, ALEXANDRE; Assaf-Pastrana, Juan David ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Garrido, Pilar.Cancers.2.3.5,
- Human Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma Patient-Derived Xenografts and Tumoroids for Preclinical Drug Evaluation..SERRA, QUERALT; VERDAGUER MATA, HELENA; Oliveros, Winona ; Lupión-Garcia, Núria ; LLOP GUEVARA, ALBA; Molina, Cristina ; Vila-Casadesús, Maria ; Turpin, Anthony ; Neuzillet, Cindy ; FRIGOLA RISSECH, JOAN; QUEROL PAÑOL, JESSICA; Yáñez-Bartolomé, Mariana ; CASTET, FLORIAN; FABREGAT FRANCO, CARLES; Escudero-Iriarte, Carmen ; ESCORIHUELA BAEZ, MARTA; ARENAS LAHUERTA, ENRIQUE HUERTA; Bernado-Morales, Cristina ; Haro, Noemí ; Giles, Francis J ; Pozo, Oscar J ; MIQUEL AYMAR, JOSEP MARIA; NUCIFORO, PAOLO GIOVANNI; VIVANCOS PRELLEZO, ANA; Melé, Marta ; SERRA ELIZALDE, VIOLETA; Arribas, Joaquín ; TABERNERO CATURLA, JOSEP; Peiró, Sandra ; MACARULLA MERCADE, TERESA; TIAN, TIAN.CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH.1.1.11,
- A transcriptomics approach to expand therapeutic options and optimize clinical trials in oncology..Lazar, Vladimir ; Zhang, Baolin ; Magidi, Shai ; Le Tourneau, Christophe ; Raymond, Eric ; Ducreux, Michel ; Bresson, Catherine ; Raynaud, Jacques ; Wunder, Fanny ; Onn, Amir ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; TABERNERO CATURLA, JOSEP; Batist, Gerald ; Kurzrock, Razelle ; Rubin, Eitan ; Schilsky, Richard L.THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MEDICAL ONCOLOGY.2.4.4,
- Nutritional status associates with immunotherapy clinical outcomes in recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients..HERNANDO CALVO, ALBERTO; MIRALLAS VIÑAS, ORIOL; MARMOLEJO CASTAÑEDA, DAVID HUMBERTO; SAAVEDRA SANTAGADEA, OMAR; VIEITO VILLAR, MARIA; Assaf Pastrana, Juan David ; AGUILAR IZQUIERDO, SUSANA; Bescós, Coro ; Lorente, Juan ; GIRALT, JORDI; BENAVENTE, SERGIO; Temprana-Salvador, Jordi ; Alberola, Margarita ; DIENSTMANN, RODRIGO; GARRALDA CABANAS, ELENA; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; VILLACAMPA JAVIERRE, GUILLERMO; BRAÑA GARCIA, IRENE.ORAL ONCOLOGY.1.1.4,
- Editorial: Multidisciplinary management of cancer patients with immune-related adverse events from checkpoint inhibitors..Riveiro-Barciela, Mar ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Suarez-Almazor, María E.Frontiers in Medicine.2.4.3,
- The EU-funded I(3)LUNG Project: Integrative Science, Intelligent Data Platform for Individualized LUNG Cancer Care With Immunotherapy..Prelaj, Arsela ; Ganzinelli, Monica ; Trovo’, Francesco ; Roisman, Laila C ; Pedrocchi, Alessandra Laura Giulia ; Kosta, Sokol ; Restelli, Marcello ; Ambrosini, Emilia ; Broggini, Massimo ; Pravettoni, Gabriella ; Monzani, Dario ; Nuara, Alessandro ; AMAT FERRER, RAMON; Spathas, Nikos ; Willis, Michael ; Pearson, Alexander ; Dolezal, James ; Mazzeo, Laura ; Sangaletti, Sabina ; Correa, Ana Maria ; Aguaron, Alfonso ; Watermann, Iris ; Popa, Crina ; Raimondi, Giulia ; Triulzi, Tiziana ; Steurer, Stefan ; Lo Russo, Giuseppe ; Linardou, Helena ; Peled, Nir ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Reck, Martin ; Garassino, Marina Chiara.CLINICAL LUNG CANCER.2.5.3,
- A Delphi consensus panel about clinical management of early-stage EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in Spain: a Delphi consensus panel study.Isla, Dolores ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Garrido, Pilar ; Insa, Amelia ; Majem, Margarita ; Remon, Jordi ; Trigo, Jose M. ; de Castro, Javier.CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- Current professional standing of young medical oncologists in Spain: a nationwide survey by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology + MIR section..Martinez, Domingo Antonio Sanchez ; Quilez-Cutillas, Aliica ; Jimenez-Labaig, Pablo ; Sesma, Andrea ; Tarazona, Noelia ; Pacheco-Barcia, Vilma ; Obispo, Berta ; Paez, David ; Quintanar, Teresa ; Sanchez-Canovas, Manuel ; Montes, Ana Fernandez ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Rodriguez-Lescure, Alvaro ; ELEZ FERNANDEZ, MARIA ELENA.CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- New update to the guidelines on testing predictive biomarkers in non-small-cell lung cancer: a National Consensus of the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology.Isla, Dolores ; Lozano, Maria D ; Paz-Ares, Luis ; Salas, Clara ; de Castro, Javier ; Conde, Esther ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Gómez-Román, Javier ; Garrido, Pilar ; Enguita, Ana Belén.CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- Characterization and management of adverse events observed with mobocertinib (TAK-788) treatment for <i>EGFR</i> exon 20 insertion-positive non-small cell lung cancer.Yang, James Chih-Hsin ; Zhou, Caicun ; Jänne, Pasi A ; Ramalingam, Suresh S ; Kim, Tae Min ; Riely, Gregory J ; Spira, Alexander I ; Piotrowska, Zofia ; Mekhail, Tarek ; Garcia Campelo, Maria Rosario ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Bazhenova, Lyudmila ; Jin, Shu ; Kaur, Manmit ; Diderichsen, Paul M ; Gupta, Neeraj ; Bunn, Veronica ; Lin, Jianchang ; N Churchill, Eric ; Mehta, Minal ; Nguyen, Danny.EXPERT REVIEW OF ANTICANCER THERAPY.3.6.3,
- HERTHENA-Lung01: a phase II study of patritumab deruxtecan (HER3-DXd) in previously treated metastatic EGFR-mutated NSCLC..Yu, Helena A ; Yang, James Chih-Hsin ; Hayashi, Hidetoshi ; Goto, Yasushi ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Reck, Martin ; Vigliotti, Michele ; Dong, Qian ; Cantero, Frédérique ; Fan, Pang-Dian ; Kanai, Masayuki ; Sternberg, David W ; Jänne, Pasi A.FUTURE ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- Plain language summary of the CheckMate 816 study results: nivolumab plus chemotherapy given before surgery for non-small-cell lung cancer..Forde, Patrick M ; Spicer, Jonathan ; Lu, Shun ; Provencio, Mariano ; Mitsudomi, Tetsuya ; Awad, Mark M ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Broderick, Stephen R ; Brahmer, Julie R ; Swanson, Scott J ; Kerr, Keith ; Wang, Changli ; Ciuleanu, Tudor-Eliade ; Saylors, Gene B ; Tanaka, Fumihiro ; Ito, Hiroyuki ; Chen, Ke Neng ; Liberman, Moishe ; Vokes, Everett E ; Taube, Janis M ; Dorange, Cecile ; Cai, Junliang ; Fiore, Joseph ; Jarkowski, Anthony ; Balli, David ; Sausen, Mark ; Pandya, Dimple ; Calvet, Christophe Y ; Girard, Nicolas.FUTURE ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- Plain language summary of the updated results from the CROWN study comparing lorlatinib with crizotinib in people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer..Solomon, Benjamin J ; Bauer, Todd M ; K Mok, Tony S ; Liu, Geoffrey ; Mazieres, Julien ; Marinis, Filippo de ; Goto, Yasushi ; Kim, Dong-Wan ; Wu, Yi-Long ; Jassem, Jacek ; López, Froylán López ; Soo, Ross A ; Shaw, Alice T ; Polli, Anna ; Messina, Rossella ; Iadeluca, Laura ; Toffalorio, Francesca ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA.FUTURE ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- TROPION-Lung08: phase III study of datopotamab deruxtecan plus pembrolizumab as first-line therapy for advanced NSCLC..Levy, Benjamin P ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Reck, Martin ; Yang, James Ch ; Cappuzzo, Federico ; Yoneshima, Yasuto ; Zhou, Caicun ; Rawat, Siddhartha ; Xie, Jingdong ; Basak, Priyanka ; Xu, Lu ; Sands, Jacob.FUTURE ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- TRUST-II: a global phase II study of taletrectinib in ROS1-positive non-small-cell lung cancer and other solid tumors..Nagasaka, Misako ; Ohe, Yuichiro ; Zhou, Caicun ; Choi, Chang-Min ; Yang, Nong ; Liu, Geoffrey ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Pérol, Maurice ; Besse, Benjamin ; Nieva, Jorge ; Raez, Luis ; Pennell, Nathan A ; Dimou, Anastasios ; Marinis, Filippo de ; Ciardiello, Fortunato ; Seto, Takashi ; Hu, Zheyi ; Pan, Max ; Wang, Weiqing ; Li, Shuanglian ; Ou, Sai-Hong I.FUTURE ONCOLOGY.3.6.3,
- A Phase 1 Drug-Drug Interaction Study Between Brigatinib and the CYP3A Substrate Midazolam in Patients With ALK-Positive or ROS1-Positive Solid Tumors..Hanley, Michael J ; D’Arcangelo, Manolo ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Garrido, Pilar ; Zhu, Jiaxi ; Ye, Meng ; Vranceanu, Florin ; Gupta, Neeraj.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY.3.6.2,
- Antibody-Drug Conjugates for Lung Cancer: Payloads and Progress..Rosner, Samuel ; VALDIVIA, AUGUSTO; Hoe, Hui Jing ; Murray, Joseph C ; Levy, Benjamin ; FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA; Solomon, Benjamin J.American Society Of Clinical Oncology Educational Book / Asco. American Society Of Clinical Oncology. Meeting. . . . .10.1200/EDBK_389968.3.8
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- Lung cancer in Spanish women: The WORLD07 project. Garrido P, Viñolas N, Isla D, Provencio M, Majem M, Artal A, Carcereny E, Garcia Campelo R, Lianes P, De La Peñas R, Felip E. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2019 Jan;28(1):e12941. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12941. Epub 2018 Oct 2.
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- Horn L, Gettinger SN, Gordon MS, Herbst RS, Gandhi L, Felip E, Sequist LV, Spigel DR, Antonia SJ, Balmanoukian A, Cassier PA, Liu B, Kowanetz M, O’Hear C, Fassò M, Grossman W, Sandler A, Soria JC. Safety and clinical activity of atezolizumab monotherapy in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: final results from a phase I study. Eur J Cancer. 2018 Sep;101:201-209. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2018.06.031. Epub 2018 Aug 1. PubMed PMID: 30077125.
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- Morán T, Felip E, Bosch-Barrera J, de Aguirre I, Ramirez JL, Mesia C, Carcereny E, Roa D, Sais E, García Y, Blanco R, Sanchez S, Villacorta CR, Queralt C, Velarde JM, Rosell R. Monitoring EGFR-T790M mutation in serum/plasma for prediction of response to third-generation EGFR inhibitors in patients with lung cancer. Oncotarget. 2018 Jun 5;9(43):27074-27086. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.25478. eCollection 2018 Jun 5. PubMed PMID: 29930751; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6007479.
- Goss GD, Felip E, Cobo M, Lu S, Syrigos K, Lee KH, Göker E, Georgoulias V, Li W, Guclu S, Isla D, Min YJ, Morabito A, Ardizzoni A, Gadgeel SM, Fülöp A, Bühnemann C, Gibson N, Krämer N, Solca F, Cseh A, Ehrnrooth E, Soria JC. Association of ERBB Mutations With Clinical Outcomes of Afatinib- or Erlotinib-Treated Patients With Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Secondary Analysis of the LUX-Lung 8 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol. 2018 Sep 1;4(9):1189-1197. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2018.0775. PubMed PMID: 29902295; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6143014.
- Solomon BJ, Kim DW, Wu YL, Nakagawa K, Mekhail T, Felip E, Cappuzzo F, Paolini J, Usari T, Tang Y, Wilner KD, Blackhall F, Mok TS. Final Overall Survival Analysis From a Study Comparing First-Line Crizotinib Versus Chemotherapy in ALK-Mutation-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2018 Aug 1;36(22):2251-2258. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2017.77.4794. Epub 2018 May 16. PubMed PMID: 29768118.
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- Cedrés S, Felip E, Cruz C, Martinez de Castro A, Pardo N, Navarro A, Martinez-Marti A, Remon J, Zeron-Medina J, Balmaña J, Llop-Guevara A, Miquel JM, Sansano I, Nuciforo P, Mancuso F, Serra V, Vivancos A. Activity of HSP90 Inhibiton in a Metastatic Lung Cancer Patient With a Germline BRCA1 Mutation. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018 Aug 1;110(8):914-917. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djy012. PubMed PMID: 29529211; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6093313.
- Remon J, Steuer CE, Ramalingam SS, Felip E. Osimertinib and other third-generation EGFR TKI in EGFR-mutant NSCLC patients. Ann Oncol. 2018 Jan 1;29(suppl_1):i20-i27. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdx704. PubMed PMID: 29462255.
- Vokes EE, Ready N, Felip E, Horn L, Burgio MA, Antonia SJ, Arén Frontera O, Gettinger S, Holgado E, Spigel D, Waterhouse D, Domine M, Garassino M, Chow LQM, Blumenschein G Jr, Barlesi F, Coudert B, Gainor J, Arrieta O, Brahmer J, Butts C, Steins M, Geese WJ, Li A, Healey D, Crinò L. Nivolumab versus docetaxel in previously treated advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (CheckMate 017 and CheckMate 057): 3-year update and outcomes in patients with liver metastases. Ann Oncol. 2018 Apr 1;29(4):959-965. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdy041. PubMed PMID: 29408986.
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- Mezquita L, Auclin E, Ferrara R, Charrier M, Remon J, Planchard D, Ponce S, Ares LP, Leroy L, Audigier-Valette C, Felip E, Zerón-Medina J, Garrido P, Brosseau S, Zalcman G, Mazieres J, Caramela C, Lahmar J, Adam J, Chaput N, Soria JC, Besse B. Association of the Lung Immune Prognostic Index With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Outcomes in Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. JAMA Oncol. 2018 Mar 1;4(3):351-357. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.4771. PubMed PMID: 29327044; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5885829.
- Goss G, Tsai CM, Shepherd FA, Ahn MJ, Bazhenova L, Crinò L, de Marinis F, Felip E, Morabito A, Hodge R, Cantarini M, Johnson M, Mitsudomi T, Jänne PA, Yang JC. CNS response to osimertinib in patients with T790M-positive advanced NSCLC: pooled data from two phase II trials. Ann Oncol. 2018 Mar 1;29(3):687-693. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdx820. PubMed PMID: 29293889.
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- Navarro A, Felip E. Pembrolizumab in advanced pretreated small cell lung cancer patients with PD-L1 expression: data from the KEYNOTE-028 trial: a reason for hope? Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2017 Dec;6(Suppl 1):S78-S83.
- Goss G, Tsai CM, Shepherd FA, Ahn MJ, Bazhenova L, Crinò L, de Marinis F, Felip E, Morabito A, Hodge R, Cantarini M, Johnson M, Mitsudomi T, Jänne PA, Yang JC. CNS response to osimertinib in patients with T790M-positive advanced NSCLC: pooled data from two Phase II trials. Ann Oncol. 2017 Dec 23.
- Felip E, Barlesi F, Besse B, Chu Q, Gandhi L, Kim SW, Carcereny E, Sequist LV, Brunsvig P, Chouaid C, Smit EF, Groen HJM, Kim DW, Park K, Avsar E, Szpakowski S, Akimov M, Garon EB. Phase 2 Study of the HSP-90 Inhibitor AUY922 in Previously Treated and Molecularly Defined Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2017 Dec 13. pii: S1556-0864(17)33083-6.
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- Shaw AT, Felip E, Bauer TM, Besse B, Navarro A, Postel-Vinay S, Gainor JF, Johnson M, Dietrich J, James LP, Clancy JS, Chen J, Martini JF, Abbattista A, Solomon BJ. Lorlatinib in non-small-cell lung cancer with ALK or ROS1 rearrangement: an international, multicentre, open-label, single-arm first-in-man phase 1 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2017 Dec;18(12):1590-1599
- Horn L, Spigel DR, Vokes EE, Holgado E, Ready N, Steins M, Poddubskaya E, Borghaei H, Felip E, Paz-Ares L, Pluzanski A, Reckamp KL, Burgio MA, Kohlhäeufl M, Waterhouse D, Barlesi F, Antonia S, Arrieta O, Fayette J, Crinò L, Rizvi N, Reck M, Hellmann MD, Geese WJ, Li A, Blackwood-Chirchir A, Healey D, Brahmer J, Eberhardt WEE. Nivolumab Versus Docetaxel in Previously Treated Patients With Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Two-Year Outcomes From Two Randomized, Open-Label, Phase III Trials (CheckMate 017 and CheckMate 057). J Clin Oncol. 2017 Dec 10;35(35):3924-3933.
- Martinez-Marti A, Felip E, Matito J, Mereu E, Navarro A, Cedrés S, Pardo N, Martinez de Castro A, Remon J, Miquel JM, Guillaumet-Adkins A, Nadal E, Rodriguez-Esteban G, Arqués O, Fasani R, Nuciforo P, Heyn H, Villanueva A, Palmer HG, Vivancos A. Dual MET and ERBB inhibition overcomes intratumor plasticity in osimertinib-resistant-advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ann Oncol. 2017 Oct 1;28(10):2451-2457.
- Katakami N, Felip E, Spigel DR, Kim JH, Olivo M, Guo M, Nokihara H, Yang JC, Iannotti N, Satouchi M, Barlesi F. A randomized, open-label, multicenter, phase 3 study to compare the efficacy and safety of eribulin to treatment of physician’s choice in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol. 2017 Sep 1;28(9):2241-2247
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- Felip E, Hirsh V, Popat S, Cobo M, Fülöp A, Dayen C, Trigo JM, Gregg R, Waller CF, Soria JC, Goss GD, Gordon J, Wang B, Palmer M, Ehrnrooth E, Gadgeel SM. Symptom and Quality of Life Improvement in LUX-Lung 8, an Open-Label Phase III Study of Second-Line Afatinib Versus Erlotinib in Patients With Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung After First-Line Platinum-Based Chemotherapy. Clin Lung Cancer. 2018 Jan;19(1):74-83.e11.
- Remon J, Isla D, Garrido P, de Castro J, Majem M, Viñolas N, Artal A, Carcereny E, García-Campelo MR, Lianes P, Provencio M, Juan O, Diz P, Blanco R, Lopez-Castro R, Maestu I, Vadell C, Felip E. Efficacy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in EGFR-mutant lung cancer women in a real-world setting: the WORLD07 database. Clin Transl Oncol. 2017 Dec;19(12):1537-1542
- Carbone DP, Reck M, Paz-Ares L, Creelan B, Horn L, Steins M, Felip E, van den Heuvel MM, Ciuleanu TE, Badin F, Ready N, Hiltermann TJN, Nair S, Juergens R, Peters S, Minenza E, Wrangle JM, Rodriguez-Abreu D, Borghaei H, Blumenschein GR Jr, Villaruz LC, Havel L, Krejci J, Corral Jaime J, Chang H, Geese WJ, Bhagavatheeswaran P, Chen AC, Socinski MA; CheckMate 026 Investigators. First-Line Nivolumab in Stage IV or Recurrent Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2017 Jun 22;376(25):2415-2426.
- Peters S, Gettinger S, Johnson ML, Jänne PA, Garassino MC, Christoph D, Toh CK, Rizvi NA, Chaft JE, Carcereny Costa E, Patel JD, Chow LQM, Koczywas M, Ho C, Früh M, van den Heuvel M, Rothenstein J, Reck M, Paz-Ares L, Shepherd FA, Kurata T, Li Z, Qiu J, Kowanetz M, Mocci S, Shankar G, Sandler A, Felip E. Phase II Trial of Atezolizumab As First-Line or Subsequent Therapy for Patients With Programmed Death-Ligand 1-Selected Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (BIRCH). J Clin Oncol. 2017 Aug 20;35(24):2781-2789.
- Shaw AT, Kim TM, Crinò L, Gridelli C, Kiura K, Liu G, Novello S, Bearz A, Gautschi O, Mok T, Nishio M, Scagliotti G, Spigel DR, Deudon S, Zheng C, Pantano S, Urban P, Massacesi C, Viraswami-Appanna K, Felip E. Ceritinib versus chemotherapy in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer previously given chemotherapy and crizotinib (ASCEND-5): a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2017 Jul;18(7):874-886.
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- Gadgeel S, Goss G, Soria JC, Felip E, Georgoulias V, Lu S, Cobo M, Syrigos K, Lee KH, Göker E, Guclu SZ, Isla D, Morabito A, Dupuis N, Bühnemann C, Krämer N, Solca F, Ehrnrooth E, Ardizzoni A. Evaluation of the VeriStrat® serum protein test in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the lung treated with second-line afatinib or erlotinib in the phase III LUX-Lung 8 study. Lung Cancer. 2017 Jul;109:101-108.
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- Rosell R, Dafni U, Felip E, Curioni-Fontecedro A, Gautschi O, Peters S, Massutí B, Palmero R, Aix SP, Carcereny E, Früh M, Pless M, Popat S, Kotsakis A, Cuffe S, Bidoli P, Favaretto A, Froesch P, Reguart N, Puente J, Coate L, Barlesi F, Rauch D, Thomas M, Camps C, Gómez-Codina J, Majem M, Porta R, Shah R, Hanrahan E, Kammler R, Ruepp B, Rabaglio M, Kassapian M, Karachaliou N, Tam R, Shames DS, Molina-Vila MA, Stahel RA; BELIEF collaborative group. Erlotinib and bevacizumab in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer and activating EGFR mutations (BELIEF): an international, multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 trial. Lancet Respir Med. 2017 May;5(5):435-444.
- Viñolas N, Garrido P, Isla D, Provencio M, Majem M, Artal A, Carcereny E, Garcia Campelo R, Lianes P, De La Peñas R, Felip E. Lung Cancer in Never-Smoking Women: A Sub-Analysis of the Spanish Female-Specific Database WORLD07. Cancer Invest. 2017 May 28;35(5):358-365.
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- Guillaumet-Adkins A, Rodríguez-Esteban G, Mereu E, Mendez-Lago M, Jaitin DA, Villanueva A, Vidal A, Martinez-Marti A, Felip E, Vivancos A, Keren-Shaul H, Heath S, Gut M, Amit I, Gut I, Heyn H. Single-cell transcriptome conservation in cryopreserved cells and tissues. Genome Biol. 2017 Mar 1;18(1):45.
- Yang JC, Ahn MJ, Kim DW, Ramalingam SS, Sequist LV, Su WC, Kim SW, Kim JH, Planchard D, Felip E, Blackhall F, Haggstrom D, Yoh K, Novello S, Gold K, Hirashima T, Lin CC, Mann H, Cantarini M, Ghiorghiu S, Jänne PA. Osimertinib in Pretreated T790M-Positive Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: AURA Study Phase II Extension Component. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Apr 20;35(12):1288-1296.
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- Manegold C, Dingemans AC, Gray JE, Nakagawa K, Nicolson M, Peters S, Reck M, Wu YL, Brustugun OT, Crinò L, Felip E, Fennell D, Garrido P, Huber RM, Marabelle A, Moniuszko M, Mornex F, Novello S, Papotti M, Pérol M, Smit EF, Syrigos K, van Meerbeeck JP, van Zandwijk N, Chih-Hsin Yang J, Zhou C, Vokes E. The Potential of Combined Immunotherapy and Antiangiogenesis for the Synergistic Treatment of Advanced NSCLC. J Thorac Oncol. 2017 Feb;12(2):194-207.
- Pembrolizumab versus Chemotherapy for PD-L1-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Reck M; Rodríguez-Abreu D; Robinson AG; Hui R; Csoszi T; Fülöp A; Gottfried M; Peled N; Tafreshi A; Cuffe S; O’Brien M; Rao S; Hotta K; Leiby MA; Lubiniecki GM; Shentu Y; Rangwala R; Brahmer JR; KEYNOTE-024 Investigators. 2016. N Engl J Med. 375: 1823-1833. IF:59,558
- Pembrolizumab versus docetaxel for previously treated, PD-L1-positive, advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (KEYNOTE-010): A randomised controlled trial.Herbst RS; Baas P; Kim DW; Felip E; Pérez-Gracia JL; Han JY; Molina J; Kim JH; Arvis CD; Ahn MJ; Majem M; Fidler MJ; de Castro G; Garrido M; Lubiniecki GM; Shentu Y; Im E; Dolled-Filhart M; Garon EB. 2016. Lancet. 387: 1540-1550. IF:44,002
- TG4010 immunotherapy and first-line chemotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (TIME): Results from the phase 2b part of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b/3 trial.Quoix E; Lena H; Losonczy G; Forget F; Chouaid C; Papai Z; Gervais R; Ottensmeier C; Szczesna A; Kazarnowicz A; Beck JT; Westeel V; Felip E; Debieuvre D; Madroszyk A; Adam J; Lacoste G; Tavernaro A; Bastien B; Halluard C; Palanché T; Limacher JM. 2016. Lancet Oncol. 17: 212-223. IF:26,509
- Activity and safety of ceritinib in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (ASCEND-1): updated results from the multicentre, open-label, phase 1 trial.Kim DW; Mehra R; Tan DS; Felip E; Chow LQ; Camidge DR; Vansteenkiste J; Sharma S; De Pas T; Riely GJ; Solomon BJ; Wolf J; Thomas M; Schuler M; Liu G; Santoro A; Sutradhar S; Li S; Szczudlo T; Yovine A; Shaw AT. 2016. Lancet Oncol. 17: 452-463. IF:26,509
- Intracranial efficacy of crizotinib versus chemotherapy in patients with advanced ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: Results from PROFILE 1014.Solomon BJ; Cappuzzo F; Felip E; Blackhall FH; Costa DB; Kim DW; Nakagawa K; Wu YL; Mekhail T; Paolini J; Tursi J; Usari T; Wilner KD; Selaru P; Mok TS. 2016. J Clin Oncol. 34: 2858-2865. IF:20,982
- Multicenter phase II study of whole-body and intracranial activity with ceritinib in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer previously treated with chemotherapy and crizotinib: Results from ASCEND-2.Crinò L; Ahn MJ; De Marinis F; Groen HJ; Wakelee H; Hida T; Mok T; Spigel D; Felip E; Nishio M; Scagliotti G; Branle F; Emeremni C; Quadrigli M; Zhang J; Shaw AT. 2016. J Clin Oncol. 34: 2866-2873. IF:20,982
- Phase III randomized trial of ipilimumab plus etoposide and platinum versus placebo plus etoposide and platinum in extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer.Reck, Martin; Luft, Alexander; Szczesna, Aleksandra; Havel, Libor; Kim, Sang-We; Akerley, Wallace; Pietanza, Maria Catherine; Wu, Yi-long; Zielinski, Christoph; Thomas, Michael; Felip, Enriqueta; Gold, Kathryn; Horn, Leora; Aerts, Joachim; Nakagawa, Kazuhiko; Lorigan, Paul; Pieters, Anne; Sanchez, Teresa Kong; Fairchild, Justin; Spigel, David. 2016. J Clin Oncol. 34: 3740-3748. IF:20,982
- Afatinib beyond progression in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer following chemotherapy, erlotinib/gefitinib and afatinib: Phase III randomized LUX-Lung 5 trial.Schuler M; Yang JC; Park K; Kim JH; Bennouna J; Chen YM; Chouaid C; De Marinis F; Feng JF; Grossi F; Kim DW; Liu X; Lu S; Strausz J; Vinnyk Y; Wiewrodt R; Zhou C; Wang B; Chand VK; Planchard D; LUX-Lung 5 Investigators. 2016. Ann Oncol. 27: 417-423.IF:9,269
- Systematic evaluation of pembrolizumab dosing in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.Chatterjee M; Turner DC; Felip E; Lena H; Cappuzzo F; Horn L; Garon EB; Hui R; Arkenau HT; Gubens MA; Hellmann MD; Dong D; Li C; Mayawala K; Freshwater T; Ahamadi M; Stone J; Lubiniecki GM; Zhang J; Im E; De Alwis DP; Kondic AG; Fløtten Ø. 2016. Ann Oncol. 27: 1291-1298. IF:9,269
- 141PD: Whole body and intracranial efficacy of ceritinib in patients (pts) with crizotinib (CRZ) pretreated, ALK-rearranged (ALK+) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and baseline brain metastases (BM): Results from ASCEND-1 and ASCEND-2 trials..Felip E; Crinò L; Kim DW; Spigel DR; Nishio M; Mok T; Scagliotti G; Cesic D; Sutradhar S; Shaw AT. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- 178P: Continuation of ceritinib beyond disease progression is associated with prolonged post-progression survival (PPS) in ALK+ NSCLC..Tan D; Liu G; Kim DW; Thomas M; Felip E; Signorovitch J; Zhang J; Szczudlo T; Shaw AT. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- 193TiP: CheckMate 171: A multicenter phase 2 trial of nivolumab (nivo) in patients (pts) with stage IIIB/IV squamous cell (SQ) NSCLC who have received =1 prior systemic treatment..Felip E; Van Meerbeeck J; Wolf J; Ardizzoni A; Li A; Srinivasan S; Popat S. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- Economic analysis of first-line treatment with erlotinib in an EGFR-mutated population with advanced NSCLC.Vergnenegre A; Massuti B; de Marinis F; Carcereny E; Felip E; Do P; Sanchez JM; Arez LP; Chouaid C; Rosell R; GECP; AIOT and GFPC groups. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. 11: 801-807. IF:5,040
- MINI01.01: Whole Body and Intracranial Efficacy of Ceritinib in ALK-inhibitor Naïve Patients with ALK+ NSCLC and Brain Metastases: Results of ASCEND 1 and 3: Topic: Medical Oncology..Shaw AT; Spigel DR; Tan DS; Kim DW; Mehra R; Orlov S; Park K; Yu CJ; Mok T; Nishio M; Scagliotti G; Sutradhar S; Cesic D; Felip E. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- ORAL01.04: Phase II Trial of Atezolizumab for Patients with PD-L1-Selected Advanced NSCLC (BIRCH): Updated Efficacy and Exploratory Biomarker Results: Topic: Medical Oncology..Wakelee H; Patel JD; Heist R; Balmanoukian A; Besse B; Felip E; Carcereny Costa E; Chow LQ; Koczywas M; Garassino MC; Christoph D; Toh CK; Johnson ML; Chaft J; Kurata T; Qiu J; Kowanetz M; Coleman S; Mocci S; Sandler A; Gettinger SN; Peters S. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- ESMO/ASCO recommendations for a Global Curriculum (GC) in medical oncology-edition 2016..Dittrich C; Kosty M; Jezdic S; Pyle D; Berardi R; Bergh J; El Saghir N; Lotz JP; Österlund P; Pavlidis N; Purkalne G; ESMO/ASCO Global Curriculum Working Group. 2016. Ann Oncol. 27: 1378-1381. IF:9,269
- P2.41 (also presented as PD1.06): Pembrolizumab vs Docetaxel for Previously Treated NSCLC (KEYNOTE-010): Archival vs New Tumor Samples for PD-L1 Assessment: Track: Immunotherapy..Herbst RS; Baas P; Perez-Gracia JL; Felip E; Kim DW; Han JY; Molina J; Kim JH; Arvis CD; Ahn MJ; Majem M; Fidler MJ; Surmont V; De Castro G; Garrido M; Shentu Y; Dolled-Filhart M; Im E; Garon EB. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- P2.39: Long-Term OS for Patients With Advanced NSCLC Enrolled in the KEYNOTE-001 Study of Pembrolizumab: Track: Immunotherapy..Ramalingam S; Hui R; Gandhi L; Carcereny E; Felip E; Ahn MJ; Eder JP; Balmanoukian AS; Leighl N; Aggarwal C; Horn L; Patnaik A; Middleton GW; Gubens M; Hellmann M; Soria JC; Lubiniecki GM; Zhang J; Piperdi B; Garon EB. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- P2.35: Nivolumab vs Docetaxel in Advanced NSCLC: CheckMate 017/057 2-Y Update and Exploratory Cytokine Profile Analysis: Track: Immunotherapy..Borghaei H; Brahmer J; Horn L; Ready N; Steins M; Felip E; Paz-Ares L; Xx X; Barlesi F; Antonia S; Fayette J; Rizvi N; Crino L; Reck M; Erich Eberhardt WE; Hellmann M; Desai K; Li A; Healey D; Spigel D; Mathias C. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- PD1.06 (also presented as P2.41): Pembrolizumab vs Docetaxel for Previously Treated NSCLC (KEYNOTE-010): Archival vs New Tumor Samples for PD-L1 Assessment..Herbst RS; Baas P; Perez-Gracia JL; Felip E; Kim DW; Han JY; Molina J; Kim JH; Arvis CD; Ahn MJ; Majem M; Fidler MJ; Surmont V; De Castro G; Garrido M; Shentu Y; Dolled-Filhart M; Im E; Garon EB. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- PS01.62: Long-Term Safety and Clinical Activity of Atezolizumab Monotherapy in Metastatic NSCLC: Final Results from a Phase Ia Study: Topic: Medical Oncology..Gordon MS; Herbst RS; Horn L; Soria JC; Gandhi L; Felip E; Sequist L; Spigel DR; Antonia SJ; Balmanoukian A; Cassier P; Liu B; Kowanetz M; O’Hear C; Fassò M; Sandler A; Gettinger SN. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- PS01.55: IMpower010: Phase III Study of Atezolizumab vs BSC After Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Completely Resected NSCLC: Topic: Medical Oncology..Vallieres E; Felip E; Altorki N; Zhou C; Zuo Y; Howland M; Xia F; Hoang T; Sandler A; Wakelee H. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. IF:5,040
- The IASLC Mesothelioma Staging Project: Proposals for Revisions of the N Descriptors in the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification for Pleural Mesothelioma..Rice D; Chansky K; Nowak A; Pass H; Kindler H; Shemanski L; Opitz I; Call S; Hasegawa S; Kernstine K; Atinkaya C; Rea F; Nafteux P; Rusch VW; Mesothelioma Domain of the IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee, advis. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. 11: 2100-2111. IF:5,040
- The IASLC Mesothelioma Staging Project: Improving Staging of a Rare Disease Through International Participation. Pass H; Giroux D; Kennedy C; Ruffini E; Cangir AK; Rice D; Asamura H; Waller D; Edwards J; Weder W; Hoffmann H; van Meerbeeck JP; Nowak A; Rusch VW; IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee, Advisory Boards and Participatin. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. 11: 2082-2088. IF:5,040
- The IASLC Mesothelioma Staging Project: Proposals for Revisions of the T Descriptors in the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification for Pleural Mesothelioma.Nowak AK; Chansky K; Rice DC; Pass HI; Kindler HL; Shemanski L; Billé A; Rintoul RC; Batirel HF; Thomas CF; Friedberg J; Cedres S; de Perrot M; Rusch VW; Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee, Advisory Boards and Participating Inst. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. 11: 2089-2099. IF:5,040
- The IASLC Mesothelioma Staging Project: Proposals for the M Descriptors and for Revision of the TNM Stage Groupings in the Forthcoming (Eighth) Edition of the TNM Classification for Mesothelioma..Rusch VW; Chansky K; Kindler HL; Nowak AK; Pass HI; Rice DC; Shemanski L; Galateau-Sallé F; McCaughan BC; Nakano T; Ruffini E; van Meerbeeck JP; Yoshimura M; IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee, advisory boards, and participati. 2016. J Thorac Oncol. 11: 2112-2119. IF:5,040
- Analysis of expression of PTEN/PI3 K pathway and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM).Cedrés S; Ponce-Aix S; Pardo-Aranda N; Navarro-Mendivil A; Martinez-Marti A; Zugazagoitia J; Sansano I; Montoro MA; Enguita A; Felip E. 2016. Lung Cancer. 96: 1-6. IF:3,767
- A randomized, double-blind, phase III study comparing two doses of erlotinib for second-line treatment of current smokers with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (CurrentS).Smit EF; Wu YL; Gervais R; Zhou C; Felip E; Feng J; Guclu SZ; Hoiczyk M; Dorokhova E; Freudensprung U; Grange S; Perez-Moreno PD; Mitchell L; Reck M. 2016. Lung Cancer. 99: 94-101. IF:3,767
- Immunotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer: report from an international experts panel meeting of the Italian association of thoracic oncology.Gridelli C; Ascierto PA; Barberis MC; Felip E; Garon EB; O’brien M; Senan S; Casaluce F; Sgambato A; Papadimitrakopoulou V; De Marinis F. 2016. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 16: 1479-1489. IF:3,438
- The Evolving Role of Nivolumab in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer for Second-Line Treatment: A New Cornerstone for Our Treatment Algorithms. Results from an International Experts Panel Meeting of the Italian Association of Thoracic Oncology.Gridelli C; Besse B; Brahmer JR; Crinò L; Felip E; de Marinis F. 2016. CLIN LUNG CANCER. 17: 161-168. IF:3,030
- Osimertinib Western and Asian clinical pharmacokinetics in patients and healthy volunteers: Implications for formulation, dose, and dosing frequency in pivotal clinical studies.Planchard D; Brown KH; Kim DW; Kim SW; Ohe Y; Felip E; Leese P; Cantarini M; Vishwanathan K; Jänne PA; Ranson M; Dickinson PA. 2016. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 77: 767-776. IF:2,824
- Lung cancer in women with a family history of cancer: The Spanish female-specific database WORLD07.Isla D; Felip E; Viñolas N; Provencio M; Majem M; Artal A; Bover I; Lianes P; DE Las Peñas R; Catot S; DE Castro J; Blasco A; Terrasa J; Gonzalez-Larriba JL; Juan O; Dómine M; Bernabe R; Garrido P. 2016. Anticancer Res. 36: 6647-6653. IF:1,895
- Thoracic oncology HERMES: European curriculum recommendations for training in thoracic oncology.Gamarra, F.; Noël, J.-L.; Brunelli, A.; Dingemans, A.-M.C.; Felip, E.; Gaga, M.; Grigoriu, B.D.; Hardavella, G.; Huber, R.M.; Janes, S.; Massard, G.; Putora, P.M.; Sculier, J.-P.; Schnabel, P.A.; Ramella, S.; Van Raemdonck, D.; Meert, A.-P.. 2016. Breathe. 12: 249-255.
- ESMO / ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Medical Oncology Edition 2016..Dittrich C; Kosty M; Jezdic S; Pyle D; Berardi R; Bergh J; El-Saghir N; Lotz JP; Österlund P; Pavlidis N; Purkalne G; Awada A; Banerjee S; Bhatia S; Bogaerts J; Buckner J; Cardoso F; Casali P; Chu E; Close JL; Coiffier B; Connolly R; Coupland S; De Petris L; De Santis M; de Vries EG; Dizon DS; Duff J; Duska LR; Eniu A; Ernstoff M; Felip E; Fey MF; Gilbert J; Girard N; Glaudemans AW; Gopalan PK; Grothey A; Hahn SM; Hanna D; Herold C; Herrstedt J; Homicsko K; Jones DV; Jost L; Keilholz U; Khan S; Kiss A; Köhne CH; Kunstfeld R; Lenz HJ; Lichtman S; Licitra L; Lion T; Litière S; Liu L; Loehrer PJ; Markham MJ; Markman B; Mayerhoefer M; Meran JG; Michielin O; Moser EC; Mountzios G; Moynihan T; Nielsen T; Ohe Y; Öberg K; Palumbo A; Peccatori FA; Pfeilstöcker M; Raut C; Remick SC; Robson M; Rutkowski P; Salgado R; Schapira L; Schernhammer E; Schlumberger M; Schmoll HJ; Schnipper L; Sessa C; Shapiro CL; Steele J; Sternberg CN; Stiefel F; Strasser F; Stupp R; Sullivan R; Tabernero J; Travado L; Verheij M; Voest E; Vokes E; Von Roenn J; Weber JS; Wildiers H; Yarden Y. 2016. ESMO Open.
- Herbst RS, Baas P, Kim DW, Felip E, Pérez-Gracia JL, Han JY, Molina J, Kim JH, Arvis CD, Ahn MJ, Majem M, Fidler MJ, de Castro G, Garrido M, Lubiniecki GM, Shentu Y, Im E, Dolled-Filhart M, Garon EB. Pembrolizumab versus docetaxel for previously treated, PD-L1-positive, advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (KEYNOTE-010): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2016 Apr; 387(10027): 1540-50
- Eberhardt WE, De Ruysscher D, Weder W, Le Péchoux C, De Leyn P, Hoffmann H, Westeel V, Stahel R, Felip E, Peters S. 2nd ESMO Consensus Conference in Lung Cancer: locally advanced stage III non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann. Oncol. 2015 Aug; 26(8): 1573-88
- Heigener DF, Pereira JR, Felip E, Mazal J, Manzyuk L, Tan EH, Merimsky O, Sarholz B, Esser R, Gatzemeier U. Weekly and every 2 weeks cetuximab maintenance therapy after platinum-based chemotherapy plus cetuximab as first-line treatment for non-small cell lung cancer: randomized non-comparative phase IIIb NEXT trial. Target Oncol 2015 Jun; 10(2): 255-65
- Felip E, Concha A, de Castro J, Gómez-Román J, Garrido P, Ramírez J, Isla D, Sanz J, Paz-Ares L, López-Ríos F. Biomarker testing in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a National Consensus of the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology. Clin Transl Oncol 2015 Feb; 17(2): 103-12
- Thress KS, Paweletz CP, Felip E, Cho BC, Stetson D, Dougherty B, Lai Z, Markovets A, Vivancos A, Kuang Y, Ercan D, Matthews SE, Cantarini M, Barrett JC, Janne PA, Oxnard GR. Acquired EGFR C797S mutation mediates resistance to AZD9291 in non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR T790M.Nat. Med. 2015 Jun; 21(6): 560-2
- De Mattos-Arruda L, Mayor R, Ng CK, Weigelt B, Martínez-Ricarte F, Torrejón D, Oliveira M, Arias A, Raventós C, Tang J, Guerini-Rocco E, Martínez-Sáez E, Lois S, Marín O, de la Cruz X, Piscuoglio S, Towers R, Vivancos A, Peg V, Ramón y Cajal S, Carles J, Rodón J, González-Cao M, Tabernero J, Felip E, Sahuquillo J, Berger MF, Cortes J, Reis-Filho JS, Seoane J. Cerebrospinal fluid-derived circulating tumour DNA better represents the genomic alterations of brain tumours than plasma. Nat Commun 2015; 6: 8839
- Prat A, Adamo B, Fan C, Peg V, Vidal M, Galván P, Vivancos A, Nuciforo P, Pálmer HG, Dawood S, Rodón J, Cajal SR, Campo JM, Felip E, Tabernero J, Cortes J. ERRATUM: Genomic Analyses across Six Cancer Types Identify Basal-like Breast Cancer as a Unique Molecular Entity. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 8179
- Janne PA, Yang JC, Kim DW, Planchard D, Ohe Y, Ramalingam SS, Ahn MJ, Kim SW, Su WC, Horn L, Haggstrom D, Felip E, Kim JH, Frewer P, Cantarini M, Brown KH, Dickinson PA, Ghiorghiu S, Ranson M. AZD9291 in EGFR inhibitor-resistant non-small-cell lung cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015 Apr; 372(18): 1689-99
- Karachaliou N, Codony-Servat J, Teixidó C, Pilotto S, Drozdowskyj A, Codony-Servat C, Giménez-Capitán A, Molina-Vila MA, Bertran-Alamillo J, Gervais R, Massuti B, Morán T, Majem M, Felip E, Carcereny E, Garcia-Campelo R, Viteri S, González-Cao M, Morales-Espinosa D, Verlicchi A, Crisetti E, Chaib I, Santarpia M, Luis Ramírez J, Bosch-Barrera J, Felipe Cardona A, de Marinis F, Lopez-Vivanco G, Miguel Sánchez J, Vergnenegre A, Sánchez Hernández JJ, Sperduti I, Bria E, Rosell R. BIM and mTOR expression levels predict outcome to erlotinib in EGFR-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 17499
- Borghaei H, Paz-Ares L, Horn L, Spigel DR, Steins M, Ready NE, Chow LQ, Vokes EE, Felip E, Holgado E, Barlesi F, Kohlhäufl M, Arrieta O, Burgio MA, Fayette J, Lena H, Poddubskaya E, Gerber DE, Gettinger SN, Rudin CM, Rizvi N, Crinò L, Blumenschein GR, Antonia SJ, Dorange C, Harbison CT, Graf Finckenstein F, Brahmer JR. Nivolumab versus Docetaxel in Advanced Nonsquamous Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015 Oct; 373(17): 1627-39
- Karachaliou N, Mayo-de las Casas C, Queralt C, de Aguirre I, Melloni B, Cardenal F, García-Gómez R, Massuti B, Sanchez JM, Porta R, Ponce-Aix S, Morán T, Carcereny E, Felip E, Bover I, Insa A, Reguart N, Isla D, Vergnenegre A, de Marinis F, Gervais R, Corre R, Paz-Ares L, Morales-Espinosa D, Viteri S, Drozdowskyj A, Jordana-Ariza N, Ramirez-Serrano JL, Molina-Vila MA, Rosell R. Association of EGFR L858R Mutation in Circulating Free DNA With Survival in the EURTAC Trial. JAMA Oncol 2015 May; 1(2): 149-57
- Soria JC, Felip E, Cobo M, Lu S, Syrigos K, Lee KH, Göker E, Georgoulias V, Li W, Isla D, Guclu SZ, Morabito A, Min YJ, Ardizzoni A, Gadgeel SM, Wang B, Chand VK, Goss GD. Afatinib versus erlotinib as second-line treatment of patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (LUX-Lung 8): an open-label randomised controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2015 Aug; 16(8): 897-907
- Vansteenkiste JF, Canon JL, Braud FD, Grossi F, De Pas T, Gray JE, Su WC, Felip E, Yoshioka H, Gridelli C, Dy GK, Thongprasert S, Reck M, Aimone P, Vidam GA, Roussou P, Wang YA, Di Tomaso E, Soria JC. Safety and Efficacy of Buparlisib (BKM120) in Patients with PI3K Pathway-Activated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Results from the Phase II BASALT-1 Study. J Thorac Oncol 2015 Sep; 10(9): 1319-27
- Garon EB, Rizvi NA, Hui R, Leighl N, Balmanoukian AS, Eder JP, Patnaik A, Aggarwal C, Gubens M, Horn L, Carcereny E, Ahn MJ, Felip E, Lee JS, Hellmann MD, Hamid O, Goldman JW, Soria JC, Dolled-Filhart M, Rutledge RZ, Zhang J, Lunceford JK, Rangwala R, Lubiniecki GM, Roach C, Emancipator K, Gandhi L. Pembrolizumab for the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015 May; 372(21): 2018-28
- Cedrés S, Ponce-Aix S, Zugazagoitia J, Sansano I, Enguita A, Navarro-Mendivil A, Martinez-Marti A, Martínez P, Felip E. Analysis of expression of programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). PLoS ONE 2015; 10(3): e0121071
- Cappuzzo F, Moro-Sibilot D, Gautschi O, Boleti E, Felip E, Groen HJ, Germonpré P, Meldgaard P, Arriola E, Steele N, Fox J, Schnell P, Engelsberg A, Wolf J. Management of crizotinib therapy for ALK-rearranged non-small cell lung carcinoma: an expert consensus. Lung Cancer 2015 Feb; 87(2): 89-95
- Dienstmann R, Rodón J, Prat A, Pérez-García J, Adamo B, Felip E, Cortes J, Iafrate AJ, Nuciforo P, Tabernero J. Genomic aberrations in the FGFR pathway: opportunities for targeted therapies in solid tumors. Ann. Oncol. 2014 Mar; 25(3): 552-63
- Remon J, Molina-Montes E, Majem M, Lianes P, Isla D, Garrido P, Felip E, Viñolas N, de Castro J, Artal A, Sánchez MJ. Lung cancer in women: an overview with special focus on Spanish women. Clin Transl Oncol 2014 Jun; 16(6): 517-28
- Martínez P, Martinez-Marti A, Navarro A, Cedrés S, Felip E. Molecular targeted therapy for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer: will it increase the cure rate? Lung Cancer 2014 May; 84(2): 97-100
- Janne PA, Cohen RB, Laird AD, Macé S, Engelman JA, Ruiz-Soto R, Rockich K, Xu J, Shapiro GI, Martínez P, Felip E. Phase I safety and pharmacokinetic study of the PI3K/mTOR inhibitor SAR245409 (XL765) in combination with erlotinib in patients with advanced solid tumors. J Thorac Oncol 2014 Mar; 9(3): 316-23
- Costa C, Molina MA, Drozdowskyj A, Giménez-Capitán A, Bertran-Alamillo J, Karachaliou N, Gervais R, Massuti B, Wei J, Morán T, Majem M, Felip E, Carcereny E, Garcia-Campelo R, Viteri S, Taron M, Ono M, Giannikopoulos P, Bivona T, Rosell R. The impact of EGFR T790M mutations and BIM mRNA expression on outcome in patients with EGFR-mutant NSCLC treated with erlotinib or chemotherapy in the randomized phase III EURTAC trial. Clin. Cancer Res. 2014 Apr; 20(7): 2001-10
- Besse B, Adjei A, Baas P, Meldgaard P, Nicolson M, Paz-Ares L, Reck M, Smit EF, Syrigos K, Stahel R, Felip E, Peters S. 2nd ESMO Consensus Conference on Lung Cancer: non-small-cell lung cancer first-line/second and further lines of treatment in advanced disease. Ann. Oncol. 2014 Aug; 25(8): 1475-84
- Shaw AT, Kim DW, Mehra R, Tan DS, Felip E, Chow LQ, Camidge DR, Vansteenkiste J, Sharma S, De Pas T, Riely GJ, Solomon BJ, Wolf J, Thomas M, Schuler M, Liu G, Santoro A, Lau YY, Goldwasser M, Boral AL, Engelman JA. Ceritinib in ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 2014 Mar; 370(13): 1189-97
- Peghin M, Ruiz-Camps I, Garcia-Vidal C, Cervera C, Andreu J, Martín M, Gavaldá J, Gudiol C, Moreno A, Felip E, Pahissa A. Unusual forms of subacute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with solid tumors. J. Infect. 2014 Oct; 69(4): 387-95
- Martínez P, Sales Fidalgo PA, Felip E. Ganitumab for the treatment of small-cell lung cancer. Expert Opin Investig Drugs 2014 Oct; 23(10): 1423-32
- Morán T, Felip E, Keedy V, Borghaei H, Shepherd FA, Insa A, Brown H, Fitzgerald T, Sathyanarayanan S, Reilly JF, Mauro D, Hsu K, Yan L, Johnson DH. Activity of dalotuzumab, a selective anti-IGF1R antibody, in combination with erlotinib in unselected patients with Non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase I/II randomized trial. Exp Hematol Oncol 2014; 3(1): 26
- Peters S, Weder W, Dafni U, Kerr KM, Bubendorf L, Meldgaard P, O’Byrne KJ, Wrona A, Vansteenkiste J, Felip E, Marchetti A, Savic S, Lu S, Smit E, Dingemans AM, Blackhall FH, Baas P, Camps C, Rosell R, Stahel RA. Lungscape: resected non-small-cell lung cancer outcome by clinical and pathological parameters. J Thorac Oncol 2014 Nov; 9(11): 1675-84
- Solomon BJ, Mok T, Kim DW, Wu YL, Nakagawa K, Mekhail T, Felip E, Cappuzzo F, Paolini J, Usari T, Iyer S, Reisman A, Wilner KD, Tursi J, Blackhall F. First-line crizotinib versus chemotherapy in ALK-positive lung cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 2014 Dec; 371(23): 2167-77
- Prat A, Adamo B, Fan C, Peg V, Vidal M, Galván P, Vivancos A, Nuciforo P, Pálmer HG, Dawood S, Rodón J, Cajal SR, Ramón y Cajal S, del Campo JM, Ramony Cajal S, Felip E, Tabernero J, Cortes J. Genomic analyses across six cancer types identify basal-like breast cancer as a unique molecular entity. Sci Rep 2013; 3: 3544
- Vansteenkiste J, De Ruysscher D, Eberhardt WE, Lim E, Senan S, Felip E, Peters S. Early and locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2013 Oct; 24 Suppl 6: vi89-98
- Serra V, Vivancos A, Puente XS, Felip E, Silberschmidt D, Caratù G, Parra JL, De Mattos-Arruda L, Grueso J, Hernandez-Losa J, Arribas J, Prudkin L, Nuciforo P, Scaltriti M, Seoane J, Baselga J. Clinical response to a lapatinib-based therapy for a Li-Fraumeni syndrome patient with a novel HER2V659E mutation. Cancer Discov 2013 Nov; 3(11): 1238-44
- Scagliotti GV, Felip E, Besse B, von Pawel J, Mellemgaard A, Reck M, Bosquee L, Chouaid C, Lianes-Barragán P, Paul EM, Ruiz-Soto R, Sigal E, Ottesen LH, Lechevalier T. An open-label, multicenter, randomized, phase II study of pazopanib in combination with pemetrexed in first-line treatment of patients with advanced-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2013 Dec; 8(12): 1529-37
- Cedrés S, Montero MA, Zamora E, Martínez A, Martínez P, Fariñas L, Navarro A, Torrejón D, Gabaldon A, Ramón y Cajal S, Felip E. Expression of Wilms’ tumor gene (WT1) is associated with survival in malignant pleural mesothelioma. Clin Transl Oncol 2013 Dec;
- Gamarra F, Boffetta P, De Ruysscher D, Felip E, Gaga M, Grigoriu B, Huber RM, Janes SM, Marquette CH, Massard G, Noel JL, Sculier JP, Meert AP. Thoracic Oncology HERMES syllabus: setting the basis for thoracic oncology training in Europe. Eur. Respir. J. 2013 Sep; 42(3): 568-71
- Stahel R, Peters S, Baas P, Brambilla E, Cappuzzo F, De Ruysscher D, Eberhardt WE, Felip E, Fennell D, Marchetti A, Paz-Ares L, Adjei AA. Strategies for improving outcomes in NSCLC: a look to the future.Lung Cancer 2013 Dec; 82(3): 375-82
- Camps C, Felip E, Garcia-Campelo R, Trigo JM, Garrido P. SEOM clinical guidelines for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) 2013. Clin Transl Oncol 2013 Dec; 15(12): 977-84
- Früh M, De Ruysscher D, Popat S, Crinò L, Peters S, Felip E. Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC): ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2013 Oct; 24 Suppl 6: vi99-105
- Reeder-Hayes K, Felip E, Patt D, Jaffee E. Women in oncology: progress, challenges, and keys to success.Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book 2013; : 448-55
- Mazieres J, Peters S, Lepage B, Cortot AB, Barlesi F, Beau-Faller M, Besse B, Blons H, Mansuet-Lupo A, Urban T, Moro-Sibilot D, Dansin E, Chouaid C, Wislez M, Diebold J, Felip E, Rouquette I, Milia JD, Gautschi O. Lung cancer that harbors an HER2 mutation: epidemiologic characteristics and therapeutic perspectives. J. Clin. Oncol. 2013 Jun; 31(16): 1997-2003
- Cedrés S, Fariñas L, Stejpanovic N, Martínez P, Martínez A, Zamora E, Montero MA, Felip E. Bone metastases with nerve root compression as a late complication in patient with epithelial pleural mesothelioma. J Thorac Dis 2013 Apr; 5(2): E35-7
- Martínez P, Hernandez-Losa J, Montero MA, Cedrés S, Castellví J, Martinez-Marti A, Tallada N, Murtra-Garrell N, Navarro-Mendivill A, Rodríguez-Freixinos V, Canela M, Ramón y Cajal S, Felip E. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry as diagnostic methods for ALK positive non-small cell lung cancer patients. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(1): e52261
- Felip E, Martinez-Marti A, Martínez P, Cedrés S, Navarro A. Adjuvant treatment of resected nonsmall cell lung cancer: state of the art and new potential developments. Curr Opin Oncol 2013 Mar; 25(2): 115-20
- Soria JC, Baselga J, Hannah A, Felip E, Calvo E, Armand JP, Harbison CT, Park JG, Zhang J, Pathak H, Herbst RS. Phase I-IIa study of BMS-690514, an EGFR, HER-2 and -4 and VEGFR-1 to -3 oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumours. Eur J Cancer 2013 May; 49(8): 1815-24
- Chan AT, Grégoire V, Lefebvre JL, Licitra L, Hui EP, Leung SF, Felip E. Nasopharyngeal cancer: EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2012 Oct; 23 Suppl 7: vii83-5
- Peters S, Adjei AA, Gridelli C, Reck M, Kerr K, Felip E. Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2012 Oct; 23 Suppl 7: vii56-64
- Felip E, Martínez P. Can sensitivity to cytotoxic chemotherapy be predicted by biomarkers? Ann. Oncol. 2012 Sep; 23 Suppl 10: x189-92
- Cedrés S, Torrejón D, Martínez A, Martínez P, Navarro A, Zamora E, Mulet-Margalef N, Felip E. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) as an indicator of poor prognosis in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Transl Oncol 2012 Nov; 14(11): 864-9
- Felip E, Martinez-Marti A. DNA repair protein expression in resected NSCLC: a different predictive value for platinum benefit in adenocarcinoma versus squamous-cell carcinoma? Ann. Oncol. 2012 Sep; 23(9): 2211-4
- Felip E, Ranson M, Cedrés S, Dean E, Brewster M, Martínez P, McNally V, Ross G, Galdermans D. A phase Ib, dose-finding study of erlotinib in combination with a fixed dose of pertuzumab in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer 2012 Nov; 13(6): 432-41
- Cedrés S, Mulet-Margalef N, Montero MA, Martínez P, Martínez A, Felip E. Rectal metastases from squamous cell carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature. Case Rep Med 2012; 2012: 947524
- Cedrés S, Montero MA, Martínez P, Martínez A, Rodríguez-Freixinos V, Torrejón D, Gabaldon A, Salcedo M, Ramón y Cajal S, Felip E. Exploratory analysis of activation of PTEN-PI3K pathway and downstream proteins in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Lung Cancer 2012 Jul; 77(1): 192-8
- Rosell R, Carcereny E, Gervais R, Vergnenegre A, Massuti B, Felip E, Palmero R, García-Gómez R, Pallarés C, Sanchez JM, Porta R, Cobo M, Garrido P, Longo F, Morán T, Insa A, de Marinis F, Corre R, Bover I, Illiano A, Dansin E, de Castro J, Milella M, Reguart N, Altavilla G, Jiménez U, Provencio M, Moreno MA, Terrasa J, Muñoz-Langa J, Valdivia J, Isla D, Domine M, Molinier O, Mazieres J, Baize N, Garcia-Campelo R, Robinet G, Rodriguez-Abreu D, Lopez-Vivanco G, Gebbia V, Ferrera-Delgado L, Bombaron P, Bernabe R, Bearz A, Artal A, Cortesi E, Rolfo C, Sánchez-Ronco M, Drozdowskyj A, Queralt C, de Aguirre I, Ramirez JL, Sanchez JJ, Molina MA, Taron M, Paz-Ares L. Erlotinib versus standard chemotherapy as first-line treatment for European patients with advanced EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (EURTAC): a multicentre, open-label, randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2012 Mar; 13(3): 239-46
- Martínez P, Felip E. Brain metastases: the need for a more tailored approach in non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Clin Transl Oncol 2012 Jan; 14(1): 1-2
- Dienstmann R, De Dosso S, Felip E, Tabernero J. Drug development to overcome resistance to EGFR inhibitors in lung and colorectal cancer. Mol Oncol 2012 Feb; 6(1): 15-26
- Laskin J, Crinò L, Felip E, Franke F, Gorbunova V, Groen H, Jiang GL, Reck M, Schneider CP. Safety and efficacy of first-line bevacizumab plus chemotherapy in elderly patients with advanced or recurrent nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer: safety of avastin in lung trial (MO19390). J Thorac Oncol 2012 Jan; 7(1): 203-11
- Viñolas N, Provencio M, Reguart N, Cardenal F, Alberola V, Sánchez-Torres JM, Barón FJ, Cobo M, Maestu I, Moreno I, Mesía C, Izquierdo A, Felip E, López-Brea M, Márquez A, Sánchez-Ronco M, Taron M, Santarpia MC, Rosell R. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in MDR1 gen correlates with outcome in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with cisplatin plus vinorelbine. Lung Cancer 2011 Feb; 71(2): 191-8
- Stahel R, Thatcher N, Früh M, Le Péchoux C, Postmus PE, Sorensen JB, Felip E. 1st ESMO Consensus Conference in lung cancer; Lugano 2010: small-cell lung cancer. Ann. Oncol. 2011 Sep; 22(9): 1973-80
- Gridelli C, Stahel R, Besse B, Ciardiello F, Felip E, Gasparini S, Graziano P, Rossi A, de Marinis F. Treatment decision-making for advanced non-small cell lung cancer and differences among European countries: 1st AIOT-ETOP meeting. Lung Cancer 2011 Dec; 74(3): 544-8
- Carbone DP, Felip E. Adjuvant therapy in non-small cell lung cancer: future treatment prospects and paradigms. Clin Lung Cancer 2011 Sep; 12(5): 261-71
- Dienstmann R, Felip E. Necitumumab in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer: translation from preclinical to clinical development. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2011 Sep; 11(9): 1223-31
- Cedrés S, Nuñez I, Longo M, Martínez P, Checa E, Torrejón D, Felip E. Serum tumor markers CEA, CYFRA21-1, and CA-125 are associated with worse prognosis in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Clin Lung Cancer 2011 May; 12(3): 172-9
- Felip E, Gridelli C, Baas P, Rosell R, Stahel R. Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: consensus on pathology and molecular tests, first-line, second-line, and third-line therapy: 1st ESMO Consensus Conference in Lung Cancer; Lugano 2010. Ann. Oncol. 2011 Jul; 22(7): 1507-19
- Dienstmann R, Martínez P, Felip E. Personalizing therapy with targeted agents in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncotarget 2011 Mar; 2(3): 165-77
- Reck M, Hermes A, Tan EH, Felip E, Klughammer B, Baselga J. Tissue sampling in lung cancer: a review in light of the MERIT experience. Lung Cancer 2011 Oct; 74(1): 1-6
- Altorki N, Lane ME, Bauer T, Lee PC, Guarino MJ, Pass H, Felip E, Peylan-Ramu N, Gurpide A, Grannis FW, Mitchell JD, Tachdjian S, Swann RS, Huff A, Roychowdhury DF, Reeves A, Ottesen LH, Yankelevitz DF. Phase II proof-of-concept study of pazopanib monotherapy in treatment-naive patients with stage I/II resectable non-small-cell lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 2010 Jul; 28(19): 3131-7
- Felip E, Rosell R, Maestre JA, Rodríguez-Paniagua JM, Morán T, Astudillo J, Alonso G, Borro JM, González-Larriba JL, Torres A, Camps C, Guijarro R, Isla D, Aguiló R, Alberola V, Padilla J, Sánchez-Palencia A, Sanchez JJ, Hermosilla E, Massuti B. Preoperative chemotherapy plus surgery versus surgery plus adjuvant chemotherapy versus surgery alone in early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 2010 Jul; 28(19): 3138-45
- Tan EH, Ramlau R, Pluzanska A, Kuo HP, Reck M, Milanowski J, Au JS, Felip E, Yang PC, Damyanov D, Orlov S, Akimov M, Delmar P, Essioux L, Hillenbach C, Klughammer B, McLoughlin P, Baselga J. A multicentre phase II gene expression profiling study of putative relationships between tumour biomarkers and clinical response with erlotinib in non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann. Oncol. 2010 Feb; 21(2): 217-22
- Reck M, Frickhofen N, Cedrés S, Gatzemeier U, Heigener D, Fuhr HG, Thall A, Lanzalone S, Stephenson P, Ruiz-Garcia A, Chao R, Felip E. Sunitinib in combination with gemcitabine plus cisplatin for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a phase I dose-escalation study. Lung Cancer 2010 Nov; 70(2): 180-7
- Crinò L, Weder W, van Meerbeeck J, Felip E. Early stage and locally advanced (non-metastatic) non-small-cell lung cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2010 May; 21 Suppl 5: v103-15
- D’Addario G, Früh M, Reck M, Baumann P, Klepetko W, Felip E. Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2010 May; 21 Suppl 5: v116-9
- Stahel RA, Weder W, Lievens Y, Felip E. Malignant pleural mesothelioma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2010 May; 21 Suppl 5: v126-8
- Grégoire V, Lefebvre JL, Licitra L, Felip E. Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2010 May; 21 Suppl 5: v184-6
- Chan AT, Grégoire V, Lefebvre JL, Licitra L, Felip E. Nasopharyngeal cancer: EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2010 May; 21 Suppl 5: v187-9
- Cedrés S, Prat A, Martínez P, Pallisa E, Sala G, Andreu J, del Campo JM, Quispe I, Baselga J, Felip E. Clinical surrogate markers of survival in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with second-third line erlotinib. Lung Cancer 2009 Nov; 66(2): 257-61
- Muñoz E, Cedrés S, Felip E. Rare tumours of the chest. Eur. J. Cancer 2009 Sep; 45 Suppl 1: 400-1
- Felip E, Garrido P, Trigo JM, López-Brea M, Paz-Ares L, Provencio M, Isla D. SEOM guidelines for the management of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Clin Transl Oncol 2009 May; 11(5): 284-9
- Sørensen M, Felip E. Small-cell lung cancer: ESMO clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2009 May; 20 Suppl 4: 71-2
- Felip E, Rojo F, Reck M, Heller A, Klughammer B, Sala G, Cedrés S, Peralta S, Maacke H, Foernzler D, Parera M, Möcks J, Saura C, Gatzemeier U, Baselga J. A phase II pharmacodynamic study of erlotinib in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer previously treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. Clin. Cancer Res. 2008 Jun; 14(12): 3867-74
- Chan AT, Felip E. Nasopharyngeal cancer: ESMO clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2008 May; 19 Suppl 2: ii81-2
- Pivot X, Felip E. Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: ESMO clinical Recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2008 May; 19 Suppl 2: ii79-80
- Stahel RA, Weder W, Felip E. Malignant pleural mesothelioma: ESMO clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2008 May; 19 Suppl 2: ii43-4
- D’Addario G, Felip E. Non-small-cell lung cancer: ESMO clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2008 May; 19 Suppl 2: ii39-40
- Briasoulis E, Pavlidis N, Felip E. Cancers of unknown primary site: ESMO clinical recommendation for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann. Oncol. 2008 May; 19 Suppl 2: ii106-7
- Felip E. Small-cell lung cancer: ESMO clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Ann. Oncol. 2007 Apr; 18 Suppl 2: ii32-3
- Title: Investigating Sex-Based Biomarkers and Molecular Profiles for Predicting Response to BiTEs Therapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer. Funded by: ICAPEM. 15/12/2024-15/12/2026. PI: Pedro Rocha. Project Director: Enriqueta Felip
- Title: PREDICT-Meso: PRE-malignant Drivers Combined with Target-Drug validation in Mesothelioma” Coordinator: Kevin Blyth – University of Glasgow. Partner: Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). Principal Investigator: Susana Cedrés. Grantor: Cancer Research UK (CRUK) / AECC Scientific Foundation. 2019 – 2022.
- Inestabilidad cromosòmica e infiltración immune del tumor como factores determinantes del potencial metastásico en cáncer de pulmón.
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS – ISCIII). PI20/00987. 2021 – 2023. PI: Enriqueta Felip. - Ayudas para contratos Juan de la Cierva-Formación convocatoria 2020.
Entitat Finançadora: Agencia Estatal de Investigación.Durada: 2022 – 2023. PI: Enriqueta Felip. - A Machine learning approach to Identify patients with resected non-small-cell lung cancer with high risk of relapse (MIRACLE).
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS – ISCIII). 2022 – 2024. PI: Enriqueta Felip. - Integrative science, Intelligent data platform for Individualized LUNG cancer care with Immunotherapy Horizon Europe – European Commission 101057695. 2022 – 2026. PI: Enriqueta Felip.
- Diseccionando el papel de las alteraciones en el número de copia como biomarcador molecular en NSCLC avanzado.
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS – ISCIII).PI22/01585. 2023 – 2025. - Wnt/beta-catenin pathway activation in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: implications in resistance to immunotherapy and novel therapeutic strategies. Grantor: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). Ref: PI17/00938. 2018 – 2021.
- Ajut per donar suport a les activitats dels grups de recerca (SGR). Grantor: AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris – Generalitat de Catalunya). Ref: 2017 SGR 1738. 2018 – 2021.
- Non-invasive prognostic markers for Resected Early-STage NSCLC: role of circulatING and exosomal miRNAs and free circulating DNA (RESTING). Coordinator: Paola Ulivi– IRST-IRCCS Partner 2: Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). Principal Investigator: Enriqueta Felip. Grantor: ERA-NET Transcan 2017. Ref: TRANSCAN-084. 2018 – 2022.
- Inestabilidad cromosòmica e infiltración immune del tumor como factores determinantes del potencial metastásico en cáncer de pulmón. Grantor: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). Ref: PI20/00987. 2021 – 2024.
- Title: AI-BASED PERSONALISED CARE FOR RESPIRATORY DISEASE USING MULTI-MODAL DATA IN PATIENT STRATIFICATION – AI4LUNG. Grantor: European Commission. Ref: 101080756. Duration: 01/01/2024-30/06/2028. PI: Enriqueta Felip